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F/Reader POV:

You stood there in shock, confused, yet, thankful you did it. Brian, oh Brian, you heard him gagging, coughing up blood as he fell to the ground, out of your touch. And Tim, he didn't know what to do, how to react, just stood there horrified of you. "Y/N," He calmly said, slowly walking towards you, each step he took alarming you. "S-Stay back, im warning you," You told him with the last bit of strength in your body, backing away ever so slowly from him, the stick you used to puncture Brian in the stomach reaching out for Tim.

"Y/N, please, put the stick down, now." Tim would sound urgent, taking more steps towards you. Though you didn't want to, tears would fall from your face, not being able to comprehend what's happening. "N-no...NO! Stay away from me!" You'd shout back, sweat starting to form on your face as you'd aim the stick at him. "I-im going to walk away, a-and your NOT going to follow me!" "Y/N, Your being irrational, just, come here, please," Tim would immediately say after you, talking a tiny step towards you as you looked away from him, catching a glimpse of Brian on then hard, forest grass. His blood coming out of his wound as he'd cough of blood.

You'd gasp out loud, immediately dropping the stick you held as your hand covered your mouth, realizing what you had actually done. "Y/N, come here," Tim said again, his voice remaining calm, and yet not demanding. "N-NO! Stay a-away! I..Im leaving!" You'd shout, tears staining your cheeks as you'd breathe heavily, starting to hyperventilate. Tim seemed to notice, carefully making his way towards you. "It's okay, it's okay, come here darling..." Tim would ever so calmly say. His voice was hypnotizing to you in the moment, your feet taking a step towards him as you fell into his arms. "That's it, there we are, your okay..." Tim would silently whisper praises into your ear. You felt disgusted, but you felt at peace. His voice was calming, a deep tone, but not to deep to be intimidating in this moment.

Suddenly, you'd feel him start to rub your back, giving you light and gently kisses on your face, holding you in his arms with a certain possessive and obsessive hold. "Let's get you home, and I'll come back to help Brian, ask alright?" Tim wasn't asking you, he was telling you, not asking. Though, you didn't respond, you didn't fight against him, you just accepted what you had done and let Tim take you back. You'd feel yourself get lifted into the air, Tim now holding you as he brought you back home. By this point, you had let your eyes shut, the world turning black as the last thing you saw was Tim looking down at you as he carried you, smiling gently as she kissed your cheek happily, looking back up at the forest that surrounded you all.


Tim's POV:

I held Y/N in my arms. The blood from Brian had made its way all over her arms and chest. It made her look absolutely beautiful, but this isn't what I want her to become. I gently kissed her cheek as her eyes shut, she must've been exhausted.

The crunch of the dead leaves on the forest ground would let out a loud sound, echoing through the forest. The breeze from the night was cooling, though I was used to it, having to walk in the cold and warmth for such a long time now. But my darling, I could see her shaking in her sleep. "Just a minute darling..." I would whisper to her, careful not to wake her up from such a night she's had. We were almost there to the cabin, then she could rest.

'Rest...in my bed...with me...t-together...' I suddenly thought. I started blushing like crazy, looking down at her with a certain obsession. Though, we'd make it home. The dirty, and tearing down cabin. I'd carefully step inside, walking to my room so I could let her rest on my bed, carefully setting her down. "I'll be back, my love..." I'd tell her quietly, giving her one last kiss on the cheek as I laid my yellow jacket over her. The thought of her cuddling with my jacket made my heart flutter. I'd give her one last look before leaving to go and help Brian.

Still, shocked, not believing how she had just stabbed him like that, no thought behind it. It was like her eyes were empty, and emotionless...


F/Reader POV:

Your eyes would flutter open slowly, not sure how long you've been unconscious for, but the sun was just coming up, shining its prestigious light through the window that wasn't boarded up. It suddenly hit you. You weren't in your room, but Tim's room instead. 'That insufferable jerk...' You'd think to yourself before getting up from the covers. Your legs were killing you, they were so sore from last night.

Though you would manage, you'd make your way out of the room slowly, looking around as the first thing you saw was Brian, sitting up right as he held his stomach with his arms. Though he most likely heard the door to the room open as he turned his head towards you, immediately ducking your head down to avoid his gaze.

"I saw you there Y/N," Brian would shout out to you, his voice sounding hoarse and tired, a little gruffy and deep aswell. "Come here dear," Brian told you. Again, not asking, he was demanding. You slowly peaked your head over to him, making your way to him as you now stood tall infront of him, taking a deep breath in. "L-listen, if this is about me... ya know... than I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" You hadn't noticed, but you'd start rambling on and on. All Brian did was being his hand up to cover your mouth, stopping your rambling nonsense as he'd pull you closer, sitting you down on the couch. "No, no, I'm sorry. It was reasonable, you probably felt scared, and..." He'd stop talking for a second, looking up into your gaze as he began to talk again. "Just, I'm sorry, okay? I was only trying to protect you really, you don't know what's in or what could be in that forest, alright dear?" He'd ask you, kissing your cheek as he'd give you a gentle smile. It disgusted you, how close these two men had gotten to you, but yet you also felt calm, and at peace.

"No no, I understand, I just..." You began to explain yourself, though would immediately stop yourself. "Just what dear?" Brian would look at you confused, his head tilting to the side as he'd look into your eyes. "I just want to go home Brian. I don't want to be here anymore, all locked up..." You'd finally admit, looking away from Brian's gaze as you began to tear up a bit, sniffling as you felt a pair of arms wrap around you tightly, but yet, not to tight.

"Im sorry Y/N, but...we just cant let you leave, for more reasons than you may think..." He'd tell you sweetly, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck as you felt his breathing on your neck, sending chills down your body.

"When you say, other reasons, what would those other reasons even be...?" You'd ask him, but all he would do is leave tiny kisses on your neck.


"Oh...more reasons than you could imagine, dear..."

Sorry for not uploading much this month, been busy!

(Busy being lazy).

Anyways! See yalk in the next chapter!


Unconditional Love. (Yandere Masky x Reader x Yandere Hoodie) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now