{Side A} : [! Yandere !] Crème brûlée cookie X Reader

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| [Holy shit, it's been awhile hasn't it.] |

| [I'm hella tired rn. So I'll just give the clip notes version as to why I was gone for so long] |

| [Got a new more intense job. Struggled with feelings. Times flying. Parents are buying a new house. Had zero motivation. New phone issues.] |

| [Though I started to feel bad about abandoning this so here's a chapter] |

| [I'll probably do another chapter tomorrow when I'm hopefully less tired so uhm. I'll explain more then] |

| [They / Them. Gore, murder, distressing themes. Blah blah, I wanna go to bed so weee, let's get this over with] |

"Please! Have your tickets ready when you board the train!"

You carefully moved through the crowd, towards the train cart. Golden ticket in hand.
Making your way to one of the train personnel, watching him stiffen excitedly at the sight of you.

"Oh. My. Crumbs! Y/N cookie! Is it truly you?"

The personal seemed giddy, a wide smile across his face. It would be a little embarrassing but you honestly enjoyed the fact that you could bring such happiness to someone made you happy.

"Why yes it is~! How surprising it is to see a fan of my works here of all places." You replied playfully.

"Oh! Who wouldn't be a fan of such glorious art! I simply must have an autograph!-...as well as your ticket, of course!" The personal gushed before remembering his job.

You smiled, signing a paper on his clipboard as he took the golden ticket from your hand.

"ThankyouThankyouThankyou!!" He squealed, putting the clipboard away. "Anyways-..Ahem..-You may head inside, the conductor will give you a tour of the train! Enjoy your stay!"

The suite was fabulously bland, just a small room with large chairs, a nightstand with a small ornate lamp and a window to stare outside of the train.
It was roomy but it was still repulsively ordinary.

With a sigh, you took out an easel and a small notebook and began to sketch out some ideas for future projects.

*knock* *knock*

You looked up from your drawings, instinctively glancing out the window.
The sun was already setting, orange streaks breaking through the light blue sky.
Ah, you did have the tendency to get so engrossed in drawing that time often tended to slip your mind.

*knock* *knock*

"Yes? Who is it?"

"It's me..."

The voice was unfamiliar, though the response certainly sounded as though you should've known them.
Despite how much you raked your mind, you still had no idea who was on the other side.

"Hello?...it's just me Y/N cookie..-"

"I heard you the first time, but who is 'me'?"

The melancholy voice paused for a moment, as though shocked at the fact that you didn't recognize them.

"..Crème brûlée cookie...don't you remember me?"

|.~*Crumbs*~.| Yandere CookieRun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now