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F/Reader POV:

You couldn't take it anymore, being stuck in this enclosed tiny space. You had been sneaking out at night to use the bathroom. (since obviously your human and logic). But sometimes having to yell through your door to wait for one them to show so you could ask them. Just to not seem suspicious.

You had learned to picklock the lock on the door since it was one of those cheap door locks, but you remained your skill a secret since you didn't out either of them finding out, having them place a more difficult lock on the door.

They had been bringing you food and water. You haven't been able to eat all of it because one, obviously you thought it was drugged. And two, you were some sort of depression from being kidnapped, wanting to just go home, but they couldn't understand that.


It was almost night, you hadn't seen the two in awhile, especially Brian. Tim warned you about how he may seem joke able and funny, but he was more strict. Well, while thinking about him, it's like God hates you, because he unlocked the door and came in on que.  He was smiling like a mad man, it creeped you out. "Hey there princess! I haven't seen you in forever!" He said, estatic. Why did Tim warn you about him, he seems like a man-child on a sugar high. "Princeeeessss, it's rude not to answer back!" He said. You looked at him with a death glare from hell. "Why am I here?" You ask, cold. You didn't understand why you were here, you just wanted to go back home with your now forgotten friends. How long has it even been? You lost track of time. "I ask the questions here. Not you." He said back. God his voice was so deep he sounded like he was from the choir of hell. "I jus-" you couldn't even finish your sentence when he grabbed you forced you towards him. He returned your death glare and you knew to just shut up. Can't risk gettin' killed now do you? You just stared in his eyes, cause there was no where else to look since he was holding you in place. After awhile, his goofy smile returned and let you go, watching you shake in place. "Well now you know not to do that now do you!" He yelled. You just slowly shook your head in place. He scooted closer to you, beginning to speak again. "I completely forgot to tell you, we're gonna start letting you out of your room! Me and Tim heard your complaining about how stuffy it is in here, and we'd hate for you to stay in here any longer! Oo, oo, you could stay in my room!" He said, on a sugar high again. It seemed this man was always on some adrenaline. You could only just look in shock and disbelief. 'They're letting me out?' You thought. All you could do was stare at him. I mean, you agreed with what he said shout the room being stuffy, but you surely don't wanna be in his room with just him.


Brian led you out of the room, you looking around at most of the unfamiliar things. Since you mostly sneeked out at night, you couldn't properly see anything. You once tried to escape during the night, but one, you got to scared. And two, the damn door was locked. Brian led you to the living room, Tim chilling on the couch and Brian just holding onto your hand for dear life. Tim must've immediately heared you guys, because he immediately whipped his head around to look at you and smile. He was holding a cigarette in his hand, his mask off. Brian led you to the couch, sitting you down and sitting down next to you. You were practically sandwhiched between the two, feeling very uncomfortable. You just wanted to teleport out of their grasp, but sadly, magic is yet nothing but a fantasy.

It's been maybe an hour of just sitting here with the two hugging each of your arms. You've been studying these two since you've gotten here, it seems that they both really love you, and would keep you to themselves. Well, duh, but still. You looked down at each of them, attempting to shimmy out of their grip. It seems they fell asleep. Perfect.


You managed to get out of their grip, it took awhile of careful moving and sliding, but you did it. You went to the front door that was obviously locked. Instead of giving up, you used the little time you had to find a key, or another way out. You looked around the boys pockets, lightly feeling them and putting a finger in them to find nothing, so you make your way back upstairs. Wow, did I mention this home was two stories?

Going upstairs you start searching rooms. You pass the bathroom and your room, finding three other doors. You had limited time, and you needed to hurry. You quickly entered the first one, being a.. Shrine of you? There were many photos of you, working at your cafe, and sleeping in your before. Yeah, you closed that door with a disgusted look on your face. Making your way to the next door, you opened it. It was a room. You assumed it was one of the guys rooms, but not depicting who's room, you enter quickly, rummaging through the draws and bedsheets. You assumed this was Tim's room. It was very organized and clean. Just, something about the guy told you he liked to clean. But nonetheless, there was nothing. And why the hell does his room not have one damn window?

Making your way out and to the next door, you hear the couch move and the boys snore, meaning the red not much time left. You have to hurry. Quickly, but quietly, opening the door, you immediately knew this was Brian's room. It was messy as hell, and there were candy wrappers everywhere. 'Well, that explains the energy,' you thought. Entering the room, watching our food all the candy wrappers that will make a crunch sound if stepped on, you rummaged through everything. You assumed Brian would have the key or something since he's more strict, but still.

Not finding a key, you were disappointed, is what I would say if there wasn't a window. You ran towards it unlocking it since it was boarded up like your window, and jumping out. When you left the home you looked around, and you were on the verge of breaking down.

'I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FOREST!?' You screamed in your head. Looking around everywhere, just seeing trees.

OMG I am in love with this story. It's like an addiction. I enjoy writing this story and I'm so glad it's slowly getting more views each passing day! Ty. 😦😊

Words: 1159

Unconditional Love. (Yandere Masky x Reader x Yandere Hoodie) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now