A Day Out.

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F/Reader POV:

You'd wake up in your room. It had seemed you passed out on the couch last night and the two of them brought you here. You seemed to be tucked in nicely, although your window was boarded completely shut, no light shining through it, the room being a dark mess.

Though..as you were looking around in the dark, you put your hands on something on your bedside table, a.. lamp? It seemed as if they knew your room was going to be dark in your room, so they bought you a lamp. 'Does it work?..' You thought curiously. You started feeling around the lamp in the dark, dark room..looking for the switch. As your finger grazed over it, you twisted it to the right, the lamp suddenly flashing the room with a bright yellow light. It had been awhile ever since you've slept in your room, and it looked mildly different.

You slowly got up from your bed, slowly walking and limping. Your legs were getting better, and your arms felt like they were fully healed. You took notice of all the scars on your limbs, they actually looked kind of badass. But nevermind that, you cautiously looked around the room. You had noticed there were more boards on your window than you thought, and your room also seemed...cleaner? Had they cleaned up your room for you..?

Looking towards the corner, you noticed a bag. It seemed quite full. As you opened the bag slowly, peeking inside you saw all your stuff. Your hairbrush..shower products..specific clothing...it seemed your..underwear and bras were in here? This made you feel sick. 'What were they doing with these..?' You thought disgusted. Suddenly, in the middle of investigating, you heard footsteps outside your door, precedingly getting closer and closer. You didn't want them to know about your healing limbs, especially your legs, so you quickly but quietly jumped back into the bed, keeping the lamp on due to the fact you know damn well they could see the light from under the door.

As you rested on your bed, looking around like you were still on your bed, being careful. Soon, you heard your door creak open, seeing Brian walk in. The one person who you did not want to see, he was just..creepy.

He wouldn't say anything, just walking slowly as he was trying to show he wasn't going to do anything to you, softly sitting on your bed as he smiled sweetly, this made you feel sick to the stomach.

"Hey..." He was softly say, all of his enthusiasm and joy that made you feel uneased being completely gone. "H-hey...?" You said back cautiously, taking note of his demeanor change. It was like he did a whole 180 personality change. "I just...want to say sorry..for acting the way I did to you..." He'd softly say, kindness covering his whole voice. You just tilted your head curiously. 'Why is he suddenly apologizing now?' You thought. 'Does he want me to trust him?'

You'd just stare at him, suddenly remembering last night. They had said they were bringing you shopping with them today! He doesn't want you to escape so he's being nice to you! You may be an idiot..but you weren't stupid, and it seemed he noticed you figured it out, but he was still talking nicely to you. "I know yo think I'm just...being nice so you wont..ya know..but I'm also truly sorry...for the way I just treated you..I guess I was just a bit..too much.." He would kindly, but also sadly say, looking into your e/c eyes. You would just stay silent, before talking. "Is Tim making you apologize..?" You'd ask him. You knew Tim was strict about the way Brian acted with you. As you said that, all Brian did was chuckle. "No, no..im apologizing off my own free will..not because of Tim.." He'd assure you, smiling bigger. "Okay than.." You'd say back to him, trying to smile atleast a little bit. He'd just carefully get up from your bed, holding his hand out to you. "Well, were getting ready to leave now..come on.." He'd say, waiting for you to take his hand. As he just saw you staring at it, he would get embarrassed and uneasy. "Uhm..sorry! Forgot about your condition! I can uhm..carry you! Unless you didn't even want to go in the first place...! We can call Ben to come babysit you agai-" You'd cut him off. "No no, I want to go!" You'd say loudly. You needed a break from this house. And plus, you'd earn more of their trust if you went with them and didn't try to escape. "I just cant..ya know, walk..?" You'd tell him. He'd chuckle as he'd slowly move towards you, carefully picking you up as he'd turn off your lamp, stepping out of the room. "Forgot to ask, what did you think about your room? We uhm..cleaned it up a ton just for you.." He'd shyly say, carrying you down the stairs. You found it kind of cute how he goes from being all up in your business, scary, and annoying, to a shy man. "I..really liked it. It was so dirty before..thanks.." You'd say to him, thanking him for cleaning the room, you'd have to thank Tim as well. He'd smile big at you as he carried you downstairs, seeing Tim on the couch smoking a whole damn chimney, immediately scrunching your nose to not breathe it in, slowly and softly breathing through your mouth as you'd also put your hand over it. Brian would carefully set you down next to him, Tim looking at you as he'd blow out a smoke cloud. "What have I said about smoking inside. I don't want to smell that." You'd blankly tell him, a bit angry and disgusted by the smell. He'd playfully roll his eyes, dropping his cigarette and stomping on it, blowing his last smoke cloud at your face, causing you to cough. "What the hell!" You cough mid sentence, glaring at him. He would burst out laughing, Brian also chuckling a bit while sitting at the end of the couch. Wow, these guys were damn duchbags.


Some time would pass, you would now be in the backseat of a car filled with psychopathic murderers. You knew not to try anything. One, to earn their trust a bit more, and two, to not round up dead instantly. You still had no idea what these guys were capable of, or how strong they were, which is why you don't want to tempt them..for now.

There was currently silence, Tim driving to the store as he smoked a cigarette, while Brian was just looking out the window, watching the other buildings and cars drive past. You'd just sit there fiddling with your hands, looking down before getting startled by the sudden talking. "Is there anything you'd want while were there? I'd want to be in and out." Tim would say, staring at you through the mirror. "Uhm..maybe..." You'd think for a second, not really knowing what store you guys are actually going to. "What store are we going to..?" You'd nervously ask. Brian would laugh before immediately shutting up as Tim would glare at him angrily, not appreciating him laughing at you like that over your question. "We're going to target dear..since I know girls love that place.." He'd look back at you through the mirror again as he'd continue driving, chuckling a bit. Brian rolling his eyes at him angrily. "Oh..! Than uhm..can I get..some art supplies and some candy...?" You'd nervously ask him, looking down while fiddling with your hands. He would chuckle slightly at you lovingly. "Of course dear.." He'd say as he started to smile, focusing on driving now. "Why do you want want stuff in the first place..the art stuff?" Brian would say, a bit curious and playful. "I uhm..just don't want to be bored..I don't know.." you'd nervously tell him, causing him to laugh at you again as he'd get shoved into the car door by Tim, not appreciating his laughing as he'd get shoved back by him, causing a whole shove fest happening. You'd immediately freak out, not in the mood to get into a car crash. "YOU BOTH CUT THAT SHIT OUT!" You'd yell out, immediately causing them to stop as Tim would focus on the road again, Brian scoffing as he'd roll his eyes, resting on the door. You'd just sigh at them, looking out the window for the rest of the trip.



Since we hit 1k, I wanted to give yall a long chapter 🤭

What yall think of the Brian character development?

Words: 1491

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