Requests! (Slow / Open)

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[Only took this long for me to actually slow down wha-]

Hello! This is the requests page.
If you want to request something for me to write, this would be the place.
I'm pretty lenient on what I will and won't do but here's an outline so you can make it easier for me to take your requests.

Stuff I need:
.Character in question
.Where this takes place (in lore? Modern Au? Mafia Au? Etc.)
.Is it yandere or not (preferably yandere tho. Crazy characters are fun to write.)

Anything else isn't exactly necessary but the more details the better! Helps me visualize the request better so I can transfer it to text better.

Now here's a list of what I do and don't do.

I do:
.Characters from cookie run
.Characters from cookie run kingdom
.Most types of Au's
.Slight Nsfw (kissing and stuff)
.swearing (more of a disclaimer)
.gore (disclaimer)
.pretty much anything not mentioned in the "I don't do".

I don't do:
.Really obscure side characters. Look if they only have like- 3 lines of dialogue, they're not gonna be someone I want to write about. (Sorry Catnip cookie stans.).
.Heavy Nsfw (no lemons okay. Or anything of the sort. Not only does writing that make me uncomfortable, but I'd probably write it horribly.)
.Shipping dragons together (Pitaya/Ananas/Lotus/Lychee/Longan). It's fine if they're fighting over the reader, I'm cool with that. Just no shipping them together (like poly) because they're implied in lore to be siblings. I know it's weird to make this a rule but I have seen people ask for dragon x dragon ships so I just want to make it clear that I won't do that due to lore implications (and no, I won't do it for Au's either).
.Shipping only cannon cookies together. This is an x reader book for a reason.

Here's some extra info:
.I do requests based on how much they interest me. So I'm sorry if it takes a long time to get to your request. (Also I have a big habit of straight up just getting sidetracked into doing other things "ooo a butterfly" sorta mentality. So if it takes me a while to get to your request because I'm chasing a metaphorical butterfly at the moment, I apologize.)
.I probably won't respond to requests unless I have a question. So just assume I saw it!
.I might not even do your request (most likely because I find it a hassle to even attempt to write.) and I likely won't straight up tell you I won't do it because I'm too embarrassed. Though there is only a relatively small chance for me to do this so just assume that I will get to it. Eventually. Once I finally catch the butterfly I'm chasing.

Welp, that's all I have to say! Have fun requesting and have fun reading!

(Also bad English/Grammar will be fixed. Eventually)
(I can't English well..)

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