Important update 2 - Electric boogaloo

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No- I'm not canceling Crumbs. No worries there I'm still planning on continuing this at the..snails pace (for lack of a better term) I've been going at.

Rather this update will simply be outlining what progress I've been making and where the Sofanthiel brand is headed. And towards the end I'll even be addressing y'all and might even want some feedback from those who wish to give it/ care about what I'm doing beyond the whole writing cookie run x reader stuff that's sorta helped me get my feet in the writing world.

Firstly. My WoF like book is going great! It's prototype name right now is Tales of Karion (though Talons of Karion is a close second). Though the drawing process is..definitely taking longer than I first thought as I continue expanding the scope of this idea. I still have the land map to complete and I'm prototyping and underwater map for any aquatic dragons! Sooo definitely a lot more drawing is required before this idea even considers starting its drafting phase. I still have yet to draw the tribes and more refine the core idea of the story so, yes. In my first update I grossly underestimated the time this is going to take (should've known tbh I'm lazy as hell). I'd say the first book chapter being released is likely going to be pushed back to Late winter of this year to Late Spring of 2024. The ABSOLUTE latest being Late Summer of 2024. Regardless this gives me more time to refine the idea so I don't release something I'm no doubt going to hate bc I was rushing the process.
Though there will be Tales of Karion content likely coming soon as there is plans of a guide book being released before the actual book. This will detail Animals, Plants and Traditions that will be featured in Tales of Karion. With illustrations by yours truly (yeahhh my art is sucky but I want this passion project to come to fruition). This book will likely be out sometime in the autumn so keep an eye out ^.^

Secondly, this will be a less detailed section.
7th dragon - Quest for Salvation will be updated periodically. I hate setting deadlines for myself (updates every Monday. That stuff.) Due to my ever changing mood. But updates will (hopefully) be frequent.
Also the chapters will be much shorter due to long chapter books taking a lot out of me.
I'm thinking it won't be a very long book and will likely be finished sooner than later. Considering how easy it is to write books with sorter chapters! It's a bit liberating tbh lol-

And lastly. I have a plan for another Au story I wish to share with y'all. And I get it, I'm branching out quite a bit for being 'that user that writes yandere cookie run' and very few are probably all that interested but I still wish to share my ideas here!
If it helps the Au book will be cookie run centric.
Also, I am welly aware of the fact that this is a lot of book ideas but ofc. The goblin had a sudden surge of motivation so might as well start making promises that'll bite me in the behind later.
The story will center around the sea cookies (Lobster, Ice captain, Peppermint, Sorbet shark, Sea fairy, Mocha Ray, Octopus, Black pearl so on and so forth.) in a sorta, pirate/sea monster Au. With Lobster cookie being one of the main antagonists, a very powerful pirate.
Other villains will likely be; Black Pearl cookie, Oyster cookie (her evilness potential is soooo there and I can't resist), Octopus cookie and if the next CRK update gives us more material to work with the list will grow.
The main factions in the book will be; The Navy (sorta the good just guys), the pirates and those allied with the sea monsters under Black Pearl cookie.
Though there will be some side groups like the crème republic and (if I feel it fits) that CRK religious group might get mentioned.
Our story's hero will be a part of the Navy and will be investigating the corruption lying dormant in the ocean and the Crème republic.
Some cookies will even be adapted and changed to fit the narrative. (I'll tell you one. Almond cookie being a part of the navy. Rejoice. Literally only added him so we have more cookies that fit in the navy subplot. (Also Caviar cookie may be a part of the navy too though that's still a heavy 'if'.))
Now, here comes the part where I ask for your thoughts. If anybody would be interested in this and I'm going to write the Mc.
I've got three choices;
1. Make it a self insert book (essentially mc will just be Y/N)
2. Make an oc to fit the role of mc. Essentially what I'm doing with 7th dragon - Quest for salvation as Alice is an oc (in a way)
3. Just write in the PoV of a cannon cookie. (By far my least favorite option)

I'm definitely leaning towards option two simply to make it than you know. Just adding my own twist idk I don't know how to explain it ig. But if people really don't want me to make it an oc book I won't.
Also I'm still trying to decide whether the characters will be described liked cookies ([Name] cookie/ skin being called dough / blood being called jam.) or just describing them more in a human sense or just a hybrid of the two like I do in crumbs.
Regardless I kinda just want to know if this would be worth my time going through the whole process of; make cover, write, proofread etc.
As for the book itself it'll likely be on the longer side and might even be a two book series (though maybe not..)
I will be drawing the cover (:yippee:) and ideas for a name could be: Secrets of the sea / Lies below the waves / Bodies below the ocean / Wonders of the water /
Ofc y'all are always welcome to ask questions on anything I mentioned here and give suggestions/feedback. I'll try my best to respond!

Regardless that's my plans going forward. And I do realize I'm giving my Crumbs fanbase the short end of the stick but Crumbs was always meant to be a side project. Crumbs was more or less there as a way to show me that I do know how to write and I'm not a failure when it comes to writing's done exactly that. I mean, 2k reads! I know it's not much but it means a lot to my self esteem tbh and now that I know what I can truly do I'm starting to delve more into passion projects.
Crumbs is not ending, I'll still be trying to post new content to this but at the same time I wish to pursue more of my passion projects. The type of stuff that'll make me more happy. I know not everyone from here will want to read the content I've been listing above and I understand.
I just want to let those that are in this purely for Crumbs know that it'll still continue! And I hope that me putting more focus and well...advertising these new projects won't upset y'all too much.

Rant aside! Thanks for reading and even for supporting me! I know it's cheesy as hell but I've gotta thank y'all. Those who've followed me, those who've put Crumbs in their reading list, those who've just stopped by and read! Y'all are what helped me get the courage and confidence to pursue these new ideas and I just have to mention how much it means to me 🥰.

Sofanthiel is having some big projects on its way! So stay tuned and I hope at least some of you are half as excited as I am about this! (Because if not that's a bit embarrassing for me .///.)

After this you can enjoy your regularly scheduled Sofanthiel cookie run x reader content so have fun!

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