[request] Ancient Cookies + [Fem] child reader [Platonic]

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{Yoo, the ancient cookies. Only three of them are done and White lily cookie is an anomaly I can't understand}
{That won't stop me from writing her tho >:3}
{There was, uhm, quite a bit in that read more prompt, like you practically wrote a whole book there. But I'm glad to see my requesters so happy to request.}
{forgive me as I won't use everything in your plot synopsis, as I got an idea I want to write more. But I'll try to use as much as I can!}
{Reader uses She/Her}
{Third person POV (omg)}
{Also this takes place before the great flour war or whatever it was called (essentially before White Lily became Dark Enchantress)}

Y/N was a peculiar child, one may say she was a once in a lifetime child. For she was born with soul jam. Few knew why this had occurred but there was indeedly a swirly piece of soul jam lodged in her forehead.
When Y/N turned about ten, it became too hard to keep her soul jam a secret and often the tribe would be attacked by cookies wishing to use her for her powers.
The tribe was somewhat successful at fending off most invaders, but they were running low on resources and didn't know if they'd truly be able to protect Y/N.
That was until the ancient heroes reached out to help.
They offered to protect and raise Y/N to protect all of earthbread along with them, and she was promptly handed over to them.
Though Y/N didn't really understand that concept.
All she knew is she was stripped away from her family and her home. Only seeing her parents twice a year.

Life with the Ancients wasn't exactly ideal for Y/N. She spent a lot of time honing her powers and studying.
Not only that but she wasn't even allowed to adventure around due to the looming danger that lies outside of the vanilla kingdom's walls.
This naturally led to Y/N's interactions mostly being limited to the ancient heroes.
White lily cookie was probably her favorite. She was soft spoken and had a knack for understanding Y/N frustrations. She was one of the few ancient heroes to indulge Y/N's curiosity, often bringing little knickknacks from the outside world for Y/N to play with. Though recently White lily cookie has been acting rather strange and distant, muttering stuff about making a 'perfect cookie' or whatnot, though she never troubled Y/N with the details, simply smiling and telling Y/N not to worry if she ever asked.
Another ancient cookie she felt extremely close with was Pure Vanilla Cookie. He was also kind and tender, often healing her wounds when she got hurt. He had a lot of knowledge and even helped Y/N cookie with gardening.
HollyBerry cookie wasn't awful. She was a jolly bundle of joy that could always seem to lift Y/N's mood no matter the problem. Though she was often gone attending kingdom matters and such meaning that Y/N saw little of her.
GoldenCheese cookie was even worse. Y/N couldn't even remember the last time she had seen the ancient cookie. Apparently GoldenCheese did visit the others on occasion but the visits were quick.
Dark Cacao cookie was..well..stern. He often helped Y/N with battle training (Despite Pure Vanilla Cookie's protests; "She's just a kid! What kid needs battle training??"). He also seemed unnecessarily harsh with Y/N, though that might be because of his son, Dark Choco cookie.

One day while studying, Y/N felt adventurous. She snuck out of class into the residential district (as the place she was studying and staying was in the Vanilla kingdom). She padded through the outskirts of the kingdom, leaving through a hidden exit that was carved into the kingdom's wall through wear and tear. Normally she wouldn't do that sense White Lily cookie would normally talk her out of it, however she had suddenly disappeared and never returned. Without her to keep Y/N in check she's begun roaming around.

It had been forever since she had seen forests and trees. Being cooped up in the school for so long made her forget the forests she was used to when she lived with the tribe. It felt slightly euphoric as she wandered in further. The trees stretched high above her, obscuring the star speckled night sky.
It was all nice until..
*Tap* *crunch* *tap*
Y/N looked around, stopping in her tracks. Was someone following her?
She glared into the bushes behind her, watching them part and fall away to reveal a bunch of bandits.
"Hey. Isn't this the one?" One of the bandits with bushy white hair grumbled, scratching his chin. "She has soul jam crammed into her forehead.."
"Gotta be her." A cookie with deep crimson hair nodded. "Get her!"
Y/N quickly took off, weaving through the foliage as her pursuers continued to give chase.
Perhaps she shouldn't have gone adventuring.
Suddenly the floor beneath her fell apart causing her to tumble down into a deep part of the forest.
"Where is she?!"
Y/N's left arm felt like it was being stabbed with a hot fork.
"This way! Go! Go! Don't let her escape!"
She went to cradle her arm, only to feel a hot liquid trickling from where her left hand should've been.
Y/N glanced down at her left arm, only to find it partially crumbled, a bloody stump covered in jam was all that was left.
"Oooooh..oooh no.."
Y/N began to hyperventilate, this was too much.
"Y/N! Y/N where are you!?" Dark Cacao's voice echoed.
Y/N let out a pathetic wheeze, trying to ask for help before passing out from blood loss.

Y/N's eyes slowly opened, her left arm was rather numb. She looked over at her arm only to find it in a jelly cast.
"Where?" Y/N stuttered out.
Suddenly the door at the far side of the medical wing opened up to show Pure Vanilla, HollyBerry and Dark Caco cookie.
"Oh thank the ancients.." Pure Vanilla cookie sighed, hugging Y/N cookie. "You're okay."
Y/N sobbed, emotions running quite hot.
"Easy there!" HollyBerry cookie chuckled. "We'll get you some berry juice to help you with the pain."
"She's a kid HollyBerry!" Pure Vanilla cookie hissed.
"R-Ight, bad joke. Sorry.."
Dark Cacao cookie cleared his throat.
"Don't think you're off the hook!" Dark Cacao cookie grumbled. "We're going to make sure you don't do that again..!"
"Oh please don't be such a stick in the mud.." HollyBerry cookie rolled her eyes. "She's hurt, at least try to act concerned!"
The three of them began to bicker amongst each other about Y/N's escapades. Y/N was too tired to stay awake, she flopped onto the soft white bed, closing her eyes.
At least she had such wonderful cookies to help her in this journey. She would hopefully work on her adventurous nature and learn to keep herself safe and not worry her friends with her adventures.
Though somewhere in the back of her mind, she couldn't help but worry where White Lily cookie was.

Perhaps Y/N's adventure wasn't over quite yet.


[Authors note: Holy moly did I absolutely hit a brick wall when writing this. Definitely not my favorite, I'll even go as far as to say this is my least favorite chapter. I think there was a few too many characters to put accurate focus on. Not to mention I'm not to..in the loop, with the ancient cookie's. I felt slightly pressured to put this chapter out just to get it done and I'm very sorry about that. I hope the requester at least gets some enjoyment out of this..
Next up is a update on what I plan to do going forward (some exciting stuff maybe 👀) and a chapter I'm really looking forward to writing because it centers on dragon cookies! Anyway, sorry again. I might need to reconsider what sort of requests I take to prevent this from happening again]

[Thanks for reading ~Cattus 🍪]

[Total words: 1349]

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