Staying with them again.

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F/Reader POV:

Its been awhile since you had a talk with Tim and Brian. They were currently staying at your...let's say vacation home for the time being, which is closer to your current location then the random cabin they had deep into the forest, and they couldn't be happier. Things got resolved between you and Tim, not fully trusting him but trusting him more than Brian.

For the past couple of months, Brian has been trying his hardest to earn your forgiveness, with Tim's encouragement that is, he would send you many packages to your shared home with your roommates. The packages would contain jewelry, money, pictures Weird, but okay. And he would also send you these cool gadgets you've had your eyes on. How did he know you wanted them, no clue, but he would send these gifts regularly, and your roommates started to get just a bit suspicious of it, but never asked.

Nonetheless, its been a total of 3 months since you've had a conversation with them, and with them staying in your vacation home and your roommates being oddly pushy for the past week has started to get on your nerves, you've just decided to go and hang out with them, see if they are doing better. But, mostly just to see if they've wrecked your home yet. You didn't trust them too much besides Tim having just a tad bit more trust, so you just needed to go see if they've been going against your words.


Even though your vacation home was close to where you lived, traffic was a pain in the ass, so it took you longer to get there than usual. But seeing your tiny home in the distance, everything seemed fine at first. As you ventured closer to the home, it seemed that everything still seemed fine viewed with the human eye, but the inside of the home was what you were worried about the most. Bringing your key up to the door, you unlocked it carefully, not really sure what was going on inside since the curtains were closed, which was a good thing.

Slowly opening the door, you peeked inside. It seemed a bit dark besides a tall lamp illuminating light in the corner of the room, but everything was calm and silent.

"Hello?" You quietly said, stepping inside as you looked around. "Tim? Brian?" You asked again, turning a corner to see two closed doors. Perhaps they were in the rooms? Or they just weren't here? Strange. Knocking on one of the closed doors, it was rather quick on how fast it would open, showing Brian on the other side. He would look at you with wide eyes, grabbing the edge of his jacket and pulling it. "Oh! Y-YN! You're here! Do you need anything?" He'd talk to you very shyly, nervously as well, which was understandable, but you also needed to know where Tim is.

"Hey Brian, I'm just gonna be staying here for awhile, where's Tim?" You'd ask. Brians face would turn a bit red before talking quietly. "He's in his room, where will you be staying? There's only two rooms here..." You'd chuckle before patting his shoulder. "I'll sleep on the couch, no worries Brian."

He would look slightly offended, reaching his hand out towards you before stopping, looking down and nodding before closing his room door. Strange. Well, you still need to tell Tim you'll be staying here so he's not in shock when he sees you past out on the couch whenever he leaves his room.

Knocking on his door, he would take a minute to open it before seeing his face light up, quickly smiling at you. "Hello dear, why are you here?" He'd ask, a questioning look on his face. "Im just staying here for the night, my roommates are being a pain at the moment." You'd tell him, seeing him nod his head, but he would have this irritated look on his face as you mentioned your roommates. "Where will you be sleeping?" He'd ask. "Oh, just on the couch." You'd tell him, but he shook his head. "No, take my bed, I'll sleep on the couch." Tim would tell you, stepping out of his room before you put your hands towards his chest, preventing him from leaving. "No no! It's fine, I'll sleep on the couch, I'll probably be leaving in the morning to, okay?" You'd chuckle at him before pushing him back into his room. Tim would give you an annoyed look, but just chuckled and gave you a kiss on the cheek before going back into his room and closing the door. Why does he always kiss your cheek? You'll never know. But before turning around, you saw Brians door barely opened, but it quickly shut as you turned towards it. Was he watching you talk to Tim? What's up with them lately, their acting like kids.

Before you could question them more, you just sighed before making your way to the living room. Changing into your night clothes, you'd lay down on the couch with the extra blankets you had before closing your eyes and falling asleep.


Click — Click.
"So pretty..."

Whats good guys? I've been tired lately, so take this chapter, muaahahahahaha.

Also maybe you should've taken Tim's room, ya know, that has privacy? Stupid.

Words: 897

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