26 Surprise! And Back To School

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"Everyone I have an announcement" Chan happily said as everyone gathered to the room and sat down.

"After Jisung sneaked out last night to save Minho. Those shits are finally leaving us alone! I made an agreement with the police and now we will just kill criminals. Don't ask me how they allowed that" Chan threw confetti into the air as he stood in his chair waiting for everyones reaction to freedom.

"What? Really? No wonder Minho's here. I wanted to question but I thought I was just dreaming" Jeongin said as he rubbed his head with the palm of his hand.

"Yes and I really think Minho and Jisung should stop skipping class now because if they don't get ready now they're gonna get expelled" Chan said as he smiled watching the two rush out of the room upstairs and into they're bedrooms.


"Why didn't you go already?! I told you to just go without me!" Jisung said as he ran down the stairs bag in his hands.

Minho smiled as he got up picking up his bag that was next to him then ran to the door and opened it signalling Jisung to hurry up.

Jisung groaned at this royal behaviour then just walked or some say ran all the way to school together.

On the way Jisung questioned. "Why the hell did you wait for me? If you just went I'll only be late and you would be on time"

"Well... If I'm gonna be late I rather be late with you" Minho smiled at Jisung lovingly as they ran.

Jisung slightly blushed at Minho's smile. If anything in the world. Minho's smile was his favourite thing.

Jisung started mumbling things as he kept his head down to hide the blush but still looking on the ground in case he trips over something.

"Why? Shy?" Minho giggled at the youngers cuteness.

"Shut up" Jisung mumbled then started running faster and further than Minho.

"Hey! Wait up!" Minho started running faster too.

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