[Revised version] | [! Yandere!] Octopus cookie X Reader

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[Oh Neptune they're hot.]
[Microsecond they come out and I'm already giving them a chapter before their story even ends. In my defense...they're hot. And that's all it takes to get a chapter apparently.]
[I think I have a thing for evil looking people in cloaks and Octopus cookie doesn't disappoint]
[I know they're also called Abyss Monarch cookie but like..What kind of a name is that?]
[I really want them to be evil. (Like come on! Slitted green eyes, cloak and they call themselves Abyss Monarch cookie!? That's like, the easiest ticket to an evil character that I'd simp over) But knowing Cookie run, they'll probably be not evil and help Mocha Ray cookie by the end of the story. Or somethin]
[This chapter can be most enjoyed if you've seen the recent breakout story, so I'd recommend watching it beforehand as a lot of these characters might fly over your head if not
[Reader will use They/Them]
[Second person pov]
[TW: Kissing + Blood]
(Didn't like the first version. So I added more to make it feel more complete and less sloppy! Had to republish bc Wattpad wouldn't acknowledge my changes grgrgr) (sorry for any inconveniences!)

There was one memory that you simply couldn't erase from your mind. No matter how long you lived on the Wandercrab, this memory continued to plague you. You wanted it gone, sense all it did was cause you pain. Pain because you could've prevented the loss of a friend if you had just tried harder to help, but now you had to live with the guilt and grief of revisiting this tattered memory.

"Y/N cookie!" You heard a familiar voice echo across the white porcelain walls of the Sugarteara building.
You glanced over and saw one of the high council members, Octopus cookie, waving at you.
Your heart fluttered anytime you saw them, their deep blue hair and enchanting green eyes (which were usually blue but these days they seemed to have changed (not that you were complaining at the time).) always seemed to draw you in. But professing your love always scared you. What if they said no, it'd be so embarrassing, so you bit your tongue and held those thoughts in.
"Oh! Octopus cookie! What is it?"
"I wanted to tell you something. Would you-"
Octopus cookie was cut off by another high council member, Stingray cookie. You found it funny that there was two stingray cookies but she did command quite a lot of authority so it was best not to bring anything up.
"Sorry to interrupt!" She said with a bow. "But I need to speak with you Y/N cookie."
"Oh! Okay!" You spun around to follow Stingray (because you'd rather not get lectured about "being a liability" again.), only to feel Octopus cookie grab your arm.
"Wait!? Won't you wait to hear what I have to say?" Octopus cookie pleaded.
You turned, grabbing both of their hands in your hands, squeezing them slightly.
"I'm sorry, Octopus cookie. Just wait until I finish here, I promise afterwards that I'll listen to whatever you want to say."
"Come along Y/N cookie! We don't have all day. Do stop wasting the high regnant's time with pointless nonsense and come here." Stingray cookie called after you, causing Octopus cookie to glare at her.
"Sorry! We'll talk again very soon!"
The look of disappointment on their face after you said that was eternally burned into your mind.
It wasn't helped by the fact that it was the last time you saw them.
After your meeting, Octopus cookie was nowhere to be seen and nobody could tell you where they went off to either. Though you did notice some mention "good riddance", after you told them of your friends disappearance (How rude!). No matter where you looked or how loud you screamed, Octopus cookie never answered or returned. Leaving you sad and heartbroken. Never able to confess your feelings to them.
A part of you still wondered what Octopus cookie wanted to say to you...

Sugarteara fell not long afterwards.
It still stung. Even now losing your home still hurts all the same. After all, you grew up there, the corruption was undeniable but you still couldn't bring yourself to hate the place.
It was bound to happen, no matter how hated Octopus cookie was they were one of the high council members, without them Sugarteara's fall was inevitable.
You became a wanderer because what else could you do?
Sleep in the ruins of your old home? You weren't like Mocha Ray cookie. You weren't that devoted to Sugarteara, so you wandered.
You were fabulously bad at it.
You didn't pack enough food for the trip and unfortunately for you, your sense of direction was awful. You got lost constantly. Everything looked the same in the open ocean so you just ended up going in different directions.
You eventually ended up wandering down into the lower trenches of the ocean. Starving and weak.
Had you not met Electric eel cookie and taken refuge in the wandercrab, you would have even crumbled not soon after.

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