19 Plan

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"Minho? Did you find anything to" Chan said looking around for Minho but suddenly stopped when he saw Minho arguing with a guy twice his size with Jisung behind him.

"Look dude I did NOT do anything to him! Your just crazy!" The guy shouted out at Minho.

"NO. Your lying? I saw you!" Minho defended.

"Minho! Calm your ass down jeez! I just told him to go help Jisung get that box up there!!" Changbin got tired of waiting and decided to break the fight before things could get worse.

"Wait.WHAT?! Jisung why didn't you tell me?!" Minho turned around to look at Jisung.

"I don't know. I was bored I guess" Jisung shrugged.

Minho quickly turned back to face the man and quickly apologizes before dragging Jisung away to his and Chan's cell.

"Finally your here. Okay first we need to.....".


Chan was faking being injured and sick, Minho was a cop, and those were just distractions since Chan has already found a way out by parkour. Jisung was gonna parkour his way up after Minho takes him to the spot and presses the alarm so all the cops would rush out to a fake crime caused by hacking and in the meanwhile they would escape the same way.

But of course, Jisung just had to bring the other three with him so they had to change the plan.

The plan was the same but Felix and Jeongin got out first and started the crime while Changbin guarded them just in case the cops catch them he could easily fight them off for as much time as needed for him to steal a gun and shoot the cops and escaping with Felix and Jeongin to go and get Chan, Minho, and Jisung and they would all escape to a base Chan bought hidden in a forest.

"Got that?" Chan asked as he looked over at everyone.

Everyone nodded without hesitation and they started the plan.

(I don't think this plan is good or make sense so don't judge me and just enjoy the book and not question my escaping plan 🤧)


"Everyone alright?" Chan asked as they reached the base.

Everyone nodded and got into the house.

"Okay, so you three have to join our gang now. It was a deal" Chan said strictly. Chan and the three made a deal that they would join their gang if they wanted to escape with them.

"Yes of course," Felix said smiling brightly to Chan.

"Okay let's go train you guys and see what positions you can do" Chan smiled as he took the three to the basement

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