A casual cafe worker.

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F/Reader POV:

Your name is Y/N L/N, you walking home in your most empty like ghost town, walking down it felt like a breeze on your whole soul, but you never let such things bother you. You were a quiet person, occasionally giving smiles to other strangers on good days and sometimes completely ignoring them on the others, but that all changed when you were with your friends.

Damien, Teresa, and Sophie. You four we're inseparable. Always getting into trouble, well, the other three at least, and always going and traveling. You had just gotten off the phone with them, walking over to the shared home you all sleep in. You didn't have a house key because you dropped it and it fell in a sewer, so you have to be let in. Or they could be total dickheads and not let you in. Other than that you would break a window if you had to, and they knew you could do it.

All your friends knew you could fight, or at least withstand one. Especially Damien, hell, he was head over heels for you, finding every chance he could to just touch you, even if it is just a light peck. Your other friends, Sophie and Teresa, they just joked around most of the damn time, and by most, I mean all. They always would joke about you and Damien whenever they could get the chance. But everytime you would just walk away and leave them laughing their pants off.

Since only you and one of your other friends had jobs, you got a job working at a café for 6 days a week. By the ends of it all, you were all burnt out every week. Note, since you worked in a café, shit goes down. Your occasional Karen, bad manager, horrible customers with weird ass accents, you name it. Now, this day, your dickhead of a manager decided to give you night shifts starting today. You were baffled, you tried to get out of them since you know now creepy the night shifts can be. WeirdER customers, creepy ass men and women, absolutely horrible. You got to run the entire café at night though, which wasn't to bad. You kinda just thought of it as being a manager at night.


You clocked in and p1ut your stuff in the employee locker room and locked the combination lock. You left to go find the manager to give you a run down of what to do.

Seeing the manager in the office, you sprint walked in there, knowing they don't like waiting, and doesn't have the patience to. Making it into the room, you noticed your manager looking more tired then usual. He had dark purple eye bags under his eyes, his short brown hair going in every direction, and his uniform looking sloppily put on or what not. In your opinion he looked, scared? No no, horrified? You couldn't quite put your finger on it, but nonetheless he still gave you a run down on what to do, and even said to look at the tapes if you were stuck or needed help. That's when you finally out your finger on it, he was being nicer to you! But why? Did something special come up? Did you do something to not upset him this time? Even so, he was being a little to nice. Did someone say something to him? You honestly didn't care, you just needed the night over with since he changed all your shifts to night shifts. What a bastard.

Mysterious First Person POV:

I couldn't help but to just watch this girl. She was one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen, but I couldn't help but to notice her at work. She looked so, dead on the inside? That's when I was stuck in thought until I heard a voice next to me. "She's quite a sight isn't she?" The voice said dreamily, as if imagining his whole life with a girl none of them had any interaction with. "Shut the hell up," I say back. "Oh come on dude I know you think so t-," The voice stopped talking. I couldn't help but be confused. I say, "Dude, what the hells wrong with y-, " He slapped his hand over my blank, emotions less face, and just pointed and stared. Both of us couldn't help but be just, angry. Or is that a to light word. No no, not angry, FURIOUS. There was a man being absolutely rude to our precious girl. She didn't know it yet but she was special to us, she was like our light. And seeing her get absolutely yelled at by a different man made our blood boil. We both didn't like seeing her sad, tired face. We had to do SOMETHING about it, even if killing the man was an option, we'd take it as fast in a heartbeat.

F/Reader First Person POV:

I began my shift with watching my manager leave, and putting on my café uniform and tying my hair in a cute messy bun/ponytail. Just because I was working night shift with a possibility of getting creepy customers, doesn't mean I can't look my best, now can I? Stepping behind the counter after changing the sign to open, I see a car dash in and a person run into the cafe. "Hello, how may I help you?" I say, with the most overused greeting ever. "Hello," the voice said with a groggy, raspy voice. I got a look at the person taking the order, an old man with small glasses and a casual night outfit. Right before I could judge mentally anymore the voice begins to talk again, "Can I get the uh, Caramel Macchiato? M-," The voice stops and then begins to talk again, "My daughter comes here everyday, I don't know, but why charge so much for one cup of coffee?" The man says. I tried not to slam my head onto the counter, and just took his order and began to make the drink.

After what seems to be hours upon hours of making a simple drink, I give the man his order and watch him drive off rapidly. 'God damn man, why do they drive out so fast?' I thought.

F/Reader POV:

It's been some time now, you couldn't exactly guess but you could assume it's been maybe 2-3 hours? Only 1 more to go. You were about to get started wiping down counters, since it seemed no one else was coming in, well howdy fucking do someone comes in. You try not to lose your shit and hear the two women come in talking about modeling and fashion. You looked at them and saw an older women and a younger looking women, assuming the younger women was some sort of personal assistant. "Hello you two, how may I help you today?" You say calmy. You were oddly good at changing your emotions with a snap of a finger. The older woman replies, "Hello there deary, can I try the Vanilla Latte? My assistant here says its to die for!" She says sharply and eagerly. Then the younger woman replies with, "It's very delicious, could I also get that?" The younger women said. I couldn't help but agree that the vanilla latte was good, so you gave them a small smile and went to make the two drinks.

You had gave them the drinks and they took a sip carefully, soon enough, the older woman begins to talk again. "Say, is this cafe doing a photoshoot right now?" She says. You look confused. "No? Why?" You say sharply, a little scared. The younger women buts in, saying, "Oh, well we saw two men taking photos of the place, we assumed they were also taking photos of you." She says.


Words: 1319

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