Comfort & Uncomfort.

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F/Reader POV:

The slow brush of the wind outside with provide comfort around, the small yet silent snow fall hitting the window making the scenery outside look gorgeous. Though, you wouldn't know. You were currently rested on Tim's lap infront of the fireplace. The fire crackling and sparking every second, providing a comforting sound around you and the two men.

You'd feel Tim and Brian caress your hair as you rested, trying to provide comfort to you as much as possible, seemingly making sure you were never uncomfortable, nor had the feeling of uncomfort around them ever again.

Your soft snores would be heard ever so quietly, the snow outside still tapping on the window as the fire crackled. No wonder Brian had been out getting wood. Its been so long since you've been out. You've lost track of time as the days slowly went by. You were depressed even. Your mind used to circle around the thoughts of knowing, thinking, that you would never see your friends again. Damien...Teresa...Sophie...missing them seemed to hurt you more than you thought, but these people, these men, they won't ever let you leave. You've come to terms with it. Sure, you were miserable, but it seemed they treated you better now. Right?

Suddenly, your eyes slowly opened, your body awoke, the first sight being Tim as Brian also sat by you, hearing silent whispering in your ear. "Dear, time to wake up, you need to eat," He'd tell you in this sweet tone. Most of the time you've been here, Brian had never used this tone of voice, never been this sweet to you. But, it seemed, just maybe seemed, he changed. For you.

"You need to eat darling," Tim would then say after him, your body trying to wake up from its previous sleep, your eyes feeling heavy and half-lidded as you felt tempted to close them again. "Come on, let's go," Tim would say, light picking you up from his lap, picking you up in bridal style as he left a lingering kiss on your cheek. "Mmuu..hmph..." You would mumble out tiredly, your body tired as you longed for the heat of the fire again. Since this cabin did not have heating or an A/C at most, you had to use heavy blankets, and fire to keep you and the place warm. "I know darlin', let's get you something to eat, some hot I would presume," Tim would reply to your uncohesive mumbling.


Tim and Brian would make you a nice and warm potato soup, your mouth slobbering in the process as your stomach rumbled. Has it really been that long since you've eaten? Well the short answer is a positive yes. Ever since your last attempt at running away, that's the last time you've eaten. So as you patiently waited for Tim and Brian to finish the delicious food on the stove.

After a bit of time has passed, the steam from the stove lingering across the room, leaving the lovely smell of baked potatoes and fresh herbs and spices leaving your stomach growling more. "Were finished dear," Brian would say, placing a porcelain white bowl infront of you, smoke emerging from it. It actually looked pretty delicious. "Wow, this looks...amazing," You'd say, picking up the spoon Tim had left for you, digging it into your soup as you ate. The taste was so exquisite, leaving a wonderful taste in your mouth as you'd smile softly. you were eating, you couldn't help but notice Tim and Brian just staring at you. "Uhm..." You'd mutter out, not eating anymore as it was most definitely awkward to eat with people watching you. As you fiddled with your hands, Brian would walk over to you, sitting down next to you, picking up your spoon. "Why aren't you eating dear? Is it not good?" He'd ask, his head tilting to the side slightly as his eyes skimmed over you. "No no, its really good, just, uhm..." You'd manage to get one sentence out before completely muttering out of your second one. You couldn't tell on why you couldn't just tell them you weren't comfortable with them just watching you eat. Well, maybe the fact they kidnapped you and that they were murderers. Or so you presumed.

"Eat." Brian would then say sternly, dipping your metal spoon into the soup as he put it in your mouth. This caught you by surprise of course, squeezing your eyes shut as you tried to back away from him, but he didn't allow it. He would stick more spoonfuls upon spoonfuls into your mouth. "B-Brian, s-stop!" You would muster out muffled and quietly as he force fed you. Brian had gotten a bit out of control, force feeding you to fast to the point where Tim had finally intervened.

"Brian man, that's enough." His voice sounded strict and annoyed, walking over to you as he gave you a glass of water. "She wasn't eating dude. She hasn't eaten in forever," Brian would argue back, glaring at Tim as he shot daggers at him, staring deep into his eyes that held annoyance. "You didn't let em' finish what they were going to say before you force fed them like a lunatic." Tim would say, standing his ground as the two men shot glares at each other, creating this awkward tension in the air.

Suddenly, they would look at you with no warning, Tim raising his hand to allow you to finish what you were going to say previously. "Uhm...well...I was just going to say," You stopped yourself before looking back up at them, all you saw was them nodding their head as they wanted you to finish speaking. "I just thought it was a tiny bit uncomfortable that you guys were watching me eat, but it's nothing to worry about!" You immediately retaliate back after finishing your sentence, to make it sound a bit urgent so you don't look like your trying to get your free space.

But, instead of seeing them get angry, or sad, or even mad, all they did was immediately have this sympathetic look on their faces, look at you up and down, walking towards you to leave a kiss on your cheek, Brian talking to you, "Then why didn't you say anything earlier dear...?" He'd ask you. That was dumb question, especially coming from him, on how he started to force feed you before you even could. "We never want to make you uncomfortable again dear...just -" Brian would cut himself off, taking a deep breath in before finishing the sentence he started. "I want you to be comfortable with us, alright?" Brian would gently smile, kissing your forehead with a small and gentle peck, leaving the kitchen as Tim gave you a soft cheek kiss.

"Call us over when you finish eating darling," You'd here Tim say from the living room, nodding your head to yourself as you continued to eat.


"I've finally found you..." A voice would say, sounding like its coming from outside.

Another chapter, yippee.

See yall in the next one!


Unconditional Love. (Yandere Masky x Reader x Yandere Hoodie) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now