16 Mission

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Jisung woke up in the same room he did last night but instead, he was handcuffed to a pole and his clothes were changed into bigger and comfier clothes.

He looked down at his new clothes and almost gagged at the thought that Eui changed him into his clothes.

But the clothes were quite nice and cute tho. He still 'hated' being called cute.

But he loved these clothes.

"Ah Hannie your awake!" Eui smiled as he walked into the room with a tray of food placing the food tray on the ground and sitting down in front of Jisung

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"Ah Hannie your awake!" Eui smiled as he walked into the room with a tray of food placing the food tray on the ground and sitting down in front of Jisung.

"You like your clothes? I picked it out just for you but I decided to pick it out two sizes bigger than yours since I remember you loved stealing and wearing my clothes" Eui smirked.

"Oh yeah wait" Eui reached from behind and took off the gag and Jisung immediately tried to bite him.

"Won't there! What a feisty kitten!" Eui chuckled

"Let me go you fucking asshole!! And I hate these clothes!" Jisung was off lying but he hated Eui so why should he like whatever HE gives him?

"C'mon now stop complaining and eat" Eui took the spoon out of the soup bowl he brought and aligned it to Jisungs mouth.

"I'm not hungry! And how do I know you're not trying to poison me?!" Jisung glared at him. But unfortunately, his stomach betrayed him and decided to growl

"You are hungry. And I need you to have full energy because we're gonna put you on a mission after this" Eui shoved the spoon into Jisungs mouth.


"And if you don't eat... I don't know... Maybe I'll put you into a room with only those four guys you hate so much and I don't know what they'll do to you..." Eui smirked as he sees Jisungs terrified face.

Jisung quickly swallows the soup and Eui takes another spoonful and continues to feed him.

"Okay done! Now let's go get you ready for your mission! But if you even try and escape maybe the next time I capture you you aren't gonna be with me. Your gonna be with them" Eui said as he uncuffed Jisungs hands smiling as Jisungs nods sadly.

Eui picks up Jisung bridal style and caries him out of the room.

Please don't do anything stupid Chan

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