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F/ Reader First Person POV:

I was baffled, I looked outside and didn't see anybody, but that still creeped me the hell out. I noticed that the two women have left, and I was in the cafe alone. I tried to process everything by distracting myself with wiping down tables and counters, sweeping up the little messes on the floor, but it wasn't enough.

After about an hour, my shift ended. The whole place was clean and everything was put up. Well, almost everything. I heard a milk carton fall onto the ground near the office and storage room. It sounded empty. It may have startled me a bit, well, more than a bit, because I jumped badly and hit my waist on the table edge. "Mother fucker!" I yelled out, grabbing my side. I didn't want to deal with this shit. Have you ever watched a horror movie? Everytime they person investigates they die, and I knew better than that. I went to my employee locker and grabbed my stuff. I ran for my car and I booked it.

"Masky" Person POV:

"Awh she left," the guy in the yellow hoodie next to me said devastated. My face still remaining blank and emotionless, but filled with anger. I slapped the man upside his head, "Are you crazy?! You dropped something and almost for caught! And you were seen!" I said lecturing him. He was less mature than me, acting like a kid at times, but that was what made us friends, best friends even. "Oh cmon maskyyyy, you gotta let that go!" He said in a childish manner. But I couldn't let it go, I needed that girl, and he was going to mess it up completely. We had agreed to take it slow, but I couldn't. I needed to hold her, touch her, but so did he. "Whatever." I said blankly. I stared him down and got up to follow the girl home. Soon enough he got the memo and followed me. "Hoodie," I say and stop, he is looking at me. "Go ahead, I'll be right back." He doesn't know what I'm doing, but goes on. While me, I'm gonna get rid of some evidence that could potentially hurt us in the future.

F/Reader POV:

You made it home, having to knock on the door because you don't have a house key. Luckily, your friends we're nice to let you in, knowing you had a rough day today.

"Hey Y/N!" Sophie says excitedly. "Hey." You reply blankly, just wanting to sleep. She took note of this and goes to the kitchen while beginning to talk again. "You've looked better, want something to eat? I made cookies!" She says again, bringing out a tray of f/f cookies. Sophie was always the good one, she and you were the only ones with jobs, but it's clear that you work more than Sophie, but still was glad she was helping in any way she could. Money wise, or just taking care of you and the others. "Thanks Sophie, these look amazing!" You say ecstatically, following her energy, but still clearly tired. You take one of the cookies and shove the whole thing in your mouth, burning your tongue, but you didn't care. Least it did was wake you up a bit more.

"Where's Damien and Teresa?" You ask, still eating the ever living life out of the freshly baked cookies. "Oh they're in the living room, we were waiting for you so we could watch a movie!" Sophie said while watching you make an "are you kidding me" look. "O-or not, you could go to bed, your choice!" She said nervous that she made you upset. Grabbing her blonde hair and twisting it in her finger. "No no, it's fine, just let me put on some comfortable clothes and put my stuff away." You tell her. You watch as her eyes bright up and shine, then watching her prepare the living with Teresa and Damien.

You walk up to your room and throw your bag on the ground, kind of still shaken up from the cafe incident. 'I should've told Sophie about it' you thought. You grabbed your clothes out of the dresser and changed into them, throwing your old uniform clothes into the dirty hamper for wash. Just as you were about to leave, you walk past your window, barely seeing out of the corner of your eye a man. You sharply turn around, still seeing them. They are wearing a yellow hoodie, and are barely hiding in the bushes, almost wanting to be seen. Well, you clearly thought fuck this shit, cause you quickly double checked the window was locked and you closed the curtains, heading down stairs to the living room.

"Hoodie" First person POV:

'Oh she saw me, she saw me!' I thought. Oh her eyes were like magic and sparkles, the clothes she was wearing revealing her nice body. There was just, EVERYTHING. Oh man, I don't know why Tim wanted to hide us, why not just take her now!? 'Okay, okay calm down' I thought to myself. I managed to sneak some pictures of her before she saw me, these ones will definitely go on my wall! "Man, Tim is gonna kill me," I said a little too loud to myself. "Oh damn right I am." I heard a familiar, raspy voice that sounded annoying to the soul. "What the hell is wrong with you Brian." Tim said, still having his mask on his face halfway with a cigarette in his mouth. "Damn Tim, you look jealous because I saw more than you!" I said to attempt to annoy him even more. That resulted in me being slapped on the back of my head. "Shut the fuck up," Tim said, taking the budded cigarette out of his mouth and throwing it to the ground, stomping on it. "Just because I feel bad, here's a photo you big baby," I say In a joking tone, handing him a photo which he takes quickly and looks at it. I smile evilly, watching him not being able to take his gaze off of it.

F/Reader POV:

Making it down stairs, it feels as if you ran out of breath, attempting to move but you can't. You make it to the living room, sitting down on the couch next to Teresa, Damien immediately moving next to you to your right and placing his arm around you, which you found funny. "Say, fourteen years old? More like the one for me," he says with a dumbass smirk. You try hard not to laugh, "what the hell kinda pedo pick up line is that?" You say laughing a bit, trying not to laugh at the clearly "illegal" pick up line. Damien laughs to, moving closer, which you casually scoot farther away being a little uncomfortable. "You good?" Says Damien. "You look more uncomfortable then usual, you need something, I can help!" He continues saying. You couldn't help but feel something for the guy, his brown puffy hair, his dark brown eyes, there was some sort of feeling you had but God knows it isn't any sort of "love". Whatever that is these days. " I'm fine, just shaken up from my night shift." You say, trying to hide what happened. In attempt to make them believe everything is fine, you glance towards the window, which to your surprise, someone is out there. Watching you. You jump, moving closer to Damien with instinct. Not only is the person you saw outside the window in your room back, but there's someone else with them. A guy with a feminine looking mask. Just as you were about to say something, anything, turning away to explain to your friends there's people out there, they're gone.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Asks Teresa, her long red hair in front of her face.

"I, I think I'm being stalked."

Words: 1329

Unconditional Love. (Yandere Masky x Reader x Yandere Hoodie) DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now