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<< No one POV>>

"Eating with emo dude was amazing Hyunjin!" Jisung said skipping around the hallways with Hyunjin beside him

"Ji. Did you even have lunch?" Hyunjin said slightly concerned.

"Hmm... No, but I did take one bite out of the sandwich!" Jisung happily said without even thinking of lying to his best friend.

Hyunjin sighed and walked in front of Josung making him stop in his tracks.

"Jisung look. You have to stop giving away your food. You'll end up starving if you keep giving it away! Not to guys you don't eat dinner or breakfast" Hyunjin was seriously concerned for his best friend.

"I know... But..."

"Enough is enough Jisung" Hyunjin sighed and looked at his best friend right in the eye before beginning to walk off. "I'll get going now... You should too"

Jisung saw Hyunjin walk off in disappointment. He felt like he wanted to cry. He didn't want to disappoint the older. Plus he felt guilty for Hyunjin having to scold him over and over again.

But this time... It looked like he was really mad.

Jisung turned around and rushed for the bathroom the second he felt something wet fall down his cheek. Stop being so fucking over dramatic Jisung!

Jisung arrived at the bathroom and sighed in relief since there was no one there.

He washed his face and suddenly felt something change. He remembered.

Minho hasn't been replying to his messages for over a week.

Damn, and I thought I would finally have a nice friend that wasn't Hyunjin.


Jisung quickly looked behind him to see Minho standing there. "Are you alright..?" Minho asked concerned why Jisung ran into the bathroom

Ahh shit

He turned around to face Minho and smiled at him hoping this will make it look like he was finer than ever. "Yes! Thank you for asking! I'm perfectly fine"

Minho sighed as he looked at Jisungs face. "Jisong it's okay to say no. I'm not a fool to believe your okay" Minho stepped closer brushing a strand of hair off Jisungs face.

"No, really I'm fine. And my name is Jisung, not Jisong" Jisung giggled

Minhos face flushed red in embarrassment from getting Jisungs name wrong.

"Don't worry I used to call you 'emo dude' before the teacher called your name in class" Jisung winked playfully

"Wow, you bounce back really quickly. For a second there you were crying and now you're playing around" Minho rolled his eyes smirking at Jisung who was trying to deny that he was crying just now

"I should get going now. Class is gonna start soon" Jisung walked out of the bathroom and started running to his class.

Hmm. Jisung. That's cute


The last class ended and everyone immediately packed their things and rushed through the door to start their holidays since it was Friday.

Jisung walked out of the class after everyone else did since he didn't like crowded places. Hyunjin was waiting for him beside the door. Like always.

"I thought you were mad at me?" Jisung said side-eyeing the older.

"C'mon Ji. You know I can't stay mad at you forever! Now let's go eat something. You're probably starving!" Hyunjin said ruffling the younger hair

"Let's go to the cafe you always go to after school!" Hyunjin smiled at the younger then started dragging him out.


"I love this cafe!" Jisung started petting a cat that had shopped on his lap earlier.

"Why. Is it because this is a cat cafe" Hyunjin rolled his eyes

"You know me so well!" Jisung said placing his hand on his heart dramatically.

"Welcome Jisung! And uhh... Who are you?" a guy that looked 3 years older than them approached them.

"Oh hi, Jeongin!" Jisung said as he engulfed Jeongin in a big embrace.

"Oh yeah uhm this is Hyunjin. Hyunjin this is Jeongin and he's the owner of this cafe and my friend. And he's one year younger than me" Jisung said introducing the two.

Hyunjins jaw dropped as he looked at Jeongin up and down. "HE'S YOUNGER THAN US?!"

"Everyone has the same reaction! It's offensive!" Jeongin wiped a fake tear off his face dramatically.

"Jeez sorry"

Jisung and Hyunjin ordered their food and waited for it. Once they got the food they ate, paid, and left.

"Jinnie! Why didn't you let me pay for MY food?!" Josumg shouted out feeling guilty that the older had to pay for him

"C'mon ill pay you back... Just not with money. How about a piggyback ride?" Hyunjin said smiling at the younger. He hadn't given Jisung a piggyback ride since high school

"What?! No! I'm not a child" Jisung said rolling his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Cmon! I know you love it!" Hyunjin begged.

"... Fine"

Hyunjin slightly crouched and Jisung immediately hopped on his back. Hyunjin quickly grabbed his legs before he would fall

"I feel as tall as ever!" Jisung shouted out as his eyes sparkled looking around at everything around him. This must be what its like to be tall. He thought.

Hyunjin chuckled and started walking home. To Jisungs home of course.


"Dammit. I lost them. If I can just get my hands on that kid ill be a millionaire!" Jiyoo said as he had always dreamt of being rich.

"I'll just have to try again... Tomorrow... Or the day after tomorrow... I don't care if it takes forever I will get my revenge and I will be rich..."

Jiyoo got out of hiding in the bushes and started taking pictures of the cafe

He started writing in a notebook.

'He goes to the cat cafe near the school every day after school'

He closed his book and started walking off

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