[!Yandere!] Pitaya dragon cookie X Reader

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(Keeping the dragon hype alive with our glorious greenish  red dragon!)
(Pitaya is more feral here. Think, average dragon behaviors, burning villages and such)
(The story will take place in dragon city and the reader is a part of the dragon hunters)
(Reader uses They/Them. But feel free to headcannon your own preferences.)
(Fic is in the third person)
(This uses a lot of lore told in the newest Crk story so if you haven't been keeping up with CrK this might dampen your experience just a disclaimer)
(!TW: Death/implied decapitation!)

Y/N cookie was a rather distant cookie, who could blame them? They floated into the dragon city after their old home got destroyed by dragons and signed up to be a dragon hunter as soon as they got through the gates. They quickly climbed through the ranks, their coolheaded personality helped them greatly when it came to hunting dragons and kept them from being swayed by even the wiliest of dragons.
Y/N cookie sat down in a dark colored metal chair, they were squeezed next to Tarte Tatin cookie to their left  and Royal Margarine cookie to their right.
Tarte Tatin cookie was one of Y/N's really good friends, some could even say she was like a second mother to Y/N. She was the one that helped Y/N join the dragon hunters on such short notice and guided her through the ranks till they had reached the top.
Y/N owed a lot to Tarte Tatin cookie.
Royal Margarine cookie on the other hand was a different case. Y/N cookie didn't have any strong feelings towards him on either side, he wasn't annoying enough to be hateable but he didn't exactly do himself any favors that made him more likable. He wined a lot, was really flirtatious with all the women in dragon city (to a creepy degree) and tended to drink a lot, to the point that cookies in the tavern would be laughing at his drunken antics.
Not exactly desirable qualities for a 'fellow dragon hunter' in Y/N's eyes.
"Bwrrrrb?" Y/N felt a nudge on their leg, looking down under the guild table they saw it was the Buttercream wyvern. "Warrrble?"
Y/N actually kinda liked the Buttercream wyvern. Initially it scared them due to how close it looked to a dragon, (didn't help that Royal Margarine cookie would call it a dragon every chance he got), but eventually they warmed up to the wyvern.
"So.." Royal Margarine cookie said slowly. "Why have you gathered us here guild master cookie?"
The guild master cookie was a large grizzled fellow. He wore a large dragon skull mask, and a dragon leather cloak. The stories about him were as plentiful as grains of sand in a desert. From him killing over twenty dragons, to him being half dragon and the legend that his face was cursed by a dragon and that's why he never removed his mask. If it happened, there was likely a story about Guild master cookie doing that exact thing.
"You've all likely noticed that the dragon's valley is warming up by the day." Guild master cookie boomed, "That is a sign that the fearsome greenish red dragon is awakening yet again.."
The guild erupted in a storm of worried cries and conversations.
"The greenish red dragon is awakening again!?"
"It's so soon though!"
"Didn't they burn the CookieVale in under an hour! Killing all the residents!"
"We should run away!"
"What if they attack us? We're so close to the dragon's lair!"
"SILENCE!" Tarte Tatin cookie yelled, causing the other members to slowly quiet down. "Since when do dragon hunters back down from a fight?! Don't you all remember, if we don't hunt dragons, they hunt us.."
Y/N cookie noticed Royal Margarine cookie visibly wince at Tarte Tatin cookies words.
"Correct." Guild master cookie said. "We aren't standing down. Place the Dragon city under lockdown!"
A lot of cookies bowed, uttering a quick 'yes sir!' and running out of the hall.
"Y/N cookie. Could you come with me for a moment?" Tarte Tatin cookie asked, beckoning them to follow.
Y/N cookie nodded. "Of course!"

The Dragons city always smelled like smoke, ash and grilled foods. It wasn't all that bad once you got used to the lack of trees and constant heat.
"What did you want to say to me Tarte Tatin cookie?" Y/N asked, tilting their head to the side.
"I wanted to thank you for all the help you've given me." Tarte Tatin cookie said, slinging her right arm over their shoulder. "And that'd I'd be honored to fight alongside in this coming battle."
"This..coming battle?"
"Of course. Don't tell me you actually thought Guild master cookie wasn't going to send us out to slay the greenish red dragon?"
"Oh-..I- yeah.." Y/N cookie chuckled, slightly embarrassed.
Tarte Tatin cookie let out a laugh. "Oh, hopefully our fellow guild members will be useful in the coming fight. Few top Pinky berry cookie and you."
Y/N cookie stifled a laugh. "Ahm, yes-. Weren't they found out a couple of years ago to be Hollyberry cookie?"
"Ah yes! I suppose Hollyberry carries more majesty than Pinky berry."
The two cookies burst out in laughter as Tarte Tatin cookie slapped Y/N cookies back playfully.
"Well I'll let you go to bed now! You'll need the rest for the long day tomorrow!"
"Oh of course. Same to you!"
"I need to go find where Royal Margarine cookie is so I can tell him what I told you."
Y/N cookie rolled their eyes. "Knowing him, he's probably at the tavern."
Tarte Tatin cookie laughed. "Yes, he'll probably be drunk by the time I get there."
Tarte Tatin turned heel, walking away with a wave.
"Welp. Guess it's time to get some rest." Y/N cookie huffed, walking towards home.

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