Stalking Vibes.

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F/Reader POV:

"Stalking, oh come on." Teresa says. Sometimes you wish you could slam her pretty little head on a door. She was gullible, crazy, and always had different men over nearly everyday. "I mean, if someone finds you interesting I'd be shocked." She playfully says, flipping her long ass hair everywhere. You flipped her off and climbed of Damien, which he was worried about you, and tried chasing after you before you pushed him off and ran to your room. Sophie had just gotten back from the kitchen with a big bowl, and I mean this bowl was big, filled with popcorn. She had the most concerned look at her face imaginable, but that's also because she's very dramatic.

You rush to your door and slam it shut, then moving to the window to make sure it was still locked, which is was. Thank god. You felt weird, you know your hunch is right, your being stalked. You saw them, two masked people. They were outside your windows twice! Maybe your just paranoid, no, no that's not it, your being stalked! You try to let it slide today, just going to work the night shift tomorrow, then just realizing you were acting crazy. Like hell somebody would stalk you.

F/Reader First Person POV:

I woke up around noon just about, losing complete track of time. I had to be at work in 3 hours, just barely enough time to get ready and all.

I make it with one hour to spare, I just decided to skip most of my makeup (if you wear makeup, then act like this doesn't exist) routine. I rush to my car and drive off, completely ignoring my window. Who knew that an open window was so hard to notice these days.

I make it to work right on time, not seeing my manager anywhere. 'Did he leave?' I thought. 'Already?' Let's be real though, I'm not shocked in the slightest. I set up the counter and put my stuff away, chilling before a boring ol' customer comes in.

Brian First Person POV:

'Oh wow, I'd kill for her love' I thought while blinking my eyes dreamily. Tim just staring at me in utter disgust. We're behind the bushes of the cafe she works in, absolutely baffled by her beauty in that uniform, though she would definitely look better with nothi-"Brian!" Yelled Tim, snapping his fingers in my fave breaking my thought. I rolled my eyes and continued to daydream about us, me and her, together. Oh it would just be happening so very soon. "I have a plan." I heard Tim say. He carefully took off his mask and smashed the cigarette he had in his mouth to the ground. "What the hell are you doing!?" I yell out. He cannot be that stupid, taking off his mask in public. I was about to keep debating until he said, "we're gonna go in there, right now." 'Now? Inside?' I thought. Wait, INSIDE? She's inside! Are we talking to her, oh man oh man this is a dream come true! "We're gonna order s coffee and talk to her, take off your mask and follow my lead. Don't screw this up." He says. I was eager, I quickly took off my mask and followed him into the store. Oh man, I can't wait but to finally talk to her!

Tim First Person POV:

Walking to the front of the cafe, I couldn't help but be nervous. Every step was getting closer and closer to her. Sure we've been watching her for months on end now, but actually talking to her was something I just couldn't help but be nervous about. I open the doors with Brian on my side, looking ecstatic, maybe he can do all the talking. No, no I want to talk to her to. She's more precious to me than him, I need to talk to her. Me and Brian walk to the front of counter, being introduced by her. She looked amazing up close. Her H/L H/C hair, her impeccable curviness, I almost drooled at the sight of her. "Hello, how may I help you?" She said with a tiny, almost unnoticeable smile on her face. Brian was the first to talk, which made my blood boil with rage. "Hey gorgeous, I'll take a hot chocolate. " he said winking. It made me want to shoot myself. She looked shocked and almost starting laughing, god damn it. "Pff, okay and for you sir?" She turned to me. 'Shit' I thought, I didn't necessarily think about what I wanted on the spot, so I had to say what first came to my mind. "Can, uhm, I get a black coffee?" I ask. I wanted to mentally slap myself. Brian looked at me and held back his laugh, although the women didn't think anything of it. She didn't judge at all. "Ok is that all?" She said, it almost sounded as if she became more comfortable with us. "Yes." I say with a raspy voice. Brian began to hit on the girl shortly after, his horrible pickup lines actually worked because she was laughing and smiling with him as we watched her make our coffees. When he went to far, I would slap him across his head and she would laugh at that, which made me feel good inside.

She handed us our coffees and went back to wiping the counter, I had to drag Brian just so he would leave.

F/Reader POV:

The two men that came in were both handsome and tall, you didn't really think much of it until one of them starting hitting on you, and the other hitting him. You couldn't help but laugh. You watched as they walked out, finishing up for the night. But you still couldn't feel some sort of unease. You checked the cameras but nothing. You went to go sweep to take your mind of everything, trying to get out of there as quick as you could. But just as you were finishing up, the lights went out. 'Really, now?' You thought. You weren't scared of the dark really, you found it as a good strategy to hide and feel safe. But some other people also found that as a good strategy.

You head to the breaker in the storage room, flipping it on and off, to the point where you just accepted the power was out. Walking out, you feel some sort of air pass by you. You brushed it off but obviously you weren't dumb. You headed to your car as fast as you could, being pulled into an overbearing hug with a hand wrapped around your mouth. You struggle against it, shoving and pushing everywhere trying to loosen their grib. "I can do this all day, do you want the easy or the hard way?" The voice said. It sounded like a raspy and grumpy man voice. It also sounded very pissed off. You tried to force your way out if their arms, tossing and turning warning a grunt from the man. "Hold the fuck still would you!?" He yelled out. Of course you didn't listen. You had managed to get out of his grip and go, but he had managed to grab you again. Causing you to act out of reflex you kicked him where the sun doesn't shine, causing him to stumble rather quickly. Taking this opportunity and being thankful you did that.

Just before could run away, you were hit upside the head with something hard. The last words you hear being "Bring her to the car." And "Is she dead?" The last thing you see being the guy in the yellow hoodie that you also saw outside your window. They ziptied your hands together, and that's when you passed out before being thrown into a car.

Words: 1289

Unconditional Love. (Yandere Masky x Reader x Yandere Hoodie) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now