[🎃 Halloween Special 🎃] | [Demon] Okchun cookie

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| [Guess who.] |

| [Yup I am back from the dead to deliver another mediocre chapter] |

| [Just, sorta not been feeling it lately. Been busy with irl stuff, got a new job so now I'm gonna be working more, how fun.] |

| [Also I've been absolutely obsessed with Pokemon Horizons.] |

| [I have zero idea how they've made such great designs for their villains but god are some of them hot as all hell.] |

| [Amethio, Oynx, the absolute god tier legend known as Spinel. Holy god, I am not sane when it comes to Spinel man 😔] |

| [I literally so want to see fanfics of Spinel (I am not mentally well I am aware.)] |

| [I sorta wanna roll the dice and create a Yandere x reader story for Spinel bc I might as well contribute to my own problem. I think it'd be fun to make an chapter based yandere story instead of oneshots sense it's easier to make a believable relationship in a chapter based story than in only 1400 words.] |

| [Also it'd give me another relationship book to write besides Crumbs lol. So I don't constantly have to worry about lore and world building. :glances as secrets below the waves:] |

| [But what do you all think, should I follow my heart's desire or stop shooting myself in the foot.] |

| [(if I get no answers I'm gonna follow my heart . Ah the illusion of choice.)] |

| [Anyways. This isn't really an X reader chapter more than it is just straight up horror so 🙃] |

| [Cry in the comments or somethin idk. Decided to focus more of horror then romance on Halloween omg] |

| [Reader uses they/them] |

| [Second person pov] |

| [⚠️ TW: Intense blood / Graphic depictions of gore⚠️] |

{👻 Spooky scary skeletons 👻}

"Demon in the Yakgwa village. That's what we're investigating." You sighed, walking down the forest floor, dead leaves crunched under your feet. "Now please remember this time so I don't have to educate you lot again.."
"Yeah, Yeah, I'll remember to ask you again in another ten minutes." Melted chocolate cookie chuckled, pushing his melty brown hair out of his face. "But, seriously, why couldn't Gim cookie handle this? Doesn't he live close to the Yakgwa village?"
"That lazy lump of flour handling anything?" Crumbled dough cookie sighed, her bluish eyes glanced around dully. "You'd be better off asking a brick wall to exorcize the demon.."
"Awe give Gim cookie some credit would ya?" Melted chocolate cookie chuckled. "He sometimes goes out and helps!"

Your group naturally joked and goofed around until you guys eventually reached the Yakgwa village.
If only the rest of the job would be as humorous.

As you three sat in the brightly decorated magistrate hall, Crumbled dough cookie seemed to be getting more and more distressed. She'd tap her foot nervously on the wooden floor, much to Melted chocolate cookie's dismay.
"Do you really think there's a demon here?" Crumbled dough cookie whispered with a slight tilt of her head. "Or just paranormal activity."
"I honestly hope it's just paranormal activity.." You sighed, unenthusiastic to the prospect of encountering an actual demon.
"You guys are no fun! I didn't come out to the boonies just for a Gloomfeeder or some other lame ghost to end up being the problem." Melted chocolate cookie said jokingly, brimming with enthusiasm. "I came here to fight a demon and I better get that damn demon!"
"You're insane..." You sighed.

|.~*Crumbs*~.| Yandere CookieRun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now