A Mysterious Cavern.

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F/Reader First Person POV:

"Nghhhh.. My head.. " I said, grabbing my head in the place where it hurts the at most horrid. I noticed it had been bleeding, feeling dried up blood on my head and it sliding down to my neck. Having the small feeling of dizziness, I get up, quickly noticing I'm not in a car, or the woods, or any form of outdoors. I'm on a bed. In a room. Surrounded by a fucking wall. No no, not a wall, WALLS.

It smells bad, horrid, disgusting. And I'm living in the smell. I feel disgusted immediately, plugging my nose and kneeling to the ground, grabbing a close blanket and shove my face in.

God this smell was gonna be the death of me.


I got used to the smell, still slightly smelling it but not as much. I look at my surroundings, taking a closer look. I notice all of my stuff is here. Looking at the windows in the room, they're nailed shut. 'Just how long have I been out?' I thought, confused.

"Hey! Hey I know you two are out there! Let me the fuck out! Now!" I yelled, pounding at the door. I had already tried opening it to no avail, it was surely locked. I kept pounding, and pounding, and pounding, not stopping until eventually tiring myself out. I sat down in front of the door, feeling tears stream down my face as I try to get rid of them. Wiping them clean just to have them appear again, and again.. And again.


I hear the front door jiggle, a key entering the little lock on the door handle. My fear quickly rising, getting up on my knees and throwing myself to the other side of the room, sitting back up and looking straight forward. Sitting in the bare middle of the dark, smelly room.

The door opens, revealing a hallway light with only one bodily shadow figure. Enraging me. "I thought I had yelled for both of you. Not to half ass it and only you come." I say. The darken figure steps into my room, I see it is the one with the feminine mask. God that thing terrifies me. "Keep your damn voice down, its giving me head aches." He says, removing his mask. His face reeked of anger, showing off his darkened sideburns and bold eyebrows. He is handsome, is what I would say if I wasn't contaminated in this horrid room. "I don't care! Just let me the hell out of here!" I yelled back, not caring the slightest of what he could do to me. I had only been in here for what seemed like a few hours. "Shut the fuck up," he said roughly grabbing my wrist. "Be lucky I didn't turn up to be Brian, he would've hurt you again darlin'," he said, lovingly? He grazed my cheek, wiping my dried up tears away. I smacked his hand away. "What's it to you bastard," I said full of anger. Backing up. "Brian can be more.. Difficult than me love." He said. He looked so.. Sincere. I didn't care though, I cannot care.

I slapped him across his face. It seemed like a bad idea, yeah, but I couldn't help it. I was just, angry. But in all end it ended up just being a bad idea. I was backed up against a wall, bloodied face, and a big man standing over me. Tears streaming down my face. "Look at me." The man said, pissed off. I didn't look at him. "Look at me." He said again, forcefully grabbing my chin and pulling my bloodied face up to look at him. "Don't ever do that again," looking dead into my eye. From that moment on I knew.. I just knew..even if I was already attempting to..


I NEEDED to get out of here.

OMG yes, a finished chapter. This is definitely the shortest chapter over all of them, but I was feeling lazy today. Hope some of you guys enjoy this while this story slowly gets more views. I'm happy about that!

Update: Bro, why did no one mention the random skull emoji in the middle of the chapter 😭


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