25 Freedom

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"Hey. Hey! Dude, I'm hungry as hell!!" Minho shouted out to the guard at the door smirking as he saw his annoyed face.

"Then starve bitch!" The guard finally snapped and kicked Minhos chin.

"Ow that hurt babe!" Minho joked around.

He kicked him in the stomach one last time before going back to the door guarding.

"I'm bored"



"Felix did you get Minhos location yet!" Jisung asked desperately wanting to just save Minho right then and there.

"Yes but you'll have to wait till tomorrow to get him," Felix said strictly.

"Ughhh. Fine" Jisung groaned and walked out of the room


2: 46 am

"Jisung are you sure about this? No. Do you wanna save the love of your life? Yes. So get your shit together because your right infront of the house!" Jisung shouted to himself as he finally un frozed and realised he was really infront of the house where Minho was being kept in.

" Okay.... I can do this...." Jisung quietly snuck into the house without a plan. Actually his plan was just to find Minho and run for it since he could never out smart Yujin.

He carefully and quietly walked around the house until he stopped at a door with many locks and chains on it.

No... Yujin wouldn't be stupid enough to make the room this obvious... Or maybe it's because he is...

Jisung thought about his decision to open the door or not.

But soon he decided to and started picking all the locks but do you know what ended up for him?

Being thrown into the same room as Minho hands tied up to the back.

"Sung?" Minho called out once he saw Jisungs face.

"Oh hi Minho!" Jisung smiled.

"oh and hi slut!" The guard sarcastically said and kicked Jisung to the floor making him fall on the floor face first.

Jisung couldn't do anything since his hands were tied up behind him.

"Ow that hurts baby" Jisung joked and giggled.

"God your just like him!" The guard groaned.

He then looked over to Minho and noticed how he was staring at Jisung. Love struck eyes.

He chuckled and realised. "Ohh. Looks like you like to adorable boy?" The guard chuckled as he picked up Jisung by his tied hands and pulled him closer to his body.

"What would you ever do if something so harsh happen to his precious body hmm?" the guard pressed his body harder against Jisung.

Minho's eyes widened. "Wait! No! Please don't do anything to him" Minho cried out desperately.

"Well to bad because you pissed me off for long enough! Bye bye pretty boy" the guard smirked as he carried Jisung out of the room.

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