Dr.Smiley the Babysitter.

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F/Reader POV:

You'd watch as Tim and Brian gave you an unprecedented and uncalled for hug, Tim even giving you a kiss on your left cheek, which made Brian jealous, and so he gave you a kiss on your right cheek. You'd turn a bit red as you would now watch them exit out of the door, leaving you alone with..whoever this is..

"Hello there deary!" The man would say, turning his attention towards you. There was just something about this man that made you very uncomfortable. "Hi..." you'd quietly say back to him, looking at him with unease. "You look rather lovely today. I'm Dr. Smiley!" He'd exclaim to you, grabbing your hand and shaking it. "What would your name be?" He would ask you your name. "Uhm...Y/N.." you'd say quietly, this man freaking you out to the fullest. His weird, looking smile mask, and his black hair...demonic and crazy looking eyes. Man, why didn't Ben just come and babysit you again.

"That's a lovely name dear! Say, what shall we do!" Dr. Smiley would say happily, beginning to look around. You'd find him a bit weird, maybe not even just a bit, but a lot weird. You'd just watch as he'd look around, placing his big black bag onto the kitchen counter. 'What does he have in there?' You'd think to yourself, turning your back towards him to go sit on the couch. It was a struggle, with your injuries, but you'd manage just fine, sitting there quietly with this doctor guy walking around everywhere.

Suddenly, you'd feel something stab your neck, injecting you with something. Now feeling tired, you turn around slowly, seeing Dr. Smiley holding a needle, the needle being buried deep into your neck. Shortly after that, you'd pass out, everything going dark, and black.


You'd suddenly wake up flat on the kitchen table, tied down, though the knots were poorly done, he probably thinks you can barely move with your injuries, idiot.

"Ahh...your awake..." He would say standing over you. "I'm sorry for not properly placing you down on a gurney or what not, but this seemed like the better...option..." He'd lightly knock on the wooden table below, freaking you out. "W-what the hell is going on!" You'd shout out angrily, with a tone of scared. He'd just lightly chuckle at your yelling, looking at you contently. "I'd suggest you stop worrying and not struggle towards me...I'm here to free you..." He'd chuckle more, setting out a line of tools on the kitchen counter. You'd see these tweezers, a scalpel, scissors, and more terrifying tools. "What do you mean "free" me?! Untie me!" You'd shout back towards him.

"Ahh...they all just end up yelling..." He'd say with a hint of bitterness. "You did wake up from the serum earlier than I... expected..." He'd chuckle lightly a bit. "What...how long have I been out...?" You'd reply to him, feeling like only 10 minutes had passed by. "Not long... just about three hours..." He'd glare at you, putting on these surgical gloves, grabbing one of the tools off the tool belt. 

"Hold still dear..." He'd tell you quietly. Immediately, you tried to shake around, move, kick your legs, anything to get out of this predicament. You caught him off guard, making him angry as he quickly stabbed your arm with the scalpel, moving it around deep inside your arm, making you yelp in pain. You'd jerk the arm that wasn't stabbed up, the knots untying from the table, trying to shove him away from you, the scalpel still being in your now bleeding arm. You'd immediately rip it out, tossing it somewhere that wasn't near you, untying your injured arm from the knot, then quickly, your legs. Right as you freed yourself, Dr. Smiley would run to you, pinning you down to the table, having another scalpel in his hands. 'What is with this guy!?' You'd quickly think to yourself, trying to shove him off of you, but goodness was he strong. 

"Just stay still!" He'd shout at you, aiming the scalpel towards your chest. Right as he shot in down at you, you had just barely moved out of the way, having it leave a tiny cut there. You'd quickly push him off of you, only to be pinned by him again in a more threatening manner.


You don't know how long it has been since you've been fighting and struggling against this man, all the energy in you running out quickly. You'd have two new scalpel stabs in each of your arms, with cuts all over your chest from the countless of times he's tried to cut your chest open, tears running down your face as you were scared and in pain.

Suddenly, you'd hear the front door slam open as Tim would run inside and grab Dr. Smiley, pulling him away from you as you finally caught your breath, your arms being in pain and chest currently bleeding and hurting from the new and fresh stab wounds he gave you, crying out loud as you poorly walked to the couch, sitting down almost immediately, your clothes covered with your blood. Then, you'd suddenly see Brian Infront of you, hugging you as he started to comfort you, rubbing your arms gently as he'd start to tend to the stab wounds, using his thumb to wipe the tears off of your cheeks.

You'd then see Tim walk up to you worried, having a red stain on the left side of his yellow jacket, making you wonder what did happen. "Were sorry dear...for choosing him..." He'd say to you apologetic, he looked absolutely worried about you, looking at the cuts on your chest, completely freaking out, kneeling down next to you, trying to clean the blood off from your chest, causing you to wince in pain. "We should've just let Ben babysit you again...were sorry..." Brian would then say, looking like he was about to just completely bawl out crying. At this point, you didn't know what to say anymore, being to hurt and freaked out to care.

After a while, you'd be in the bathroom with just your pants and bra, having Tim tend to the cuts on your chest, while Brian tended to the wounds on your arms, both being extremely worried for you.


You'd be laying down in Tim's bed, Brian and Tim laying on both sides of you. They were way to worried something else would happen to you today, so to keep an eye on you, they decided to sleep in Tim's room since it was bigger surprisingly. You weren't in the mood to complain about it, your arms having that familiar stinging and painful feeling, so now you'd have to wait for it to heal to put your plan into motion.

But for now, you decided to fall soundly asleep with the embrace of Tim and Brian laying next to you.


I didnt like the way I originally wrote Dr. Smiley, so I changed it, hehe

next chapter WOOOOOO


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