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Jiyoo gathered up all his information about Jisung and kept them all in a file.

"Lives on xxxx, xxxx uni, full name is Han Jisung, always goes to a cafe after school... I think that's enough information today. I'll tell the boss about it" Jiyoo grabbed his bag and looked at the time. "He's at the cafe now"


Jiyoo hid in the bushes as he carefully observed Jisung. Now he knew what he always orders after watching him come every day.

Once Jisung ordered he took out the strawberry cheesecake from a box and injected something in it to make him pass out.

When Jisungs food arrived Jiyoo walked into the cafe and switched the cheesecakes when Jisung wasn't looking.

Jisung started eating the cheesecake without any problems even when it finished.

What?! He finished the whole cheesecake without passing out?!  Dammit. I'll just go for it

Once Jisung left the cafe and walked into a place nobody could see them like he always did Jiyoo rushed out and quickly placed his hand on Jisungs mouth and pulled him closer.

"look here. Your gonna listen to what I say and-" Before Jiyoo could say anything else Jisung grabbed his hand and twisted his wrist and elbowed Jiyoo with his other hand.

It wasn't enough to make Jiyoo fall tho. His wrist hurt badly but he could care less at that moment. Before he knew it Jisung had already positioned himself into a fighting position and kicked him in the dick. But that was nothing compared to what Jiyoo has gone through.

He grabbed a gun from his pocket and quickly grabbed Jisung by the neck and pointed the gun at his head.

"C'mon Jisung. Wait! No... Peter. Come back we need you in this group! We'll even double the pay"

At this point, Jiyoo was about to pull the trigger if Jisung didn't agree to come back.

Before Jisung could answer Minho came running in once he heard the sound of fighting.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" Minho ran up to them only to be stopped halfway by Jiyoos words.

"Come any closer or ill shoot him" 

Without hesitation, Minho stepped forward walking towards the two of them after trusting Jisung on this one.

Jiyoo pulled the trigger but for some reason. "No bullets?! What the hell!" Jiyoo let go of Jisung and started hitting the gun against his hand in disbelief since he remembered loading up his gun this morning.

"Yaaa. Soo. While you were too busy thinking of your life choices I took out the bullets of your gun" Jisung reached into his pocket and pulled out 7 bullets. Jiyoos jaw dropped in shock.

Impossible! Jiyoo thought. He knew Jisung was good at fighting but he didn't know he was this good!

Jiyoo quickly ran out before anything could go too far leaving a shocked Minho and a happy Jisung.

Turns out while Jiyoo was too busy talking Jisung gave out a sign to Minho that he had to believe him and just step forward. And for that one time, he trusted him.

"See! Trusting me never leads to anything bad!" Jisung said as he rubbed his neck.

"What the fuck Jisung?!" Minho ran up to Jisung pushing his hands off his neck starting at all the bruises on his neck.

"What the fuck! Are you okay?!" Minho said concerned as he hugged Jisung tight.

"I'm fine! I'm perfectly fine. And it's just a small bruise" Jisung tried to reassure him.

"It's not just a small bruise Jisung. Cmon let's go" Minho dragged Jisung out.

"Go where?!"

"You'll see"

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