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<<Minho's POV>>

No one has paid attention to me at all in school. But there was this one kid who at least tried to befriend me. I think his name was... Jisong? I don't know... I feel bad now since I think I spelled his name wrong.

I catch myself staring at him all the time in class. I just don't know why? Maybe it's the way he smiled when he got a question right in class. Maybe it's the way he always dresses in oversized clothes? Or maybe... It's because he wants to talk to me..?

"Minho! Please answer this question"  The teacher said pointing to a question on the board

Looks like I caught myself staring at this Jisong while spacing out again.

I looked over at the board and almost fell out of my chair! I should have paid attention

Jisung looked over at me waiting for my answer.

"Uhhhh... Sixty-eight?"  I guessed the answer. "Correct" Mrs. Natalie nodded in approvement as she turned to face back at the board and continue writing

How did I answer correctly?!

I thought to myself as I stared blankly at the question. This was probably the 2nd best feeling ever in my life. This was probably the 2nd best feeling ever in my life. But the 1st best feeling was that Josung smiled at me! He always tried to talk to me but he never smiled at me. Wait Minho get yourself together... You can't trust anyone... Not after her... It's better if I just leave him alone... It would ruin his reputation if he was found hanging out with me

The bell rang as I snapped out of my thoughts to the sound of everyone running out of class to eat.

I stayed alone in the class. Like always. I never brought lunch since my father doesn't allow me to bring food and won't allow me to take money.

Someone tapped my shoulder from behind. I jumped up from my seat because I thought everyone had already left.

"Hey... I noticed you never have lunch. Wanna eat with me?" Jisung said as he smiled softly at me.

I smiled back at him nodding happy that he offered for me to eat with him.

He sat next to me and gave me a sandwich out of his lunch box. He started eating once he gave the sandwich to me.

I never really knew but not gonna lie. He ate just like a squirrel! How cute of him I thought.

I started eating too. God this sandwich is delicious! My eyes widened as I took a bite out of the sandwich.

Jisung glanced over at me and smiled happily at my reaction. "good, isn't it? I made it myself" he proudly said.

"It's delicious," I said feeling slightly shy.

"Really? Do you want more? Here have mine! I'll make more tomorrow if you want!" Jisung said smiling happily at my answer.

God he's adorable

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