17 Caught

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"I hate you"

"Yeah yeah now get in there and pretend to be my boyfriend so we can get this over" Eui rolled his eyes and then dragged Jisung to the mansion.

"You must be Eui! Come in come in..." A man that was wearing all black with his face covered said as he waited outside the house for them.

Jisung and Eui walked into the house with the man following behind them.

"I'll be excused..." Eui said as he walked to the bathroom.

"Wait! What?!" Jisung almost shouted out as he looked at the man and Eui in a panic.

"Don't worry. Come follow me to your room" The man grabbed Jisungs wrist and started dragging him to the basement.

Jisung could fight him off but Eui said this was what he was gonna do so he just letter him drag him around.

The man then threw Jisung into the basement and locked the door behind him once he also got in.

The man then walked up to Jisung and grabbed him by the collar pulling him up until his feet were just dangling in the air.

He took out a gun and pointed it at Jisungs head.

Jisung once again did nothing since Eui said this was just part of the plan and to not do anything and just act weak.

"Why aren't you screaming?! Your about to die right here!" The man said in surprise that Jisung was not fazed.

"Fuck you" Jisung spat at his shoes.

"Okay, that's it. Say bye to the world"

"I was waiting to die anyway" Jisung rolled his eyes as he closed his eyes ready to get shot.

Suddenly water was sprayed at his head getting him soaked.

"Hey! What the fuck!!" Jisung started coughing as some water got in his mouth and she swallowed it accidentally.

The man ruffled Jisungs hair and then put him back down on the floor.

He took the hoodie and the mask revealing that it was just Chan.

"Wait...WHAT?! CHAN?" Jisung shouted out in surprise as tears slowly came down from his eyes.

Chan pulled the younger into an embrace and started crying too.

"I thought I lost you that night Sung...Dont ever go out alone that late at night ever again" Chan scolded the younger while crying

"B-b-but how..?" Jisung stuttered as he hid his face in the crook of Chan's neck.

"simple. I knew why they needed you so I killed that man first and took his place to lure you guys in and I already found out about Eui's plan" Chan said as he shrugged explaining it like it was so easy (it was easy)

Suddenly they heard gunshots from upstairs.

"W-wait what's happening ?!" Jisung said as he was about to run upstairs in shock.

"oh yeah, Minhos taking care of him" Chan smiled and then walked upstairs with Jisung.

"Hey dude. Eui isn't that smart after all. He completely fell for my trick and passed out. Also, I may or may have not shot him to death because I was mad at him..." Minho threw the bag with Euis's body down the stairs and it almost hit Chan and knocked him over.

"Minho! I told you just to drug him not kill him!" Chan said as he glared at Minho in disbelief.

"Great now we have to clean up the blood and throw the body away. GREAT GOING MINHO" Chan growled as he walked upstairs getting the mop and cleaning the blood

"Go bury him or something. Also when I get home I expect you to bury all the bodies in the dumpster. Talking to you Jisung" Chan shouted out from upstairs

"Aw, man! But I just got kidnapped!!" Jisung whined as Minho stared at him with love-struck eyes adoring him.

"Yes and you got kidnapped because of your stupidity so go. Now" Chan ordered.

"Fine! Minho let's go" Jisung walked behind him and grabbed Minhos collar dragging him and the bag away.


"Jisung? Where the hell are you" Minho sighed as he started looking everywhere for Jisung.

"Uhhh help?" Jisung shouted out.

Minho looked down into a very deep hole and chuckled seeing the younger stuck down deep in the hole.

"Why'd you dig so far down?" Minho laughed as he threw down a rope for Jisung to climb up.

"I was just digging and when I looked up I dug too far down," Jisung said as he grabbed the rope and started to climb his way up

"MINHO! JISUNG?! HURRY AND HIDE" Chan shouted out as he threw the rope away and pushed Minho into the hole while jumping inside too.

Jisung fell first and Minho fell on top of him then Chan.

"Urghh! Chan what the fu-" Minho groaned but was soon cut off by Chan's hand covering his mouth.

"Shut up if you don't wanna be caught" Chan whispered to Minho.

"Can you guys get off me y'all are pretty heavy you know" Jisung whispered and rolled his eyes as the two others got off him trying not to make as much sound possible.

Soon they heard sirens and a lot of running towards they're direction.
"I FOUND THEM!!" a cop shouted out as he peeked into the hole and saw them.

"Ahh we're fucked"

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