Zip Ties and Love??

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F/Reader POV:

You awaken in a strange car, before getting up and alerting the two people who kidnapped you that you are awake, you start looking around the environment your in. You notice your in the back seat laying down without a seat belt on. Wow, unsafe much? You also notice the two masked men in the front, obviously. You look at the rest colors and they look old and worn out, having tears in them. You assumed they were leather seats.

Right as you were about to admit you were awaken, or just still pretend to sleep, your choice, one of the masked men, in the feminine mask, notice your awake. "You awake?" He says with a familiar raspy voice. You could've sworn you'd heard that voice before. You carefully nod your head and sit up, quickly noticing your hands are still tied with zip ties. Maybe the zip ties are tied to tight, because you can see your hands start to turn a redish white. "Ooo she's awake!" Another voice says, it's the man who's driving. He's wearing a yellow hoodie with a big red sad face on it. You look around weirdly, but also scared. "Where am I?" You say. It was a dumb question really, but you had to know, and hey, maybe they would answer. "No questions." The guy with the feminine mask said. Shortly after, they stopped at a gas station, the two men having a quiet argument about God knows what it was about, and the hooded man goes into the store.

The masked man looks at you and looks back towards the window, taking out a cigarette and his mask along with it. You took notice in his appearance, it was the grumpy, quiet guy from the coffee shop. You look weirdly at him, not trying to stare but it gets the better of you. You also didn't want to try and escape now because well, your roughly tied in zip ties and your kidnapped by two people so, you didn't want to take any chances yet. "I'm back!" You hear the other guy say. He immediately looked at you, what you could notice was his mask was off as well, being the other guy from the coffee shop. This made you feel uneasy. "Snack?" He begins to say again, a weird smirk on his face. You gently take the food in question with both of your hands, noticing it being your f/s. "Alright Brian, let's go," you hear the other guy say. "Brian" looks back annoyed, beginning to start the car and drive off.

You wanted to eat the snack, not wanting to open it because it would draw attention to you. So you just decided to quietly rest your head on the window enjoying the soothing car ride. You had always had this thing where you would pass out rather fast in moving cars, but you tried not to in this situation you had. Just as you put your head on the window and looked around, you locked eyes with the other man through the window. Not wanting to draw attention to yourself, you immediately look away. Earning a smirk from him.


F/Reader First Person POV:

A couple hours had passed, at this point I was just ready to open the door and barrel roll out of the car. Well, that was until the two men had stopped the car, immediately talking quietly. One of them, the one with the hoodie, gets out and looks at me closely, putting his mask back on. "Behave," he said. That's all he said. I was baffled. I saw them walking away into the forest, deep into the forest. I took this chance, immediately opening the door only to realize it was locked. "God damnit.." I whispered under my breath. But, I did notice this car was an older model, you know, the ones with the locks that kind of stick out a bit, especially in the backseat? I remember when I was a child I would always grab at then and unlock them and lock them, having my mother be annoyed with me.

I used this knowledge I knew, carefully grabbing the curvy cylinder shaped lock and pulling at it, unlocking the backseat door. Now, I could've went to the front and press the unlock button, but the car was completely powered down.

Opening the door carefully, I run. To think I was just going to carefully walking worrying they were right behind me. Yeah, hell no. I booked it. If they were right behind me why would I slowly walk? Dashing through the long forest, I realized I had no idea where I was, trying to find my way to the original road, and running down it until I reached some sort of place.


Running for hours. I was tired as hell and still haven't found the road. I didn't know where I was. Since I assumed I was far enough away from the car and the men, I walked in order to catch my breath, just incase they did magically appear again.

Walking carefully, keeping my attention clear as day, I noticed something further in the forest. I slowly walked to it getting a closer look at it.


It was the car.

'I walked in a circle?! How, it was just a large circle of a walk!' I thought mentally slapping myself. I couldn't, I slowly backed up, attempting to book it again, until I was grabbed from behind and hugged tightly around my waist.

"I thought I told you to behave?" The voice said. I assumed it was the Brian guy due to him saying the same thing to me before I ran. Words couldn't express how scared I was. Right as I attempted to struggle of out the grip, I was knocked out. Everything went black.
A/N: gettin a lil spicy there 😩

Words: 989

Unconditional Love. (Yandere Masky x Reader x Yandere Hoodie) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now