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F/Reader POV

You prepared for the worst, raising your arms up for some protection, profusely yelling out "I'm Sorry" and "Please". Tim and Brian didn't care though, Brian rose up his knife towards your arms when Tim kept them still. You tried to pull your arms back but Tim's grip was just to strong. You screamed to be let go, tears streaming down your face. But a lass, Tim and Brian didn't care. At this point, you started to believe this was your fault, that you shouldn't have left in the first place.


Brian started to cut your arms, he just didn't stop. There was blood everywhere, but Tim kept your arms still. You didn't even know if these were deep cuts or not, hearing Tim whisper " Your Okay" in your ear. But you weren't okay. Your arms were all cut up, not leaving a spot of fresh non-cutness empty. Blood was everywhere, but they weren't done. Tim let go of your arms, you immediately gripped them in pain, and it's like the men switched positions, because Brian was now holding down your legs and Tim had his knife ready. Is this what they were doing? Harming you enough to intimidate you and make sure you can't move? If so, it's working.


Brian held your legs down. You were already in so much pain you felt as if you would pass out. But of course, they didn't care. They just saw this as "teaching you a lesson" by making sure you were in pain or what not. You heard Brian whisper in your ear, "Shh, it's okay, its almost over," he whispered. It was not okay, this was not okay. 'Why did they even kidnap me in the first place..?' You thought. Was all this in the name of love or obsession? It was all wrong. You were stuck in your thoughts when you felt a knife lunge you in the right leg. "AHH!!" You yelled out. It wasn't a slash, oh no. Tim had STABBED YOU. You were screaming in agony. He was being much more harsh than Brian, shockingly.

You felt Tim had plunged a knife into your other leg, the pain was unbearable, blood was everywhere. You had tried to grip onto Brian for support but it hurt to do anything. You were on the verge of passing out. Brian was calmy rubbing your arms hoping to calm you down, but he just only made the pain worse. "A-NGHHH!" You yelled again. It seemed your legs were much more sensitive than your arms.



It was finally over, you couldn't stay awake much longer. Everywhere you looked, it was just your blood everywhere. You were unable to move as well, just wanting to die right in that very spot. These will definitely leave scars.

You fell asleep to the sound of Brian and Tim shushing you and telling you it was all okay. Shutting your eyes shut you passed out right then and there.


Brians POV:

I picked up Y/N and brought her to the bathroom while Tim went to go have a smoke, like always.

Bringing her up the stairs and setting her fragile body on the tile, grabbing bandages and wrapping her up, cleaning her wounds before hand though. It was a shame it had to come this really, her body was so perfect, but we had to spoil it. Some of the cuts were deep, needing stitches. Luckily I knew how to stitch, funny isn't it? I stitched up her legs mostly, having only 2 cuts on her arms that were deep. Tim really went crazy, huh?


I set Y/N down on her bed, making sure to carefully set her down. Me and Tim changed the lock on her door and added a few other locks, ensuring she doesn't leave ever again. I kissed her forehead and every cut on her arms like she was a little child with a boo boo. I allowed her to rest for the time being, she most definitely would need it.

Well that was most definitely a bloody coincidence wasn't it? AHAHAHA. anyways, how will you escape now 👀

Words: 697

Unconditional Love. (Yandere Masky x Reader x Yandere Hoodie) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now