¡Christmas Special!

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Attention! This is a special! It does not follow track with the main story!


F/Reader POV:

Cold, frosty air hit the atmosphere like a nuclear powered bomb. The luscious, green grass going from once was a lovely, lively, fresh look, to a frosted over, tinted white. Temperatures had suddenly dropped, and snow hit the ground, beginning to pile up into mounds. It had been relatively warm lately, and with how the temperature suddenly dropped, you weren't used to the bone chilling coolness that surrounded you and the lonely cabin in the middle of these quiet woods. Now currently wrapped in a blanket, you were resting on Tim's bed. Not because you wanted to or were forced to by any chance, but due to the fact that his room was the warmest in the home. Suprising? Yes. Shocking? Not so much.

Though, you were watching the snow blizzard everywhere from the window, the window know appearing to have that cold, wet look. The kind were a five year olds dream could run wild as they could draw over the frost, yet end up with a finger cool to the touch. But, nonetheless, watching the snow fall gave you something to do atleast, something to stay productive and keep your mind healthy and stimulated.

Deep in thoughts, you'd hear a light tap on the withered wood door that was just barely shut, seeing a figure stand there. Which, judging by height, seemed to be Brian. "How are you feeling dear? You need more blankets?" He'd ask of you, the tone of his voice showing simple concern for your well-being. "No, I'm fine..." you'd mutter out. Brian would just roll his eyes and shake his head in disapproval. "Baby, I clearly see you shaking, the goosebumps on your skin, its quite obvious. Come here." Brian would object to you, making a simple, swaying hand motion as a way to tell you to walk to him, to get closer to him.

You'd stand up slowly, strutting your way over to him as you'd look at him. Right when you did, he'd hug you tightly, pulling you by the waist even closer to him. Your mind was running wild, letting out a simple yelp as his sudden movements caught you off guard and by surprise. 'Is this his way of warming me up?' You thought. Soon enough, you'd sink into his warmth. It disgusted you. It disgusted you on how easily you have into them. But, it seemed inevitable either less.

"You feelin' better?" Brian would question you. You slowly nodded your head yes as he seemed to smile at your response, slowly releasing his arms from around your waist. "When your ready, come downstairs, there's a suprise waiting for you," Brian would tell you, softly kissing your cheek as he quietly left the room, shutting the door with a click. Now, you'd be in the room confused. 'Is it something special today?' You questioned in your head. If it was, you wouldn't know, you had lost track of the days the first month they took you here. Certain days went fast and others went slow. But to better question your suspicions, you decided to head downstairs to see what all the fuss was about.

Click — You'd open the door, leaving it open as you slowly headed down the stairs, carefully avoiding the steps creaked and echoed.

Once you reached the bottom of the steps, you took a look around, your nose tingling from the sweet, food like aroma that surrounded the downstairs. As you looked around, you noticed a tree, not just a normal tree, but an actual Christmas tree, decorated. Then, you noticed lights everywhere, then quiet music playing. It finally made sense. It was Christmas! As you walked towards the tree, you'd immediately notice Tim and Brian staring at you as they smiled, walking over to you as they wrapped their arms around your waist. "Merry Christmas," Brian would say, Leaving you still stunned. Though, memorized as your eyes glowed from all the lights. "We got you a present darling," Tim would then say, leaving a kiss on you cheek as you sat down on the ground, seeing a gift under the tree.

Looking up, you see Tim and Brian urging you to pick it up, moving their hands somewhat excitedly towards it. Taking a deep breath in, you slowly reached your hands out to carefully pick up the gift, holding it close to you. Looking back up at Tim and Brian, you began to open the gift, taking off the paper that covered what it was from your eyes. Now, as you ripped off a big chunk of wrapping paper, you noticed a box. You set the box down as you slowly took off the lid, seeing that there was coloring items, clothing, hygiene products, and books in it. You were inspecting the contents of everything inside the box before letting a small smile slip your lips, looking up the men that stood before you as you thanked them. "Thank you... for the presents..." You'd tell them, their facial expressions showing happiness instead of the anger and obsession look you had grown used to.

"Awe...baby I'm so happy you like it..." Brian would tell you, kissing your cheek as he got up to go to the kitchen. Tim would stare at you as he smiled, kissing your other cheek softly as he let out a breath of content. Though, you would feel uncomfortabe, but have gotten used to their constant affection and obsession. Suddenly, you'd hear Brian yelling from the kitchen.

"Baby? Can you come here?"

Brian would say casually. You would get on your feet, slowly walking to the kitchen as Tim followed suit. As you leaned against the door frame, Brian and Tim would smirk at you. You would now be confused, tilting your head to the side questionly. "What? What's going on?" You questioned them. All Brian and Tim would do is point up. As you lifted your head up curiously, you felt your heart drop, letting out a groan.  As you looked up, you saw a bright green mistletoe. Not just one, but two, representing the two men that stood behind and infront of you. As you now looked back down, you'd feel them wrap their arms around your waist, pulling you close to them both as they sighed in calmness.

"You don't have to if you don't want to dear..." Tim would whisper into your ear, kissing it gently. You'd flush red, but thankful that they wouldn't force you to do anything you weren't comfortable with, feeling content with them.

"Well...let's go enjoy our Christmas morning then." You'd smile at the end of your sentence, hugging the both of them as you three went to sit infront of the fire on the couch.

The two men would smile, leaving lingering kisses on your on your now rosey cheeks as Brian would start the fire, the three of you resting on the couch as you held eachother in embrace.


Hey there everyone! Thanks for over 5k reads! Now I know by the time this is posted, Christmas is only 2 days away, but I couldn't wait much longer! I hope you enjoyed this special!

Words: 1213

Unconditional Love. (Yandere Masky x Reader x Yandere Hoodie) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now