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"Which dagger do you want? That old one looks rusty and disgusting" Chan said while gagging as he looked at it.

"You still keep these?!" Jisung was in awe as he saw the whole room was filled with all kinds of weapons. He started wandering around excited to choose his new weapon.

"I told you that I was a collector- DO NOT TOUCH THAT" Chan only then realized the younger male reaching out for the sharpest dagger he has.

Jisung turned around and shooked but seeing Chan's worried face made him smirk.

He grabbed the dagger of his stand and softly swiped it against his finger making a quite deep cut and smiling as he saw the blood drip down.

"Hyung~ I want this one," Jisung said as he gave Chan puppy eyes.

"Fine but you have to be careful- JISUNG WHAT THE HELL" He rushed forward grabbing Jisungs finger and observing it.

"If your gonna have this dagger you better be careful.

"Thanks, Channie~ also I'm going home now"

"But I'm what about your finger- and he's gone" Chan sighed as he sat down on the couch and looked at the date. I can't cover up for you for lone Jisung. You better be ready then...


"Why are you late on the first day of work?!" Jeongin said disappointed in his new employee.

"I'm sorry! I was just up late at night... Texting..." Minho said as he slowly started rubbing behind his neck at the last part.

"Just get to work bitch" Jeongin rolled his eyes.

"Whatever" Minho stuck his tongue out at Jeongin before going behind the counter to get ready to start his after-school shift.

Like normal Jisung came in and smiled at the older male behind the counter. "Minho? What are you doing here? Do you work here now?" Jisung said chuckling a bit.

"Well I got kicked out and had to find a job" Minho shrugged.

"That's a coincidence. My friend also got kicked out and had to find a job-  YOU GOT KICKED OUT?!"

Minho nodded and frowned remembering Felix.

"Okay anyways. Can I have a strawberry cheesecake with an iced americano?" Jisung went straight to the point.

"Wow. You changed up fast. And sure"


Jisung waited at the table he usually waits at suddenly someone wearing a black hoodie covering his face until only his eyes and chin was visible sat down next to him.

"Uhh. Sir sorry but you can't sit here?" Jisung said as he scooched away from the stranger uncomfortable.

"Hannie. It's Doyoon. I'm gonna warn you about Eui. He recruited more members and he's coming to get you. If you don't come by yourself he's gonna have to kidnap you. Be careful I beg you and he's gonna not only take your freedom away once again he's most likely gonna get you killed in a mission"

"I already know about the kidnapping part since Jiyoon has been trying since last week. But if he wants me so bad why is he just sending the members and not just getting me himself? After all, he's like 10 times better at fighting than me" Jisung questioned trying to figure out what Eui is planning.

"You know how he's like Jisung. He will probably come to get you when you're broken, depressed, or hurt"

"Also. I'm so sorry Jisung please forgive me"

"Wait what-"

Before Josung could finish Doyoon pulled out a syringe and quickly injected Jisung with whatever was in that thing and he almost immediately passed out. In all his years of training to resist these things he never fought something this strong. It only took a few seconds for Jisung to pass out.

Only a few seconds after Jisung passed out Minho had come to serve him his order. "Here you go- Jisung? Who are you? Is everything alright" Minho said worried and put the tray of food down on the table.

"Yes he's perfectly fine he's just sleeping," Doyoon said confident that Minho would believe him and just go away.

Minho looked down and saw some blood dripping down Jisungs hand and a syringe in Doyoons. Something isn't right...

"I'm sorry sir but may you get away from Jisung? You weren't with him just now and I see that you have injected him with whatever shit was in there" Minhl said fighting the urge to just punch Doyoons face and run off to safety with Jisung in his hands since something was clearly of.

"Suck dick," Doyoon said before grabbing Jisungs hand and lifting him onto his shoulder and pushing Minho away, and starting to make a run for it.

"That idiot doesn't know who he's messing with" Minho scoffed as he started chasing Doyoon with all the strength he has.

He stopped to take a break but the time he looked back up Jisung and Doyoon we're gone.

"Bloody hell" Minho cursed as he took out his phone to call the cops.

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