The Search.

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Sophie POV:

I'd be searching for days, weeks even. Ever since Y/N went to her job she had never came back. I was on the verge of panicking!

'I told her not to take that nightshift!' I would mentally yell at myself for allowing her to go missing. We should've just listening to her when she was explaining the weird occurrences happening to her! Oh we are such bad friends!

Soon enough after my bickering, missing posters of her went up, her face was flashed on the news, though I'd doubt she'd ever see it. I was entering the police station, holding up my badge, if anyone was going to get to the bottom of her disappearance and find her..

It was going to be me.

"Ah yes, hello Sophie! Back for the investigation I see?" The officer receptionist would say. "I just cant seen to get my thoughts off of it is all, I wish to find Y/N again, desperately.." I would say with a sad tone. Usually, my voice would be bubbly and happy, though I don't feel like smiling today, or at all until I'd find Y/N. "Don't worry Sophie, you'll find em' one day..they'll turn up eventually, just believe!" The receptionist would say, reassuring me everything was alright. "Yeah, you right..thanks Gale.." The receptionist, as her name tag read the name 'Gale', would nod her head, unlocking the police room for me to enter. "Good luck'll need it..!" She'd wave bye to me, as I'd wave back to her, poorly smiling.


"What have we got so far?" I would say, looking at the CCTV's throughout the town. "Ah, hello miss "uncover cop"." One of the officers would roll his eyes at me, making my blood boil. "Dont test me asshole. Anyways, have yall caught anything suspicious on the cameras?" I'd hurriedly ask, checking through all of them carefully. "We caught nothing. Absolutely nothing, this town is like a damn ghosttown." One of the officers sitting beside me would say, turning to face towards me. "And since its a ghost town, we should atleast catch one specific kind of footage..suspiciousness!" I yell out angrily. "Sophie..thats not a wor-" "I know its not a damn word!" I'd cut them off mid sentence, continuing to look towards the little screen, finding something that caught my attention.

"Everyone, come check this out!" I yell out for everyone to check it out, using my index finger to point at these 3 people. One of them was even carrying...

"Theres no way.." one of the officers would be in shocked, the others with their mouths wide open. Who are these two men..and...


I cant believe it! Gale was right!

I'm coming to find you Y/N! Now I know for certain your still alive! Though, I'm going to need some help..I can't do this on my own..

I'd pick up one of the landlines on the desk, pressing in a number and putting the phone up to my ear, hearing a voice on the other line.


F/Reader POV

Ever since that babysitter...Dr.Smiley..attempted to kill you, Tim and Brian have absolutely not ever let you out of their sight. They would sleep next to you, eat with you, hell, you were pretty sure that everytime you'd go into the bathroom they would wait right outside the door, and it was getting on your last nerves.

Currently, you three were sitting on the couch. Tim and Brian were cuddling against you, not wanting to let you go as you guys watched TV.  You felt very uncomfortable with how they would not let you go, as if they were afraid you would get hurt again. Just as if-"Y/N!?" Tim would yell suddenly, breaking you from your line of thought and making you jump. "Sorry, you weren't answering us, are you okay..?" Tim would sound apologetic, kissing your cheek. Of course, Brian saw and kissed your other cheek, not wanting to be left out. It was actually kind of cute.

"Yeah..sorry, I was deep in thought.." You'd say back, with a moreover unsure tone. "Just..please don't ignore worries us, a lot.." Brian would then tell you, holding onto you tighter, making you feel even more uncomfortable. "Yeah..yeah I'm sorry.." You'd apologize almost immediately. Brian and Tim looked pleased at your apology, suddenly smothering your face with kisses. They both looked very happy right now, kiss after kiss as they held onto you happily, causing you to start giggling and laughing at them, trying to push them away as they smothered kisses everywhere. "Pfft! S-stop..! Too much..! Aha..!" You'd tell them, they would stop and chuckle with you, cuddling themselves onto you again.

Honestly, maybe they weren't that bad. Sure..they had their..quirks..but they did seem to love you truely.

Though that wouldn't stop you from trying to escape and get your normal life back.


A few hours would pass, maybe one or two, and you three would still be on the couch. It was now dark outside, the dark forest and trees making it look ominous out there, like it was intimidating you. Though as you would delve deeper into thought, you felt a light tap on your shoulder, caused by Brian. You turned your head towards him. "Yes?" You would blankly say, though without admitting it, you were quite tired, and also hungry. "Are you hungry darling? I haven't seen you eat in awhile.." Brian would ask you with a caring tone. You hadn't even realized that Tim feel asleep on the couch cuddled up against you. His face looked so peaceful.."Yeah.. now that you mention it, I am quite hungry.." You'd whisper back to Brian, keeping your voice down to let Tim sleep. Brian would take notice and nod his head. Though as much as he didn't want to get up and let you go, he managed to, getting up to go and cook you something.

You'd watch as he'd get up and walk to the kitchen, now your attention would be on Tim. His sleeping face looked absolutely happy, he even had a slight smile on his face. Without even thinking, your hand would move up and play with his hair, his breathing growing deeper. A small smile would appear on your face, gently kissing his forehead. After a bit, Brian would quietly come over with a plate of F/F. It looked absolutely amazing and delicious, though of course you were cautious to check and make sure Brian didn't put anything in it. Brian would just playfully roll his eyes as he watched you do this, smiling at you. After you deemed the food somewhat safe, you took a small bite. It tasted absolutely wonderful! Who knew Brian could cook! "Does it taste good darling?" He would ask you, his eyes staring into yours for a truthful and honest answer. "It tastes wonderful!-i tastes wonderful.." You'd yell out, before realizing Tim was still sleeping next to you, immediately whispering your words. "Im glad darling.." He'd give your cheek a quick kiss before sitting down next to you on the couch, turning the TV volume a bit down as you two would watch it. Soon enough, Brian would then fall asleep cuddled up next to you aswell, making you sigh.

These two are insufferable..

OMG 2K READS? you guys are amazing 👏 ❤

Also if you saw me publish this before it was finished, no you didn't 😠

Words: 1267

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