The Talk.

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Shhhh, I did not take a long break, totally.





F/Reader POV:

"Hey..Damien..." You'd say with a small smile, holding your arms out wide. All Damien could do was stare at you, his eyes wide as he slowly makes his way over to you, his small steps turning into quick ones as he pounced on you joyfully, feeling some of his tears on your shirt sleeve. "Hey hey, it's okay-" "Oh my God your back...I can't believe it, I thought I would n-never see you again..." Damien would cut you off your sentence, pulling away from you as he took in your face again, a face he hasn't seen in a year. He smiled softly, brushing a piece of hair away from infront of your face to the back of your head. You'd just chuckle and pat his back, brushing off your shoulder sleeve as you released yourself from his tight embrace. "Been awhile hasn't it?" You'd jokingly say, patting his shoulder. "More than awhile! I- I thought that you were gone for good! Like, put in human trafficking or- or something horrible!-" "Damien! Chill! I'm fine! See!" You'd cut him off from his rant as you put her hand infront of his face smiling. "I'm right here, not a ghost or a presence.." You'd talk to him calmly, watching his expression change to a more relaxed one. "And why the hell would I go into human trafficking? Is that really what you thought?" You'd lightly chuckle at him throwing his hands infront of you and waving dramatically. "No no! It was...people can be crazy sometimes, ya know?" Damien would throw excuses at you rapidly, causing you laugh louder.

"Hows it feel to be back Y/N?" Sophie would ask ecstatically, holding onto your arm as she walked you up the stairs. "It feels...different..." You'd respond, opening the door to your old room. Not much to your suprise, it still looked exactly the same, just clean, no dust build up anywhere. "We uhm..." Sophie began to talk. "We took the liberty to clean out your room every once it awhile, ya know...just incase you came back...a- and you did! So all our work was for nothing!" She'd smile, hopping up and down as she'd pick up a book off your table. "That was very nice of you feels like I never left in all honesty...but the wounds just remind me of all of that..." "Well! I could buy you some long sleeve shirts..or- or cover them with concealer!-" "No." You'd cut her off, having looked completely confused at you. "These wounds remind me of what I went through, and how I changed. Im not covering them." You'd tell her, sitting down on the edge of your bed.

"I refuse to."

Sophie just gave you a sympathetic look as she sat down on the edge of the bed with you, holding your arm. "Ya know...if I had wounds like yours, I probably couldn't bare with them..." You watched as she gave her whole hearted smile, releasing your arm and sitting up. "But, you baring with them shows how strong you've become. Stronger than ever before..." She'd chuckle before walking towards your door, smiling as she shut the door, the room turning to a nice shade of black as you rested your eyes, the sleep that you've been lacked from for over a year finally coming to haunt you, to take over you.


You suddenly awake to nothing but black, your body feeling strange. It was like, you were alive, but also not. Your body felt light, yet your mind weighed heavy. Perhaps a limbo between life and death maybe?-

Scrrrrreeeeeee— Shhhhhhhhh—

A loud sound abruted. It felt like that was the only sound in the world that made you feel weary. Covering your ears, you let your body fall to the ground from the loud static.

"What...what is that...!"  Your voice sounded weird, like a whisper, and almost like it was an echo of a nearby voice. This whole place was strange. Were you dreaming? You have to be, you just have to be!

Unconditional Love. (Yandere Masky x Reader x Yandere Hoodie) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now