Ben the Babysitter

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F/Reader POV:

You sat on the couch flabbergasted by what happened. Its been a little while since Tim had kissed you on your cheeks, and he had brought you to the couch for your 'babysitter' to take care of you. You were just stuck in thought, Tim had mentioned video games. You played video games every once in a while and enjoyed them, but you were still confused. Did they have a console for you?


You hear something turn on. Your not sure what turned on until you look dead at the TV. It turned on on its own? How? 'Did I sit on the remote?' You thought. The TV was just on a pure white screen though. Well, it was. It now turned into static, causing it to glitch and short circuit. You backed away from the TV as much as you could, your face full of shock before you see this green guy climb out of it. Your face at this point was the definition of scared and disgust. Right as you get a good look at the man, he looks like an off brand, horror movie Link. But his eyes, pitch black with red pupils and blood dripping from the sockets. He looks at you, you look at him, and it goes on for a long while. Soon, he starts talking.

"Ahem," he clears his throat, "Are you..Y/N?" He stares at you. You just nod your head and look down at the couch. "Well is there anything you need, or something?" He said. Its like he had an annoyed tone or something. He sounded..bored? "Well I don't need anything right now, so," you replied. His gaze on you not changing. "Well if ya say so," He said, plopping on the couch. You kept your eyes on him, watching them pull out a game system and start playing on it. Which finally clicked. "Ohhh, so thatd why Tim asked if I liked video games..!" You yelled out a little. Ben had turned his face towards you with excitement. "You like video games? We can play right now! Do you have an-" you cut him off. "Well I don't always play video games, but I can see what kind you have and p-" now he cuts you off. "Oh oh, we can Legend of Zelda, Mario Kart, Super Smash, Soni-" again, you cut him off. "We can play Mario Kart, oh I love that game!" You exclaimed. Ben looks at your arms than back at you, he had a 'you've got to be kidding me' face. "With your condition, I dont think you'd even be able to hold the controller!" He joked. You just gave him a side eye. "My arms feel better than they look, just let me play!" You told him. "I mean, I don't know..Brian and Tim would kill me if-" "I bet you 20 bucks I'll win," you said, grabbing a controller with little pain and smirking at him. The man looked at you in disbelief, and grabbed the controller along with you. "Oh your on!" He said. Just before you guys were about to start the ever last custom 13 match. He exchanged his name. "I'm Ben, By the way," he said. You turned your head a bit and looked back at him. "I'm Y/N!" You say. All Ben does is just lean towards you and look at you dead in the face. "You know, your God damn hot," Ben says. "But, don't tell Brian and Tim I said that," he insisted. All you could do was laugh a bit and thank him, while he made you do a pinky promise to not tell Brian and Tim he just called you attractive.

"Beep, beep beep.." the TV makes the sound. You immediately turn your head towards it and hold up your controller steadily. "You ready, rip off Link?" You say. Ben looks at you and replies, "Born ready," giving you a snarky reply before the match started. All you could hear was the sound of cars crashing and power ups. Completely loosing track of time.


Its been an hour, these 13 races were taking forever, but you guys were finally on the last one. So far, it was 6 to 6, a tie. What made you always lose was the sudden jolt of pain in your arms from holding the controller, but you were not letting anything hold you back, not even the pain. Eventually, you did end up winning, and Ben was full of shock, giving over dramatic gasps and whines. Looks like he now owned you 20 bucks.

Omg sorry for lack of update I've just been out of it.

How you guys guys good. Nice nice. Now this story literally already has almost 500 reads, I'm so happy rn 😭

How yall liking Ben rn? He up to yalls standards??

Words: 819

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