More Missions..?

379 13 3


F/Reader POV:

You three had just gotten home, Tim and Brian being the gentlemen they are and carrying your bags that were stuffed with candy and art supplies into the house as you sat in the backseat with the door open, waiting for them to come back and help you inside. When they took you shopping, I mean they took you shopping. They had gotten you a ton of candy and art supplies, but also some additional stuff like makeup, not really knowing if you wear it or not, skin care supplies, new hygiene products for showing and or bathing, and a little plushie. You couldn't thank them enough for doing this, but you had to remind yourself..'These are my kidnappers...I shouldn't be thanking them...'.

Just as you were deep into thought, you saw Tim in the distance walk over to you and carefully picking you up, making sure not to hurt you. As he carried you into the house, he looked down at you and gently smiled. You tried to smile back but a smile just wasn't forming. As Tim would set you down on the couch right next to Brian, who immediately snuggled you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders, Tim would start to carry the shopping bags upstairs, Brian just giving you a sweet smile as he'd look at you sweetly. "So, how do you like all the new stuff you got today?" He'd ask you calmy, still smiling at you while trying to make small talk, meanwhile Tim came back upstairs to get the rest of the shopping bags. "Your a damn dick for not helping." Tim would say sternly, glaring at him. "Well someone has to stay here with this mightttyyy fineee lady!~" Brian would say flirtatiously, looking towards you with a smirk, which made you feel uncomfortable. Tim would just roll his eyes annoyed, taking the rest of the shopping bags upstairs to your room.

Brian soon began to talk to you again, wanting some sort of conversation. "Are you happy right now? Do you like the stuff we got you? Oh jeez am I making you feel uncomfortable right now?!" He'd nervously ask, you'd shake your head no defensely, obviously lying. "No no..your not..and yes..I do like the stuff you got for me.." You'd tell him gently, watching him immediately calm down, smiling again. "Oh that's great! I'm really gla-" He'd stop talking mid sentence, his smile fading. " oka-" You'd get cut off by him. "-Stay right here, in this exact spot, ill be right back." He'd sternly tell you, kissing your forehead gently. You'd nod slightly, seeing him go upstairs for a while, wiping your forehead a bit to magically get rid of the kiss that he had placed on you.


It would be about 10-15 minutes later, seeing both Tim and Brian come down the steps, immediately looking at you with these blank expressions on their faces, walking towards you.

"Dear, were going to need to leave again." Tim would say blankly, no emotion in his voice as he looked into your eyes. Brian on the other hand looked annoyed, crossing his arms acrossed his chest. "So we got you another babysitter." Hed say with an annoyed tone. "Oh so Ben'-" "-Ben's not babysitting you right now, didn't you hear me say another?" Brian would say annoyed. You'd immediately look sad, having liked Ben, and really connecting with him. "Why do you need to leave again..?" You'd say in a sad tone, having to make it seem like you were sad about it, which only it just made it better for you, giving you hope of escape. "Its just work dear, just..don't worry or think about it." Tim would again say with no emotion in his face. All you could really do in the moment was sit there, wondering who the next babysitter was until..


'That must be them..' You thought, trying to look at the door curiously. Brian and Tim would hesitate walking to the door, Tim's hand touching the handle before whispering loudly to each other. "Are you sure about HIM? What if he hurts her!" Brian would whisper yell to Tim. "No one else wanted to do it, and its too late to send them back.." Tim would respond, twisting the door handle, starting to open it. "Hope your right." Brian would say back to Tim, the door opening wide.


"Hello!" This man would say, shaking both the two other men's hands. He appeared to have hair..and a mask with a smiley face drawn on it in red, wearing clothes...?

This would be interesting..


Sorry for short chap! I felt like I was going to fall asleep and pass right out when I was writing it, soooo...

ALSO, A spin wheel decided who the babysitter would be..Dr.Smiley vs Jane, and you may of guessed it when you saw the would He, its Dr.Smiley!

Thank you Mommy1097864. And theunknownresearcher (it won't let me @ you!) For your babysitter submissions! 💙

Ty so much for 1.28k reads!

Words: 856

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