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Hey yall! Enjoy the chapter!

TW: Mentions of cuts on arms, please don't ever so this and seek help if you do! 🙏


F/Reader POV:

You were currently in Sophie's car, a complete mess if you asked me. Right as you entered, you finally got the peaceful nap you deserved and past right out. Sophie would just chuckle as she saw you leaning against the car window drooling. Though, her chuckle would die down when she looked at the state you were in. Scars all over your body, kind of matted hair, paler skin, dirt pained her to see you like this. A whole year...a whole year not seeing you and this was what she had to see you as? She couldn't except that. She decided to fix you right up when she brought you home for the first time in a long time.


F/Reader First Person POV:

"Nnghhhhh....eughhhhh....ughh-AH!" I would wake up suddenly as I accidently hit my head against the window, looking around nervously only to just see Sophie right next to me driving, starting to chuckle. "Well mornin' to you to sleep head, you passed out quickly," She'd say, amusement in her tone as she'd giggle, her small gaze on me moving back towards the road infront of her. I just rolled my eyes, looking out the window to see actual cars driving pass by. It felt relaxing to see different people, that I was finally safe again. Smiling to myself, I'd see my reflection, noticing I look awful. God, I need a shower. "Ya looking at your reflection there Y/N?" Sophie would ask, her head tilted. "I look dirty...and awful..." I'd mutter out to her, sighing under my breath. "Think about it this way, we're almost home so we can fix you right up! And Damien and Teresa won't be there when we arrive so they won't see this depressive state your would probably pain them to see you like that..." Sophie would say to me, her tone changing from happy to nervous. "Why won't they be there? They never really left home..." "Well, since you and me were the only ones with the jobs, me on my own couldn't pay for the house, so they finally came to their senses and got a job out of pity, but your disappearance hurt them a whole lot too..." Sophie would turn away from me, parking the car in the garage. I'd suddenly see my car in the garage as well, though it was dirty. "I uhm...we kept your car...kind of like a remembrance from you...never used it though..." She'd laugh under her breath, sounding a bit depressed as she stepped out of the car, moving to my door and opening the door for me as well, helping me out. "Anyways, Damien and Teresa always came home depressed, still do...felt like the job they got was like the last thing you complained about to them and all..." She'd talk to me again, opening the garage door to the house and stepping inside, putting her purse and car keys on the hanger. "Its nice they did that though...and how they're still holding down the jobs..." I'd chuckle a bit, sitting down on a car in the kitchen. "I was just a shocked as you..." Sophie would say...smiling at me with a warm embrace, hugging me tight. "I missed much..." She'd whisper in my ear, a tear running down her face. "I...I missed you to Sophie..." I'd hug her back happily. "Phew...anyways...enough of the depressing stuff!" Sophie would would her and my tears away. "Lets go get you fixed up and let the town know your back!" She'd ecstatically grab my arm, dragging you to the bathroom happily as we giggled.


Tim/Masky POV:

Waited. I waited for him to return. I stood from the front door, my gaze rested on it intensely. I knew Brian would be hard to handle with these, so the outcome I'm thinking about would most definitely happen. Either some blood would spill or a body would fall, it was all his choice.

Cliiiiiickkkk —

Brian would step into the rundown cabin quietly, immediately seeing me standing infront of the door. Now confused, he'd move past me, some blood on his yellow hoodie. "Masky, what are you doing?" Brian would sound confused, glaring at me with confusion, but I stood my ground and didn't talk, only glaring with hatred. But Brian, he immediately knew something was wrong, and he automatically assumed it was what he thought it was. "Masky...where's...where's Y/N...?" He'd ask me, tilting his head to the side, but I wouldn't answer, though my glare spoke for me as he saw it through my mask. "Masky...where is she...?" He'd ask me again, but I took a step towards him angrily. I couldn't take what we did to Y/N, so I needed him to see it, to hear about the pain we enveloped on her. But Brian, he had a shocked look on his face, immediately running upstairs. "Y/N? Y/N?! ARE YOU THERE?!!" Brian would start to yell, slamming the door to your room against the wall, but as he would look around, he just couldn't find you anywhere. "Y/N?! Y/NNNN!!!" He'd start to scream, grabbing things around your room as he'd slam everything against everything. Anger boiled his blood, and he needed to let it out.

Unconditional Love. (Yandere Masky x Reader x Yandere Hoodie) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now