[Request] | [! Yan !] Lotus Dragon Cookie X [! Servant !] reader

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[Omg Sofanthiel is finally doing it.]
[Yeah I get it. This definitely took a while but now I'm proud of the end product sooo..]
[Anyways, Lotussy dragon. The little bean. I love them soo much.]
[Is it concerning that I like their first iteration more than the Dragon chronicles iteration?]
[I just like the life steal Naga dragon more than the champion of cookies they are now]
[Anyway Reader uses: They/Them]
[Pov: Second person]

Looking back on what you had done, it really was an awful idea.
Seriously, breaking into the Lotus dragon's palace to see if the mythical dragon really did exist?
Idiocy like that only comes to you every so often.
Not that it was entirely your idea. Your friend did goad you into doing it but that didn't excuse the fact that you were stupid enough to go along with it.

"Come on..." Your friend Dried Pepper cookie goaded as you two hid behind a bunch of boxes. "They're changing the guards now! We can sneak in easily!"
You got that feeling, butterflies in your stomach as they said. Though it was less butterflies and more like a ball of angry hornets trying to convince you that trespassing was indeed a crime.
"I don't know Dried Pepper cookie..." You attempted to reason with your thrill seeking friend. "Maybe we..shouldn't commit a crime in the most sacred place here.."
Dried Pepper cookie chuckled at your words. He grabbed your hand and started to run towards the bridges that connected the citizen area to the palace gardens and (more importantly) the palace itself.
The two of you quickly ran through the garden, Dried Pepper cookie unceremoniously stepping on all the flowers while you tried your best to avoid destroying them while he dragged you along.
You two finally reached the palace doors. They were large and painted with large lotus flowers (similarly to the ones you ran past on the bridge).
The soft, pastel, green and pink colors would be comforting if you weren't doing the most dangerous thing you could possibly think of.
"Here.." Dried Pepper cookie finally let go of your hand. "Help me push this open would ya?"
You, begrudgingly, helped him open the door. A gust of cool air cascaded over your dough as the two of you quickly scrambled inside.
"See? We made it just fine! Nothing to worry about."
You felt like your intrusion didn't go unnoticed but the lack of guard's coming to arrest you two silenced that strange feeling.
"I guess you're right but-"
"Of course I am!" Dried Pepper cookie huffed. "Y/N you worry too much! Live a little would ya?"
You grumbled at Dried Pepper cookie's enthusiasm towards this whole thing.
"Now come on! Let's go find that dragon!"

The two of you spent most of the adventure weaving through hallways and hiding from the guards that periodically stomped past with large weapons.
The hallways were beautiful to say the least.
Long and stunning, each corridor was adorned with some of the best paintings one could find on earthbread.
Not only that but the amount of large and lush potted plants that seemed to be everywhere. Growing all sorts of plants like bamboo and Hydrangeas.
It was a botanist's heaven and even a little heaven to a cookie like you.
You could imagine curling up on one of the ornate benches with a book and a cup of tea. Reading the day away and occasionally looking up at the plants as a sort of pallet cleanser.

On your way, the two of you passed a large library, full of scrolls and books of all kinds.
This time you were in heaven.
"Oh nooo.." Dried Pepper cookie had groaned, grabbing ahold of you as you started to absentmindedly walk into the room with childlike wonder. "We do not have time for this!"
"Can I just see a few?" You had replied, not taking your eyes off of the shelves. "I promise I won't be long..."
Unfortunately for you, Dried Pepper cookie managed to drag you away, as you cried sadly and mourned the loss of a potential dream day..

Eventually the two of you found yourselves staring at a large set of stairs leading up to a brightly lit room.
The light melody of a mandolin reached your ears.
"This must be it!" Dried Pepper cookie exclaimed, starting his way up the stairs, deep red hair flowed behind him with each step. "Come on! Let's see!"
The two of you walked up to the top, carefully peeking out from behind the wall.
Inside was a large room with water flowing in from an area you couldn't see. Fish lazily swam through the lotus filled water, causing small ripples to cascade from the water's surface.
At the center of the room, was a stunning sight.
A large lotus flower bobbed in the back of the room, there seemed to be a cookie sitting on it though it was hard to tell as there was a curtain obscuring your view.
The mandolin playing suddenly stopped.
"Oh you two look so ridiculous back there. Do come up here and face me would you?" A soft yet powerful voice said from behind the curtain.
You looked down the stairs, noticing a pair of guards quickly stomp up the stairs, spears in hand.
You took the hint and quickly ran onto the small platform leading to the center of the room.
Dried Pepper cookie wasn't nearly as lucky and ended up getting poked in the ribs.
"Ow! Ow! I get it! I'm going!" Dried Pepper cookie hissed, holding his sides as tears began to form in his fiery red eyes. "What the hell! Tell your servants to be nicer!"
"Poetic coming from the cookie who broke into my palace.." The voice retorted.
You glanced at Dried Pepper cookie, giving them an 'I told you so' look.
"Two little cookies wandering in my palace.." The voice mused as the curtain that obscured them from view began to slowly raise. "And yet. I'm not completely infuriated by your presence..how strange."
The curtain, now folded up somewhere, revealed the cookie that had been speaking to you.
It was indeedly the Blue dragon of legend. You could feel it in your dough.
A light sea green body with vibrant green hair and three pink jewels encrusted on their forehead. A body that tapered out into a snake tail similar to nagas of folklore.
Everything about this cookie radiated grace, from their sharp eyes to their silk dress.
"Now..What to do with my little trespassers?" The dragon mused, leaning their head to the side, supporting it with their hand.
Their long claws glittered dangerously in the light of the palace.
The multitudinous amount of extreme punishments that could be enacted ran through your head.
Dried Pepper cookie squealed.
Clearly he was a lot less worried then you were.
"They are real!" He exclaimed to you, placing his dark hands on your shoulders. "I told you!"
A cookie that had been loafing by the dragon chuckled (you believed they were the dragon's servant; Hydrangea cookie).
"Oh dear." Hydrangea cookie sighed. "I think you have more to worry about. Like how are you going to atone for the trouble you've caused Lotus Dragon cookie?"
Dried Pepper cookie chuckled nervously.
"Rrrright..Look, we're very sorry for trespassing and wont do it again! We promise! Right Y/N cookie?"
"Yes! Yes! What he said." You quickly agreed, just wanting to go home.
"Do you believe a shallow excuse like that will earn you forgiveness..?" Hydrangea cookie said venomously (with a smile on her face the whole time).
"Just a moment~."
In the blink of an eye, Lotus dragon was in front of you. Studying you as they hooked a hand under your chin, forcing you to tilt your head from side to side.
"Hmmm..I quite like you~." The dragon muttered, moving in closer as you two were practically touching foreheads. "You'd do well as a servant in my palace."
Your jam ran cold.
Somehow this was the last thing you had been expecting to hear from the dragon.
Dried Pepper clearly thought the same.
"Excuse me?!" Dried Pepper cookie exclaimed.
"Oh? Oh! Such an offer hasn't been made in such a long time!" Hydrangea cookie gushed. "You should be honored."
"Wha-?" You shallowly attempted to understand what was happening.
"The red haired cookie is free to leave. However, this one will become my servant.." Lotus dragon ordered.
"Of course, great dragon.." The servants and guards all said in unison.
"Oh great oven above.." Dried Pepper cookie panicked, running towards you. "We've gotta get out of here!"
He didn't get too close to you as he was quickly restrained by the palace guards and rendered immobile.
"What the hell?! Let go! This is crazy!"
"Take him away." Lotus dragon waved him away, still holding onto you with an iron tight grip. "If he continues being a pest, lock him in the palace's prison."
"No! Y/N cookie!" Your friend shouted uselessly as he was yanked away.
"Dried Pepper cookie! Let me go!" You hissed, trying to escape from the dragon's grasp to go after your friend. "I don't want to be your servant!"
"Oh dear, another fighter..Restrain them."
The second Lotus dragon cookie let you go Hydrangea cookie and another servant held you down in their place.
The dragon grabbed their mandolin off the big flower they had been laying on, sitting down as they began to strum the instrument.

"Seems you'll have to be convinced before you willingly become my servant." They chuckled. "Though we have a lot of time to make that happen.."
They began playing the instrument, though this time you started to wobble, feeling strangely lethargic. The world fading into what could only be described as a hallucination. An illusion that you were still with Dried Pepper cookie.
"What...are you..." You attempted to say, but ultimately couldn't fully express what you wished to say.
"I'm simply granting your wish before you begin your work under me~" Lotus dragon said silkily, a wide smile on their face. "Spending more time with your friend was your wish..How sweet and innocent, and I think that's what I like about you~"
You groaned, the voices becoming harder to hear and now..even the mandolin music was fading.
"Hydrangea cookie. Go start setting up a room for our newest member." Lotus dragon ordered. "I don't think they're going anywhere anytime soon..~"
"Of course, great dragon."
Lotus dragon leaned in, petting your face with one of their hands.
"Oh my sweet little Y/N cookie..I'm sure you'll love it here~."
The palace completely faded as all tiredness left your system.

You were now staring up at the bright blue sky of the town you used to live in..
"Hey! Y/N! You okay? You don't look too good." Dried Pepper cookie asked.
"Huh? I-...yeah I'm okay." You replied, getting up off the soft grass.
"Good! Now come on! Let's go play!" Dried Pepper cookie exclaimed, running off.
You were well aware that this was nothing but an illusion. However, now that you were in the dragon's grasp, any form of escapism was good. Regardless of how much it drained you...
"Wait up Dried Pepper cookie!"
Of course, escapism only did so much.
After all, there was no escaping Lotus Dragon's twisted love...


[Authors note: Omg actually delivering on a promise!!! Woah! But yeah, I didn't mind how this turned out. I hope Lotus dragon wasn't too out of character.
I hope Live Laugh Sleep enjoys this! If they even still read this lol-. I had a lot of fun doing it once I motivated myself to actually do it!]

[Thanks for reading ~Sofanthiel]

[Total words: 1972]

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