Broken Down.

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F/Reader POV:

You awaken in your room. It was dark, quiet, with the only ray of light just barely shining through the boarded up window. It seemed they had boarded the window up even more.

You tried moving, but everything was pain for you. Your arms and legs were all bandaged, seeing dried up blood everywhere. You attempted to move, but couldn't. Not even an inch. They had really done a number on you huh. 'No, no, no!' You yelled in thought. How were you going to escape now?


You just sat there, or laid there, deep in  thought. You could still move your neck, looking around the the room, noticing the door had an even harder lock on it this time. You wanted to sleep, but the excruciating pain wouldn't allow you.

That's until you heard your door unlock and slowly open. You refused to look the doors way. Your hatred for the two men was so beyond it was past explaining. But nonetheless, it seemed Brian was the one had entered.

"Hey baby," He said, with an over exaggerated smile. You refused to look at him, as he slowly made his way towards your bed. "How ya feelin!" He exclaimed. God, you just wanted to be left in silence. "Fine.." You mumbled out. Brian gently rubbed your arms, it was almost like he felt, bad. Heh, almost.

Brian then took out a camera and took a photo of you, to which you didn't consent to. The bright flashing light making you close your eyes and turn your head. You never really did like photos of you, specifically people taking them of you. "Why'd you do that!" You tried to tell out. The lack of use of your vocal cords made your voice raspy and harsh. "Don't tell at me first-" Brian first talked, continuing, "-And I wanted a special photo of you!" He said. "You already have a full wall of photos of me anyways," you reply back. You expected him to lash out for destroying his room and Tim's, along with the other extra guest rooms and bathrooms you searched. "You know baby, it's really rude to enter and destroy others rooms without their permission," he said coldly, continuing to talk, "-But since your in this condition, we'd outta take it easy on ya, huh?" He said, stroking your cheek. He seemed to notice all the dried up blood everywhere, gazing around the bed and looking weirdly. "Why don't we get you and this bed cleaned up huh? I assume you can't do it yourself?" Brian said. You hated this guy with a passion. But he was sadly right, you couldn't move for anything, only being able to move your chest, neck, and head. "S-sure.." You mumbled out. Brian took your words in and ever so slightly, picked you up from the bed, holding you in bridle position.

As he was carrying you out of the room, you noticed Tim's gaze on you, walking over to the both of you guys. "What's going on here?" Tim said, with his usual grunted man voice. His voice deep enough to make anyone and everyone fear him. Brian began to talk. "I'm cleaning her up, if you don't mind, could you clean her sheets, their absolutely filthy." "Whatever," Tim said. It seemed these two people were absolutely germaphobes.

You and Brian reached the bathroom, Brian carefully setting you down on the bath tub side as he started the water. Which made you think. 'Wait, am I getting naked in front of him?' You thought. You shook your head in thought, that's one thing you absolutely wouldn't do.

As Brian perfected the water temperature, he carefully moved you closer to the water to feel it so it was ideal to you. You said it was okay, just wanting to get it over with. "I'm gonna take off your shirt, is that okay?" He said. Well, at least he has enough respect to ask you for consent for something like this. It shocked you and made you feel awe. But the hatred was still there. You nodded your head carefully as he lifted up your arms, making you wince in pain. It seemed Brian couldn't do this on his own. "I'll be back Y/N," Brian told you. Walking out of the bathroom.

Brian POV:

Brian made his way to your bedroom, in which Tim was now changing out your sheets. "Yo Tim," Brian said, knocking on the door to get his attention. Tim whipped his head towards Brian, "Yeah?" He replied back. "I need help with Y/N, got a minute?" Brian said. Tim only just nodded his head and made his way towards the bathroom with Brian.

F/Reader POV:

You saw that Brian and Tim had both entered the bathroom and walked towards you. Tim had taken a hold of your arm, very ever so slightly lifting it. You kept wincing it pain, making Tim stop every time and letting you adjust to the position. Once your arm got high enough, Brian slid the shirt over it. Now that it was over arm, they just slid it over your head and lowered it to your other arm, completely sliding it off swiftly. Brian had now grabbed a cloth and wiped any bare skin he saw with soap. Tim just being on guard incase Brian "accidentally" hurts you. As he finished up with your bare skin, he started undoing the bandages on your arms to clean the wounds. Tim doing the same thing on the other side of you.

They started to clean your arms, stopping everytime they heard you wince. As they finished up, your arms felt a lot better, wrapping your arms back up. They did the same process with your pants. You felt a little more uncomfortable since it was your more intimate area, but somehow, they made you feel comfortable. They were really respectful during this, which shocked you. Once they finished, it was a hassle getting the clothes back on, which took forever, but they made it work.

As they finished, Tim was the one that picked you up, and started walking back. You suspected him to bring you to your bedroom, but he passed right by it, going to his room instead. Brian then followed. "U-uhm, this isn't my room?" You said, confused. Tim just looked down at you and softly smiled. "You sheets are washing right now, me and Brian would like you to have some actual sheets to sleep with, right?" Tim said. Brian just rolled his eyes, saying, "Yeah, but I don't know we have to sleep on your bed," He said back. You were just as confused as the next guy, but started to understand. Tim didn't reply at Brian's snarky remark, but instead carefully laid you down in the middle, and laying down to tour right. Brian laid down on your left, and carefully put his head in your neck, while Tim was more farther down and had his head on your chest. You felt dirty, you felt wrong. You wanted to try and escape, as this was the perfect opportunity, but due to the cuts on your arms and legs, even if you attempted to escape, you wouldn't make it far.


It was late at night, your eyes gazing around the room. You now just noticed Tim's window was boarded shut. 'They really thought ahead, now did they?' You thought. Probably not to risk another attempted escape. You assumed they also boarded up Brian's window to.

You softly just let out a sigh and fell in a deep, feeling uncomfortable, to comfortable, in a matter of seconds.

'Is this my life now?' You thought. Just as you shut your eyes.

Are the two men now showing you respect to encourage you to stay?  Hmmm, we'll find out😦

Words: 1315.

Unconditional Love. (Yandere Masky x Reader x Yandere Hoodie) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now