[! Yandere !] White Lily cookie X Reader

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[All my white lily cookie enjoyers rise.]

[Along with a crippling obsession with Shadow milk I'm also battling an addiction with White Lily]

[Also I'm battling a cold to. That sucks too.]

[Anyways, real talk. I've got a bunch o' ideas for new books because; like a wise me said: "I'm both the most bored, busy, lazy and easily distracted person on the planet and I cope by having a shitton of ideas."]

[One of them is a book about the silver faeries except they act more like faeries from folklore bc I watched one video of 'Home safety hotline' and went "omg me tho?!?!?"]

[The other idea is a more dedicated book on Yandere shadow milk cookie. Like instead of just scenario's it'd be an actual dedicated story.]

[I also might experiment with more raunchy theme's because I want to.]

[Also might add some White Lily cookie to it cuz holy shit do I wanna kiss her so badly.]




[Anyways yeah. I just don't know if the story will be set like, in standard CRK, or in a semi modern state or maybe the mc (Or reader depending if I feel like writing Y/N a thousand times) will have like, a portal to a place like wonderland in their closet.]

[Omg Narnia real???]

[Anyways, feel free to shoot me your thoughts in the comments or just call me out for engagement baiting idk]

[I just wanna have civil conversations without the feral shadow milk comments going on .]

[Tho tbh kinda on me for adding that one scene into the king shadow milk chapter..]


[Reader uses they / them]

[! TW: Manipulation/ Swearing !]

(Do I even need to mark swearing anymore lmao??)


"Hello, White Lily cookie!"

You waved at the tall student, her soft white hair was neatly tied in a ponytail that looked to have taken hours to make.
She looked over with her very sad looking milky red eyes, she constantly looked on the verge of tears, it saddened you.

"Oh, hello Y/N! How were your exams?"

You sighed as you continued to walk over to White Lily cookie. You weren't very astute, often failing to understand certain concepts.

"...You wouldn't want to know.."

White Lily cookie giggled at your shyness. "Hehe..I got first! So don't worry, I'm already getting hounded by everyone at the school."

|.~*Crumbs*~.| Yandere CookieRun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now