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F/Reader POV:

You had been locked in your relatively dark, well, despite the old lamp on your nightstand, and dirty room. Many thoughts had been spiraling with thoughts and feelings in your mind as you stared blankly at the browning, dusty wall. It seemed Tim and Brian needed to clean up a bit in here again, but despite that, you couldn't even think of them right now. All because your friend Sophie is looking for you, they decided to keep you locked in this hell, not bothering for your feelings one bit.

Tap — Tap — Rain would hit your window loudly, ever so loudly, making your irritation grow wider and more prone. Gripping your hands to balls of fist tight, oh so tight your hands could break. You didn't know what to feel, how to feel, about them that is. You hated being contained, being locked in this room. You needed out. Out of this room, out of this cabin, out of this PLACE.


A plan was made. By your doing, that is. You decided to leave through the window. The only window just right above your bed. Your bloodied, bed frame and crusty blanket.

And yes yes, I know, they had planked the window, boarded it up beyond repair. Though, that was awhile ago. The wood was rotting, turning this darkened brown color as it seemed to wilt. If you looked around the room, maybe, oh just maybe, you could find something, ANYTHING, to smash the wood planks in, maybe even possibly break your window as well.

Your wounds were now fully healed, being able to move to your hearts content. Though you would need to be fast, careful, and sneaky. They would hear the window smash, the planks falling to the ground with a loud thud. You'd need to act quick, be–

"Darling?" A voice comes through your door with a subtle knock, interupting your line of thoughts as your irritation growing as you knew who was on the other side. "I just want to talk dear, alright?" The voice would say in this hypnotizing calm tone. Click — Click — The door would open, Tim quickly and swiftly entering and closing it, standing infront of it to prevent you from leaving. Well, you assumed. "What," The tone of your voice sounding dead, empty even. "I just wanted to apologize, for well, throwing you in here...again," Tim would say, looking dead into your eyes as he seemed sincere. Is what you would think if you didn't know his true self.

"Then let me out of here," You grumbled at him, his demeanor changing to a more stern one, yet it still seemed gentle. "I cant do that, now with them looking for you darling," He'd ever so casually tell you, walking close to you and kissing your cheek ever so gently, oh so gently. It made you sick. "How would they even find me? It's not like you guys ever even let me out anyways," You'd growl at him, barking your words as you vividly saw his facial expression changed. Going from gentle to angry within a blink, roughly grabbing your face and pulling you closer to him. "Keep being a smart ass and I'll be sure to never let you see the light of day again," His time sounded furious and irritated, though you would just roll your eyes, causing him to let out a low growl, suddenly feeling a sharp sting on your cheek. "OW!" You'd yell out, holding your cheek, though he still held your face tight, forcing you to stare at him. God his anger issues were frightening. "Your staying in here for a fucking long time,"  He'd yell at you, with this sharp and stern tone hidden in his voice, roughly letting go of your face and storming out of your dirtier room, slamming your door shut with a light and quiet click.

This, that interaction being the prime example of it all, wanting to be rid of these people who had take this interest on you. Your sick of it, of them.

"MOTHERFUCKER!" You'd yell out in vain, balling your right hand into a fist and slamming it onto your window.

Thud —


The wood planks would fall to the ground, a slam and crack being heard as wind came in, blood falling to the ground.

Hey.....I saw this story got to 3k views so I have blessed you guys with a cute little chapter.

And yes, I did cliff hang 😀

Also I've been reading alot of Edgar Allen Poe, hehe


Words: 765

Unconditional Love. (Yandere Masky x Reader x Yandere Hoodie) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now