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F/Reader POV:

The couch you were currently sitting on was pretty uncomfortable. It was a deep brown, leather couch, and we all know what happens to leather couches after awhile. The broken couch pieces were stabbing into your knife wounds, making it feel uncomfortable.

Brian and Tim watched you as you squirmed on the couch away from all the broken leather pieces. Brian had a smirk on his face, while Tim had felt bad. Tim went over to the couch and softly picked you up, and placed you back on the couch where there no broken pieces. You had looked up at him with grateful eyes. "Uhm, t-thanks.." you mustered out. You hadn't used your voice in awhile. All Tim did was look down and you and smile. "You're welcome darlin'," he said back. You didn't like it when they called you pet names, but Tim was fine. For now, that is.

"Dude, you're no fun," Brian told Tim. You had turned towards their direction to Tim rolling his eyes at Brian, and the two of them walking upstairs. Just as you were sure the both of them were upstairs, you attempted to get up from the couch. It didn't start off good at first, which just resulted in falling back onto the couch, the fifth time however, you managed to stand up. You just stood in that standing position before taking little tiny baby steps. Until you heard Tim and Brian coming back downstairs. You didn't want them to know you healing, or they may injure you again, so you threw yourself back on the couch.

Turning your body towards the stairs, you see them walking down towards you. You quickly turn away from embarrassment as you quickly felt Brian pick you up bridle style and take yrou upstairs. Just as you entered the "shared room", Brian sat you down and both him and Tim kneeled infront of you. "Y/N." Brian strictly said. You looked down at him, confused at what this was about. "Me and Tim have to go on a mission,-" Brian said just after you cut him off. "Leave? You can't just leave me here on my own for days!" You yelled out. Brian gave you a blank face and continued talking where he left off. "-And we know that, so we got someone to watch after you, if you had let me finish," he said angrily. You looked back at Tim where he just gave you a nod. You desperately wanted to roll your eyes. But couldn't. Brian got up from his knees and walked out of the room. Tim had looked at you, checking the hallway strangely, and closing the door and looking back at you. You were so confused on what was happening. Tim had rushed over to you and put his hands on your shoulders. He looked, worried? He had a face of regret on, but you couldn't make out what the face was for. "Y/N," Tim said. You nodded your head to shoe you were listening. "The person watching you, I just, want you to stay safe. We tried getting another person to watch you but he was well, busy," he said. You just looked down and slightly nodded. Tim had seemed to smile and give you a kiss on both your cheeks. Your face was completely flushed red. No, not pink, bright red.

Tim took his hands off your shoulders and opened the door, looking back at you before he left, he said something.


"Say, do you like video games?"


Omfg i completely lied to yall, I said this chapter would be out days ago and it never came out 💀

Whatever, there's actually gonna be two babysitters but this is the first one. Yall can probably guess who it is i hope

Tim's such a sweetheart tho like omfg 😍

Words: 647

Unconditional Love. (Yandere Masky x Reader x Yandere Hoodie) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now