Valentines Special!

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Remember! This is a special chapter, it does not follow track of the original storyline!


I know this is a little late....but....I KNOW...

Also my birthday is today! 🥳🥳 February 15.



F/Reader POV:

You were sleeping in Brian and Tim's room because your room is...well...quite damaged to say the least. It had some scratches on the walls, the wallpaper was ripping, and it was overall disgusting. But Brian and Tim were overjoyed to have you sleep in their room.

Now currently, you have the two lovesick men on each side of you, cuddling you to death as you just excepted this fate. It was quite cold in this room, so you didn't quite mind the warmth they gave you. It felt wrong, but, nice at the same time. As you tried to close to your eyes to fall asleep, you felt stirring next to your left side, which laid Brian. He had his arms wrapped around the upper half of your body, his face buried into the crook of your neck as he slept peacefully. People always looked so innocent sleeping, but not quite when they finally woke up.

Finally closing your eyes to fall asleep, you'd hear a small beep in the corner of the room, which most likely came from the alarm clock they had. You'd groan, shoving your face down into a pillow as you felt stirring on both sides of your body, signaling the two men were now awake. Orrrr...atleast trying to.

"Darling...?" Tim said, his arms wrapping around you more as he sighed in content. He seemed relieved you were still there in his grasp. And not long after Tim waking up, Brian would. He didn't say anything but just the fact he snuggled his face more into your neck and kinda sniffed you made it quite obvious. And of course you felt uncomfortable. He sniffed you.

"Morning to you to guys..." You mumbled out, trying to rub the sleep away from your eyes as you sat up on the bed, causing the two men to slip from their grasp on you, causing them to let out a groan as they also sat up,nchecking a calender. 'Huh, I wonder how long its been since I checked a calend-' You'd get cut off of your thoughts as Brian grabbed your shoulders, a look of excitement on his face. "Uhm...hey?" "Shhh!" Brian would cut you off again, leaving a kiss on your cheek as he quickly got up from the bed and leaving the room without a shirt on. Well that was weird.

Now it leaves you and Tim alone in the room. He also had a look of excitement on his face as you now began to wonder what day it was. Was it your birthday? Easter? Not Christmas but-

"I love you," Tim would say randomly, kissing your other cheek as he'd look at you with utter passion. You couldn't help but notice the cuts on his arm as he leaned towards you. Strange. But nonetheless, the kisses you received caught you off guard, causing you to blush a lightbred. Not to noticeable but Tim sure as hell noticed, he just chose to not say anything other than look at you in love. You could even say if he looked at you with more even more love and passion you'd start to see hearts in his eyes. Which honestly would look pretty cute, but you kept that to yourself.

"We have something planned for you today love," Tim would say happily, scooting closer to you. "Really now...? Uhm...what is it?..." You'd ask him nervously, your face turning a bit more red as he'd lean closer to you. "Awh..But  if I tell you than it might ruin the suprise..." Tim would say in a soft and quiet voice, leaning his face more towards yours. You'd nervously chuckle, feeling his hot breath on your face as you tried to retract your head away from his, but he would quickly stop you as he put his hand behind your head and pull you closer to him. Seeing him smirk was the last thing he did before he kissed you passionately. Your eyes would widen as you rested your hands on his chest as that was the only way to get comfortable. He'd never kiss you like this before, and certainly not for this long, but you would eventually sink into the kiss, closing your once previously widened eyes as Tim would lay you back down on the bed as he kept kissing you. Your lips were so intoxicating to him, and he couldn't even get enough.

He just kept kissing you, not stopping for air as he grabbed your legs and put them on both sides of his body. He needed to be closer to you, its been something he's been feeling for a long time, and he was desperate. But right when he stopped kissing you for you to both catch your breaths, Brian would enter the room all ecstatic, now wearing a shirt. And he was pretty upset to see you kissing Tim as his happy face was wiped into a look of jealousy.

" fair...I want kisses to..." He'd whine, walking towards you as he leaned his face towards yours. This caused you to chuckle seeing Brian so needy. "If you want a kiss you could ask ya know," You'd tell him, your hand on his cheek as he leaned into your touch, looking into your eyes the same way Tim did. He would lean close to your ear, whispering, "Can I please have a kiss...?" This caused your face to turn red as you'd nod your head yes, leaving kisses all over his face. He would absolutely die, giggling as he'd touch his face all over, like he was savoring your kisses.

"Darling...get ready and come downstairs, we have something to show you..." Tim would say, again mentioning some sort of suprise as he got out of bed and walked out of the room with Brian, leaving you alone in the room, so you might as well start getting ready.


After getting out of bed, brushing your hair a bit, and choosing an outfit for the day, you'd take a deep breath in, opening the door to the room you were in as you began to walk down the stairs. Smelling something strong, you'd peak down the staircase before you reached the bottom, chuckling as you saw the two men sitting on the couch with rose bouquets. Though they probably heard your chuckle as their attention suddenly went to the stairs. From what you noticed, the two men were wearing some nice clothing as they wore big smiles on their faces.

"Y/N! I thought you'd never come down here!" Brian would happily exclaim, dashing towards you as he held his bouquet towards you. His roses were pink roses. Tim would also make his way towards you with his bouquet of roses, which were a deep red color. You'd smile, one of your first real smiles as you were stuck in this run down cabin as you understood what day it was. Taking both their bouquets happily, you'd look around and see hearts taped to the wall. Chuckling, you'd feel something light yet stiff hit your head from the sky. Looking up, you'd see they also taped these hearts to the roof as well. "You wouldn't believe how hard and long it took to get those up there love," Tim would say in these joking tone, rolling your eyes as he kissed your cheek, which was followed by Brian because he had to kiss you everytime Tim does out of jealousy.

"Happy Valentines love..." Brian would kiss your cheek again, hugging you tightly as you had to put the bouquets they gave you on the counter to be able to hug them back. "And...were sorry we couldn't get you much..." Brian would say sadly, looking at you with puppy eyes as he would whimper, causing you to chuckle. "Its alright, you've done plenty with just remembering the date..." You'd kiss his cheek back, causing him to smile happily. Tim would also go in to give you a hug, bringing you to the couch as you all could cuddle the whole day.

And even know this isn't how you expected to spend your Valentines day, it was certainly enjoyable to spend it either way than to not spend it at all!

Sorry for this being a couple days late! I've been feeling tired and having this really weird headache! Next chapter for the main story should be out tomorrow or the day after that!

Love yall!

Words: 1458.

Unconditional Love. (Yandere Masky x Reader x Yandere Hoodie) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now