[! Yan !] Abyss Monarch cookie X [Mermaid] Reader

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[Heh. Really dogged on this huh?]
[Anyways, this isn't the siren one but I thought having a sea monster with mermaids plot would be better]
[Hopefully the siren one will be out soon bc I like writing Octopus cookie!]
[Also! Hey! Don't scroll to the story yet! Because I have to tell you to check out the author's note! Not only for my cringe thoughts on my one shots but this time there is going to be some important news for those who wish to follow my writing :)]
[Anyways, Reader uses: They/Them]
[Most characters are mermaids in this too!]
[Second person pov]
[Tw: Gore/Biting]

Living life in the sea was great. Being able to swim about and talk with the other sea creatures was such a joy and you wouldn't change anything about your life.
However as nice as the sea was, there was something that could send a shiver down the spine of any mermaid. The mere mention of their name could send a mermaid seeking the nearest refuge.
They were Abyss Monarch cookie.
Said to have once been a normal sea cookie like everyone else you knew, however one day their heart became tainted causing them to become a horrific sea monster! With innumerable tentacles, eyes and sharp teeth. They were always ready to drag unfortunate souls into the abyss.
Personally you just thought they were misunderstood.
They just needed a friend!
And that's how despite drawing the ire of your elders and the worry of your best friend, electric eel cookie, you found yourself swimming towards the area Abyss Monarch cookie was said to inhabit.
The first thing you noticed was how dark the cave/ravine (you couldn't exactly tell which it was) was. It was like staring at a giant black blob, you couldn't make out any shapes or features.
There also seemed to be no way to tell if the cookie you were looking for was even around and there was nobody around for miles on end in this area so there was nobody to ask.
A small part of you wished you'd brought Electric eel cookie along as their bioluminescent scales could be a bit comforting while staring down this infinite dark patch.
"Uhm..hello?" You called out into the dark, finally gathering enough courage to at least call out to the cookie (though you strictly didn't want to swim into the darkness). "Abyss Monarch cookie?"
How does one even attempt to chat with a flesh eating 'monster'?
"Uhhh...Eat any good sea creatures lately..?" You quickly realized the errors in your wording as Abyss Monarch cookie was said to eat mermaids. "Th-though please don't eat me! I taste really bad..!"
You floated around, watching the kelp beds below sway lazily in the sea currents. Nobody was answering your calls yet somehow you still got the feeling that you weren't alone.
Being the persistent type, you didn't take the hint that maybe you were being purposely ignored.
"Go away..." A loud and tired voice echoed through the sea.
Your eyes widened a bit, you had finally been answered!
The second thing you noticed was something slithering up to you from the darkness. It looked to be something that resembled a large octopus tentacle but due to its deep black hue you couldn't really tell where the tentacle began and ended as it practically blended into the darkness.
Though one thing that caught your attention the most was one bright yellow eye that seemed to be 'attached' to the tentacle. It blinked lazily at you and despite not being attached to a head capable of expressing emotion you could feel its anger and disappointment at being bothered by you.
"Wa-Wait I just wanted to-!"
"I won't ask you again. Leave."
"B-But..Can you see me through that eye?" You swam a little closer to the tentacle, watching it quickly move away from you.
You swam away, a bit heartbroken and startled that you had been shut down so fast...

Though you weren't one that gave up easily.
"Hopefully Abyss Monarch cookie has calmed down.." You mused swimming back to that familiar cavern of darkness (though you did have to spend an hour convincing the elders you were just 'exploring'). "Maybe they were just stressed out.."
As soon as you got close to Abyss Monarch cookie's cave a tentacle quickly lashed out of the darkness, rocketing towards you!
You couldn't even react, let alone even attempt to swim out of the tentacle's reach. It easily wrapped around your body, holding you in a tight grip, as it quickly pulled you into the cave.
"Wah! Woah! Hey, quit that!" You struggled uselessly as your words don't seem to reach (or at least effect) Abyss Monarch cookie.
Before long you found yourself dizzily staring at a cookie.
They were a bit taller than you and were covered in dark black cloaks. If it wasn't for their shining yellow eyes and the muddy green glow around them you might not have even been able to see them. They also had a large eye across their chest.
"O-oh..um..hello.." You quietly said, struggling against the tentacle that still hadn't let you go.
"I thought I told you to leave." The cookie hissed, swimming closer to you. "Why are you back?"
"I-I thought you'd be feeling better.."
You felt your cheeks heat up at the rather stupid answer you had given.
"...I gave you an opportunity to leave. I'm not too hungry but I'll be eating you anyway so you'll stop bothering me."
"Hah. There's no way you actually eat mermaids.." You chuckled.
With one fluid motion, Abyss Monarch cookie shone a light on a pile of discarded mermaid bones.
Abyss Monarch cookie leaned in, opening their mouth to reveal rows and rows of sharp teeth.
"Woah! WOAH! Hold on, wait! Before you eat me please! Let me at least tell you why I'm here!"
The cookie seemed to stop, giving you a sideways glance.
"...Fine. Speak."
You sighed, happy that you'd at least be listened to. Now you'd just have to hopefully convince them to spare you.
"O-Okay so..I just-.."
"You just what?"
"I just wanted to become friends with you!"
"!" Abyss Monarch cookie flinched, clearly not expecting that answer.
"You just seemed so sad and lonely. Just give me a chance! If you don't like my company you can just eat me anyways!"
You soft sobbing echoed through the cave (or at least what you thought was a cave). Abyss Monarch cookie seemed to hesitate, looking down at you with a bewildered expression.
"Fine. Fine!" They stammered out. "I'll give you a chance. Just please stop crying would you?"
You brighten up quickly.
"Really?" You beamed, the tentacle lightly tossed you away, causing you to spin around in the water. Leaving you flailing your arms in a shallow attempt to right yourself.
You glanced around, even though you were only a small ways away from Abyss Monarch cookie the darkness around you was almost suffocating.
You quickly swam over to Abyss Monarch cookie, bathing in the soft glow of their bioluminescent scales.
"The darkness is scary.." You muttered as Abyss Monarch cookie inched away from you. "But I'm glad I get to be your friend!"

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