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"Minho..? Why are you avoiding me" Felix asked when Minho suddenly kept running away or ignoring him whenever he wants to talk to him.

"C'mon Felix! Stop trying to act like nothing happened!! I was trying to get used to you being in this group but now I just can't!! You just keep acting like... ACTING LIKE YOU FORGOT" Minho finally snapped as he turned around to face Felix.

"Okay okay! I'm sorry for everything I've done to you!" Felix fell onto his knees as he pleaded for forgiveness

Minho rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Forgive you?! FORGIVE YOU? FOR WHAT? GETTING ME KICKED OUT?! THE YEARS OF ABUSE??" Minho now had tears rolling down his cheeks as he stared down at Felix in anger.

"But please Minho I-" Before Felix could finish Minho slapped him in the face.

Felix held his cheek as it stung from the hit holding back tears.

Minho finally realized what he did and backed away looking at Felix then looking back at the hand he slapped Felix with.

"F-f-felix... I'm sorry!" Minho said as he ran upstairs to his room crying realizing he had slapped his poor innocent brother.

"WAIT MINHO!!" Felix shouted out as he got up and ran after Minho just to get a door slammed in his face.

Felix knocked on the door multiple times desperate for Minho to just open the door and hug him and forgive him but right at that moment. It wasn't gonna happen.

"Minho! Please... Come out!" Felix pleaded as he gave up on trying to knock and fell to his knees sobbing.

"Hey hey hey! Lix?!" Chan said as he rubbed his eyes and then runner to Felix sitting down on the floor.

"Lix why are you in front of Minhos room? And most importantly why are you crying!" Chan tried to get answers out of Felix because once again he wasn't a good comforter.

"M-m-minho...hyung..." Felix cried more just saying his name.

Chan picked Felix up and carried him back to his room knowing he couldn't calm down Felix and all he could do was try and get him to sleep.

"I'm so sorry Minho..." Felix said as he lay in his bed staring at the ceiling lost in mind

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