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F/Reader POV:

It would be two days since Tim and Brian had left for their mission. You didn't expect them to take this long, but you weren't mad about it. You and Ben had been hitting it off well. Playing video games all day, talking about the same likes and dislikes, and overall just enjoying and liking his presence near you. Right now, you two were in a twelve round Mario kart game, you currently had five winned rounds, he had six. You needed to win the round you two were on to make it a tie so he doesn't win. It would get really competitive, you both yelling harshful words at each other. Since your arms still hurt, you couldn't rage throw your controller, so you had to win.
During the twelveth round, you both haven't noticed that Tim and Brian would enter through the door, immediately hearing harshful words, looking towards the couch.

They would see you and Ben sitting on the couch, lazer eye focused on the round, you two were playing one of the hardest maps, Rainbow Road, and Ben kept falling off the road. You kept mocking him about it until he shoved you slightly, making you fall off the road so he would win. "BEN YOU DUMBASS!" You'd yell furiously, watching him win the game. "Hah, I win." He'd say cocky, you weren't having it. "BITCH YOU CHEATED WHAT THE HELL!" He would just stick up his middle finger infront of you, sticking out his tongue. You'd just groan angrily.

Brian would then come up behind you, putting his hands on the shoulder Ben had shoved, smiling at you. "Hey there Y/N! Ya missed us?" He'd say happily, giving a slight side eye to Ben, in response he just rolled his eyes, which seemed to make Brian a bit angry. "Jeez you scared me! Uhm.. and uh..." you'd stop talking, not wanting to say you missed them. Ben seemed to notice your discomfort with his question, immediately interfering. "Sorry for cheating on the round Y/N, I just felt intimidated by your skills!" He'd say to you, you would just mouth a 'Thank you' knowing what he just did. Tim would just watch your interactions with Ben, suspicious. "Anyways, I should head out now, see ya later tyrant." Ben would go up to the TV, giving you a wave goodbye as he'd go inside it, seemingly disappearing. You were now kind of wishing he hadn't left, because now, you were alone with Tim and the horrid Brian again.

"So! What did you guys do while we were gone!" Brian would say to you, hand still on your shoulder as he was now gripping it tight. "We just played video games and talked really.." you'd nervously reply back to him, with Tim just staring dead into your soul. "And what did you guys talk about." Brian would keep tightening his grip on your shoulder, desperate for answers. "J-just about out likes and dislikes really..ya know..getting to know each other.." you'd say as honest as you can. Brian seemed to like your answer, as he let go of your shoulder, now just smiling down at you with this evil shit faced look on. "Why are yo-" You'd get flashed in the face with a light. Brian had seemingly taken a photo of you with his Polaroid camera. You would rub your eyes regaining your vision, looking at him angrily. "Oh this photo would look so good with my collection!" He'd happily exclaim, running up to his room to what you could assume, hang the photo up.

Now you and Tim were alone in the living room together, just not saying anything, until he broke the silence. "I told him not to take a photo of you ya know, but ofcourse he just did not listen to me, like always.." He'd chuckle a bit, looking at you. You didn't know what it was about Tim, but you just had to like him. He was the only one treating you like a decent human being..ya know excluding the kidnapping part, but you would just start making him your favorite from now on. You'd chuckle with him when he'd say that, looking up at him. "What was that all about..with you and Ben? When we got home and Brian asked you that question..?" Tim would seem kind of sad. "I don't know what you-" "Dont play fucking dumb with me." He'd cut you off. "Im not an idiot, I know Bens ass jumped in to save you from the question, you mouthed thank you to him. So I just, I just want to know.." He'd talk, stopping himself a bit sad before continuing his sentence. "Did you miss us, or didn't you.." He'd ask sadly, looking up at you as he held a cigarette in between his fingers. You would be puzzled by his reaction, looking at him nervously. "I..suppose I did miss you guys a bit.." you'd say to him, wanting to cheer him up. All he would was smile at you, taking a smoke out of his cigarette. "Can you not smoke inside?" You'd say to him. He'd just chuckle at you smiling, putting out his cigarette. "Yeah yeah sorry." He would go outside for a slight moment before coming back inside smiling. He took a look at your arms and legs, now frowning. "How are your limbs feeling..?" He would say concerned, softly touching your arm. "Better than before.." you'd say nervously, not liking him touching her arm. "Thats good.." He'd blankly say, smiling a bit at her again. "So you did miss us!" Brian would exclaim, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your shoulders and neck, making you want to squirm away. "Then why didn't you say that earlier?"  He'd ask confused. You would just shrugg your shoulders nervously, hoping Tim wouldn't say anything. "Nevermind that, we have a surprise for you!" He'd smile big at you. His smile would make you sick. "Were going to be taking you with us to go places!" Hed pat your shoulder, staring into your e/c eyes. 'They're taking me out?' You thought. "Of course, if you try anything we'll drag you back here, conscious or unconscious." Tim would say sternly, making you shiver. This could be a great way to escape, or you can earn their trust now and escape later? Your head was all over the place, thinking of what to do before making your decision. "Thanks..I guess.." you'd agree to their offer. Your decision was you were going to earn their trust now, heal up without them knowing, and then escape later. Seems like the more logical solution. "Great! We'll go tomorrow!" Brian would say being very happy, while Tim just made his way to his room.

You were not excited for tomorrow.

Omg nearly 800 reads? Yall are too much, ty ty 💓

Words: 1163

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