[! Yandere !] [Platonic] White Pearl cookie X Reader

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| [Another day another slay] |
| [Ahh local trauma baby. I wonder how your story ending will invalidate what I've written here and make me look like an absolute fool.] |

| [Ahem. Anyways] |
| [My mermaid hyper fixation is going wild today] |
| [Hopefully I won't be hit with the 'runs out of motivation' bc this is fun.] |

| [Reader is implied to be a child so this is obviously 100% platonic.] |
| [Platonic Yandere's are fun to write tho ngl] |

| [I hope y'all are liking the unrelated memes I'm using] |

| [Reader uses They/Them] |
| [Second person pov] |
| [TW: Blood/Jam + Losing eye] |

~.[She may not have been able to protect you last time, but she will this time..].~

You used to love the ocean.
Spending all your time on the beach, searching for shells and other pretty beach things.
So when your family sent you to board a ship going to a neighboring village, you were over the moon!
Little did you know the terror that awaited you.

You sighed, moving around on the ship looking for something you could do. You didn't expect that being on a ship would be so boring (though boredom might be better than constantly being hassled by the pirates, but that fact hadn't dawned on you).
"Agh!" A grunt echoed from under the deck.
Usually you'd ignore such things (you weren't much of a snooper) but you were just so bored so you decided to investigate. Skipping down the stairs to the underbelly of the ship.

"Argh! I need to get back to the sea!"
You peeked out from the stairs, noticing all of Abalone cookie's 'trophies', those mostly being rare sea creatures.
But one stood out to you.

In a large fish tank there was a large cookie inside.
Was cookie even the right description?
After all it had the body of a cookie but where their legs should be, there was a fishtail.
Her whole body was a muted pink color and her hair was a light white. She seemed to have a pearl stuck in her forehead and was decorated with other sea jewels.
Lest to say she was very pretty.

"Woah..." You breathed out without thinking as the cookie's (?) head snapped in your direction.
"Who's there?! Go away, twoleg!" The creature hissed at you.
"Eep! I'm sorry! Don't hurt me!" You cried, a little terrified of what the creature might do to you even though she was behind a plain of glass.
"...I...I'm...did..did I scare you..?" You heard the creature worriedly ask. "..uhm...I'm sorry..? I won't hurt you little one.."
"..y-yeah..Of course..Come here.."
You got up, walking towards the fish tank as the cookie (?) pushed her hand through a small hole in the top of the tank mesh.
You shook the cookies (?) hand.
"Tell me a story please. I'm bored."

You learned that the creature's name was White Pearl cookie, and that she was a gem mermaid.
She had been taken from the sea after a ritual called the sea foam rite.
You felt a bit bad for her but she was sure to tell you that she wasn't mad at you personally.

You wanted to save her! You really did.
Always daydreaming about being a hero and swooping in to return her to the sea.
But with your, begrudgingly, tiny stature, you couldn't even dream of getting some of the sharp objects that had been placed out of your reach (After all, Abalone cookie wasn't looking to be sued).
And you figured out the hard way that cookies couldn't punch through glass.

You found yourself constantly going to see White Pearl cookie as she was one of the few cookies that wouldn't constantly bully you.
Your parents were rather wealthy, and that was pretty much the only reason why you got allowed onto this ship.
And the crew made their disdain about this transparent.
If you ever tried to get them to play or 'pester' them with questions they'd snap at you.
Oftentimes leaving visible reminders to stay out of their hair.

|.~*Crumbs*~.| Yandere CookieRun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now