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F/Reader POV:

"GET IN THERE!" Tim would scream at you, Brian currently trying to shove you into your room. Though, you had kept resisting, trying to hold onto the door frame to pull yourself out of the room. But with Tim trying to pull you by your legs back into the room, the strain on your arms hurting badly, having not being fully healed yet by now.

Suddenly, you'd let go of the frame with a hiss of pain, getting thrown onto the ground as they quickly scurried out of your room, locking it. You just laid there, holding on your arms in pain. 

'How did it come to this...?' You'd think to yourself as a stray tear would leave your eye, rolling down your rosy cheek and splattering on the stained carpeted floor.


You were currently resting on the couch with Tim and Brian, both being sound asleep as they cuddled up against you, their breath being slow and controlled. They looked absolutely peaceful, making you smile a bit. A few hours had passed since Brian fell soundly asleep next to you, as you would still be widely awake, still not being comfortable with sleeping next to them. As you were looking at the TV, you had decided to switch the channel from the kids show you were watching, which by the way, was amazing, to a sudden news broadcast. It interested you in a way, wondering what was happening as you were currently being held captive by these two men. Suddenly, hearing something which sparked your ears, feeling Brian shift next to you as he brought his head up, staring dead at the TV while listening...

"Officer Sophie requests to all residence of T/N to keep an eye out for a female with H/C and E/C, approximately Y/H. She has gone missing as of estimated late of 2 weeks ago and has not returned from her night job since. We ask that you report any suspicious behavior that might-..."

Brian would shut the TV off, having grabbed the remote of your hand. He looked, disturbed and freaked out. Suddenly, you'd turn to your side to see Tim had woken up and was just staring dead at the now turned off TV, suddenly clutching your arm tightly. He was...scared. Then suddenly, Brian would get up and grab you by the arm, catching you off guard as you'd yank your arm back from him, making him tense up. "Let's go." he'd blankly say, staring dead at you as Tim would suddenly grab your arm as well, pulling you off the couch as he'd drag you frantically across the floor, looking tense. "W-what the hell are you guys doing!" You'd retaliate towards them, trying to yank yourself away from them. Though, Tim and Brian did not take this lightly, immediately reaching back for you and starting to forcefully pull you across the floor, like they were desperate. Though you would do your best to force yourself away from them. 

"Stop! What are you guys doing!" You'd yell at them, though they gave you blank and both angry stares. "Goddamnit Y/N... if you keep fucking resisting...!" Brian would say through his gritted teeth, pulling you harder. You had realized they were pulling you towards your room, and God knows you absolutely did not want to go back in there. It reeked, it was darked with only a singular lamp in there, and there were blood stains all over the carpet. "I don't want to go back in there!" You'd exclaim loudly, shoving them away best as you could, though, your arms starting to hurt and ache. 

"Y/N, I SWEAR TO GOD!" Tim would scream at you, suddenly grabbing you hard and throwing you. It caught you off guard, the air being knocked out of your lungs, leaving you breathless. What was going on with them...? 

"Y'N, I will kindly allow you to walk to your room, or I will drag you there like a lifeless corpse.." Brian would tell you would this rather, annoyed tone, gritting his teeth as him and Tim glared at you. "I don't want to go back in there! You leave me in there for hours, and I can't take being in there anymore!" You'd retaliate to them, backing away from them. Tim did not take this lightly, roughly pushing you against you the wall. Your head hitting it hard, as that was what he intended.
You fell to the ground, holding your head as a throbbing headache began to build up. "Ow! WHAT THE HELL TIM?!" You'd yell out loudly to him. Though he didn't listen, grabbing the upper part of your right arm with a threatening and harsh grip, dragging you towards your godforsaken room, with Brian walking behind you two to make sure you didn't try to push them away or run.


 "GET IN THERE!" Tim would scream at you, Brian currently trying to shove you into your room. Though, you had kept resisting, trying to hold onto the door frame to pull yourself out of the room. But with Tim trying to pull you by your legs back into the room, the strain on your arms hurting badly, having not being fully healed yet by now.

Suddenly, you'd let go of the frame with a hiss of pain, getting thrown onto the ground as they quickly scurried out of your room, locking it. You just laid there, holding on your arms in pain.

'How did it come to this...?' You'd think to yourself as a stray tear would leave your eye, rolling down your rosy cheek and splattering on the stained carpeted floor.

You'd try to think, try to process what has just happened, immediately getting off of the dirty, blood-stained carpet and sitting on top of your nasty bed. You'd think to when you were watching the news broadcast. It was obviously normal that there would be a story on you going missing, maybe even a few amber alerts here and there, but that couldn't be it. No, there was something else...-" You'd cut yourself off from your line of thought, your eyes widening as you remembered.

'Sophie...?' You'd think. Of course, the name! It was your friend Sophie requesting a story be made on you! Who would've thought she was a cop. Of course, you knew she kept her job a secret from you, but you weren't expecting a job like that. But no, she couldn't just be a normal cop requesting a story like that. A detective? An undercover cop? Who knows. But now, you had a bigger dose of courage to escape, to leave.

Sophie was looking for you and wanted you back. 

You need to leave, now. At this point, after this incident, these two no longer gave a care in the world about your wellbeing, and now you no longer cared for them.

You hated them.


SO! How was that? I felt like writing today, hehe.

what were you guys thinking when Tim pushed you against the wall 🤔🤨

Words: 1160

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