Rescued yet Released?...

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I'm back, mwahahahaha

Trigger warning, mentions of scars, specifically on the arms! If you cut please do get help and talk to someone!


F/Reader First Person POV:

Sleeping. Thats all I could ever do in this hell hole. After eating the soup Tim and Brian made me, I was feeling full. I mean...force feeding? Come on.

Tim wasn't all bad. Cranky, moody, intimidating...hurtful...Nevermind. He's just as bad as Brian.

"God...what am I gonna do...?" I'd whisper to myself, holding one of the pillows on my bed tighter, a tear going down my face. I haven't cried in forever, it just feels like I have nothing left to cry. The manipulation...the lovesick...I can't with it. I want to go home. I just...I want to go back to my job...God sometimes I miss the smell of coffee. Usually it got on my nerves but, locked in isolation with the smell of dust...and dirt...I just couldn't take it anymore. I just-

"HEY! HEY! Y/N! OUT HERE!" Someone would scream from outside my blocked off window. Sometimes I forgot that Tim and Brian blocked it off with wood. Though, the taps got even louder. "HEY! Y/N! OPEN IT PLEASE!" The shouting would get louder. The voice sounded oddly familiar, a soft, yet eager girl voice. A question I'm asking is how they know my name? "Shhh! Be quiet, they could hear you! Who even are you, how did you find this place?!" I'd ask, though nervous that the two men downstairs heard the pounding and yelling. "I-Im sorry, I...I saw the men downstairs, Y/N...I know that's you..." The voice from behind my window grew softer, I knew who it was now... "Sophie...Sophie is that you...?" "Yes! I mean...yes, its me...I can't believe I found you...after so long..." Sophie would talk from behind the window. long had it even been? "Wait, Sophie, how long has it even been? Ya know...there's no calender in here and all..." I'd ask her, my head tilted to the side, hands on the window, imagining I was holding her hand.

"Y/N...its been a year...I...theres been news everywhere about you, God, this cabin is far away from civilization Y/N, please, open the window..."


F/Reader POV:

Your face was shocked. A year...? A year..?! These fuckers had you locked up for a whole year?! You didn't know what to do, what to say! That's why they dragged you back to your room that one night after watching T.V, that's why they locked you in here for days on end! That's why...why... "S-Sophie...I..." Your hand would slip from the window, your body casually falling to the floor slowly, now on your knees. "This window doesn't open...Sophie...they boarded it up..." You'd tell her, your face emotionless as tears ran down your cheeks. " there any other window you have access to...? A downstairs one...? I'm kinda standing on a ladder right now and its pretty uncomfortable..." Sophie would ask, her voice soft. "I...theres a non boarded up window in their room...but I'm not allowed in without atleast one of them being in there..." You'd tell her, standing up from the dirty stained floor, your hand touching the window. "Its the window kind of next to mine, but not really..." You tell her. Suddenly, you heard someone coming up the stairs, oh no...

"Sophie you need to get out of here now, I don't know who but one of them in coming!" You whisper yelled at her, lightly tapping on the window. "Ah jeez! Okay, do anything you need to to get to their room, I'll be waiting by the window! Bye...Y/N..." Sophie would immediately respond, her voice fading out. You now need to act quickly. Immediately going into act, you sat on your bed, immediately grabbing one of the books they had gotten you as a dumb gift and opened it to a random page, trying to stay as quiet as possible to not draw suspicion.

Creeeeeeaak —

"Darling." Tim. It was Tim. Thank goodness, Tim was as bad as Brian, but, still pretty bad. "Who were you talking to." He'd ask you, wasn't asking...he was demanding. "I...I have no clue what you are talking about..." You'd immediately reply to him, but suddenly get confused. Tim would never come into your room without Brian. "Tim...uhm...where's Brian...? I mean, you never really visit me without him and all..." You'd ask him, your head tilted to the side. "Well...he's out, right now uhm...hey...listen..." His face towards you, walking to you as he placed his hand on your face, his face near yours. "I...I need you...right now...please...?" He'd ask you, his voice soft, and pleading. This disgusted you. Is that what you were to them, a usable toy? But despite that, this was an opportunity. He'd take you to his room, then you'd have access to the window. The question is on the other hand, how do you distract him?- "Y/N. Please. I just...I..." He'd move even closer to you, feeling something against your leg. Is that...? Ah jeez... "I've just been thinking  about you, and, I just...need you now..." He'd look at you, grabbing your chin so you were looking at him. Now you got a look at all his features. His face was flushed red, he looked embarrassed as his face also looked pleading. "This is much to ask...and...fuck..." Tim stuttered, he was messing it up, and he knew it. "I'll with this on my own...thank you for uhm...bye..." Tim would mutter out, quickly getting up. Fuck! Your windows closing, you need to get to his room! Quickly grabbing his arm, you'd make him face you. 'Alright Y/N, time to be smooth', you'd encourage yourself. "Hey...Tim?~" You knew he was vulnerable right now. "Could I perhaps, stay in your room gets so stuffy and I can't handle all the dirt..." You'd make a pout face at him, moving closer to him, your hand tracing his arm. He'd get flustered, looking around nervously. "Yeah...yeah sure...I can...uhm...go worries...I..." He'd look at you breathlessly, his face getting redder. "Awh...thank you so much Tim...oh how ever could I repay you?..." You'd smirk at him, moving closer, your face being close to his. You'd feel his breath getting heavier, immediately pushing you back lightly and leaving your room, leaving the door open. 'Yes! Mission successful!' You'd cheer yourself on, immediately dashing out of the room as you'd go to his, hearing Tim downstairs. I think you did a number on him, cause he was running into everything down there. Oops.

Unconditional Love. (Yandere Masky x Reader x Yandere Hoodie) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now