[!Yan!] [! Scientist !] Pitaya dragon cookie X [! Detective!] Reader

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[Guess who's getting wild today.]
[Me. That's who.]
[All the dragons seem to make up my "most viewed" chapters so why not do it again? Pitaya seems like a fan favorite anyway]
[Indulging in the wilder side of fanfiction X reader. This is probably going to be my most..risky..? Shall I say, chapter.]
[No smut tho. That stays a constant. I will not do lemons or anything of the sort.]
[Do be warned tho. This is probably the first chapter I'd constitute as being a bit on the...+18 side.]
[I may be overreacting but I'd rather be safe than taint someone. Yk?]
[God the TW list is going to be brutal.]
[Reader uses: They/Them]
[Second person pov]
[TW: Heavy depictions of Gore + Obsession + Swearing + Limb loss + Non consensual kissing]
[God have mercy on my soul. Really letting my demons run wild for this chapter. Going full yandere]

There it was...
You stepped out of your black and silver car, being greeted by a light sprinkle of rain.
The building in front of you lacked any color or design to it. It was just a dull gray building with barred windows and no sign telling you what this place could possibly be.
Though you guessed this was just what the owner of this building wanted. Standing out far less ment less eyes snooping around.
You looked down at the slightly soaked notes on your clipboard.
This place was supposedly housing an illegal laboratory who were using the citizens from a nearby town as test subjects. The evidence for such an outlandish claim was a sudden spike in missing persons cases. Cookies of different backgrounds were highlighted in these cases. It seems like the law was finally catching up to this crazy.
Which is what you would've said, if all this wasn't still a theory.
While you have gotten a search warrant for this place, the owner was far from being convicted, since all the evidence could just be a freakish coincidence.
That's what you were here for.
You were going to search this building for any clues and question the owner and workers in the establishment.
You were supposed to have backup but said backup never showed up.
This whole case freaked you out, thus why you were scared of going into this all alone.
"Y/N cookie! Have you made it to the location?" Your radio flaired to life in your car.
"Rodger!" You answered. "Entering now."
You shut the car door, walking up to the tanish-white metal doors of the building, knocking on them.
"Oh my! Guessts! At thisss time of night~" A voice echoed from the other side of the door.
You put away your clipboard and grabbed out your police badge as you heard the door being unlocked.
Before you stood a cookie that you could easily describe as "sexy". They were freakishly tall, easily towering over you. They had long white hair complimented by an equally long white lab coat, underneath it the cookie wore a black slack shirt and brown cargo pants. The whites of their eyes were a haunting black color while their irises were a soft white color. Their skin was a light red color and they had scars running down their eyes.
"Oh my. We aren't taking any visssitorss right now! I'm very-"
You cut them off with a flash of your badge.
"I'm a detective in the Almond league and I have a search warrant on this place in regards to the rumors that you're behind the disappearances. Failure to comply will result in you being arrested."
They proceeded to let out the most exaggerated gasp you have ever heard. It took all the willpower you had in you to not laugh at them.
"Oh my! That'ss ssimply no good! I ssupppsse I can make ssome room to give you a tour! Ssstep insside, I mussst grab my map really quick asss I am awful with directionsss." They said, rolling their 's' in a rather obnoxious manner.
"Be quick." You grunted, stepping inside.
The inside of the building was remarkably bland, with pure white walls and ceilings as far as the eye could see. Though it seems that the owner decorated the place with stock photos and plastic plants, making it look a lot like an office.
To the left side (where the cookie had gone off to) there was just a hallway of doors, a similar story was to your right. Up ahead the hallway branched out again, though craning your head to the left side revealed a staircase at the end of the hall.
So there was a second floor.
"Many apologiesss again!" The coated cookie returned with a clipboard in hand. "You guysss ssshould really ssstart telling me when you're going to ssend ssuch cookiesss of sssuch high esssteem! I'm not prepared for thisss."
"I think this will work fine enough." You sighed. "Name?"
"Pitaya cookie! What'sss yoursss?"
"Ssssupppose I'm in no area to asssk questionsss right now. Pleasse, follow me!"
They beconed you to follow them down the straight hallway, towards the stairs.
You followed behind, watching as they opened doors to preteen white offices with a similar lack of detail that the whole building seemed to have.
They guided you up the stairs and to the upper area of the building. You were beginning to suspect that there was no evil project or illegal lab experiments happening here. It just seemed like an office building with an unfortunate location.
Once Pitaya cookie reached the top of the stairs, a bespectacled cookie in a lab coat quickly dashed towards them.
"Oh Pitaya dragon cookie! You couldn't have come at a better time the experi-, Who is that?!"
You raised an eyebrow. "What is happening? Did I hear you say "experiment"."
Pitaya cookie stiffened, chuckling nervously. "Oh! Vanilla extract cookie. Thisss wonderful guessst is a part of the almond police force and isss here to do a routine check on our esstablisshment."
The formerly mentioned Vanilla extract cookie quickly nodded his head. "Oh! Ok! Sorry! We don't get many guests! I was just talking about one of our experimental ventures being a success! No actual cookie experiments! Hahaha.."
You didn't buy it for a moment.
"Also Pitaya cookie?" You mumbled.
"Could you stop lisping like that?"
Pitaya cookie straightened. "Of coursss-..! I mean, of course."
Pitaya cookie grabbed the shoulders of Vanilla extract cookie, yanking him away.
"Give us a moment! I'll be right back!" Pitaya cookie waved, jogging into a room on the left hallway with Vanilla extract cookie.
After you heard the door shut behind them you started running down the right hallway. All this seemed too..fishy..for you. No doubt Pitaya cookie was hiding things from you and on your "tour" you likely weren't going to get the answers you wanted.
All the doors looked the same..all but one.
At the end of the hallway was an extremely out of place, rusted metal door. It seems to have had a padlock on it at one point the lock had been removed granting you the ability to enter and look inside.
You wondered how Pitaya cookie was planning to explain this.
The second you opened the door you were hit with the pungent scent of death. Words could not describe how awful this room smelled.
You, carefully, placed your hand on the wall. Finding a light switch and turning it on revealed the true horrors that this place was hiding.
Inside the room was a wooden staircase leading to a dull cement room. Almost every square inch of the stairs were covered with dry jam and a similar story was painted all over the floor. Pitiful moans and groans echoed from the room as you jogged down the stairs.
The crunching beneath your boots made you sick, it took all your willpower not to vomit there and then.
At the bottom lay an enormous room with cells lining their walls. Within said cells were cookies ranging in forms of deformation. Some still looked like cookies, others had body parts stitched to places they shouldn't be or were just mounds of dough.
It was a sight straight out of a horror flick.
Some of the cookies tossed their heads towards you, others whimpered and most gave no reaction.
The ones that did look at you audibly gasped.
"Please tell me you aren't with those scientists!" A cookie who had eyes dotting her arms whimpered.
"No. I'm a part of the police force."
That got most of them to look in your direction.
"Police...force.." A cookie that had been reduced to a mound of dough struggled to say.
"Police..So, does that mean you're going to save us?! Is help coming?" A cookie whose hair was made up of ash and dough had burn wounds said, voice full of hope.
You didn't have the heart to tell them that you were a part of the lowest police force ranks.
You opened your mouth to assure them but someone beat you to it.
"No. No help is coming. I did some research and your badge comes from the lowest member of the police force! Now isn't that just tragic! So it will be an issue to get police here since you aren't wired nor do you carry a walkie talkie."
You froze, that voice.
"It's a shame! Truly it is. I was actually planning on letting you go before you went and broke into this place! But now I suppose I have to silence you!"
You grabbed your gun, expecting them to still be at the top of the stairs.
Instead two gloved hands flashed into your vision, the right one held a white rag which was quickly smothered over your mouth and nose.
The sweet scent was unmistakable.
This rag was doused with chloroform.
You struggled wildly to get the rag removed from your face. Bumping into one of the iron bars during the struggle, causing your shoulder to light up in pain and agony.
"Ah! Tsk, Tsk. Stop struggling would you~! After all, you brought on yourself by snooping! Though I'm sorta glad you did. I've been itching to get a new test subject for awhile but I didn't really want to go out and kidnap somebody. Thankfully the gods sent me someone dumb enough to just give themselves up!"
This guy was insane!
Pitaya cookie howled with pain, letting go of your face. You shot up, noticing the burned cookie giving you a wink as Pitaya cookie tried to rub something out of their eyes.
You ran back up the stairs, not bothering to attempt to lock Pitaya cookie inside as your timer was limited due to how much of the chemical you had likely breathed in.
"YOU IDIOTS! STOP THEM!" Pitay cookie screamed from the bottom of the stairs.
You took off, tumbling back down to the first floor as you could hear the hurried footsteps of cookies casing after you.
Your vision swam as an overwhelming lightheaded sensation washed over you.
Not yet! Don't sleep yet!
You ran out, grabbing your keys with your left hand. Your eyes noticed movement coming from your car. You must've forgotten to lock the car when you went in.
Inside, a scientist with light pink hair was destroying your police radio.
"Hey!" You slurred out, pointing your gun in her direction and firing off a warning shot.
The cookie ran off, her coat drenched with the rain that had gone from a light sprinkle to a full on shower.
You quickly jumped into the car, firing up the engine. Thankfully it hadn't been tampered with but something told you that if you hadn't gone snooping and asked too many questions to Pitaya cookie, they might have told this cookie to mess with the engine.
You put the car in reverse, quickly (and sloppily), backing out onto the gravel road. The door that the scientists had opened thankfully shut and as you looked in the back of your small police van, there seemed to be nobody hiding inside.
You put the car in drive and looked up, fast enough to see a scientist aiming a rifle at your car's wheels.
There was a bang and you could hear the bullets hit your car.
"Shit!" You cussed, even though they had missed the wheels.
You gunned it, quickly raising the speed of your car as you shot off, determined to put as much distance between your car and them. Even as your eyes felt like lead weights.
You took many different turns, swerving about until you became too tired to drive without the threat of crashing.
Parking the car in a woodland area, you whipped out your phone to call the authorities and tell them of the situation. Only, your phone was dead.
"Fuck! Shit!" You cussed angrily. "Damn old model. Phone piece of shit"
You put the phone away, locking your car up and shutting it down. Climbing into the back you laid down on the floor and placed an old discarded blanket over where you were laying.
You'd just have to sleep until the chemical lost effect and hope those insane scientists wouldn't find you. When you woke up, you'd drive to the nearest city and report your findings.
Sleep came quickly. The second you closed your eyes, sleep claimed you like an ugly parasite.

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