[!Yandere!] Lychee dragon X Reader

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[Sorry lotus. The lychee idea came first.]
[Why did they have to make the literal lust dragon a tiny little gremlin?]
[I feel like the rambutan tribe arc got heavily overshadowed by the fact that Longan dragon suddenly got released right after in the storyline so I'm gonna give them more focus!]
[Reader is a shipwrecked cookie that joins the rambutan tribe]
[Reader uses They/Them]
[Second person pov]

You used to be a paladin in the crème republic and quite a popular one at that. You were incredibly diligent at your job, helping you climb the ranks and reach a level of adoration similar to that of Madeline cookie.
One fateful day, the convocation of elders sent you and a couple other paladins to protect a merchant ship. Seems simple enough.
However the ship ended up sailing off course, getting sucked into dark murky waters. The last thing you could remember was a large shadow suddenly appearing from the water before the entire ship crumbled and you were dropped into the deep waters.

"Ugh...What on earthbread..?" You groaned, sand sticking to your dough and waterlogged clothes. "Urgh. I'm all soggy..."
You got up slowly, you were extremely sore, soggy and exhausted.
Though you didn't get much time to process what was happening to you as a spear was rudely thrusted towards your face.
"Who are you!?" The spears wielder shouted at you. "Have you brought monsters?"
You grumbled, reaching down to your sword sheath, ready to defend yourself despite being so badly injured.
"Halt! They're hurt and obviously haven't brought any monsters!" A commanding voice boomed from somewhere close by.
"S-Sorry, chieftain.." The cookie stammered, backing away.
You let out a soft sigh of relief, as a hand extended into your line of sight.
"Sorry for the horrible welcome. I'm Rambutan cookie, let's get you patched up!"

Rambutan cookie was rather nice. She helped you learn where exactly you floated off to and got you situated in her tribe until you could get a certain mode of transportation to take you home.
The 'monsters' that the spear wielding cookie was talking about turned out to be very real and very ugly.
Large one eyed creatures that came in many different shapes and sizes that'd often attack the village at night and attempt to steal away cookies.
As a paladin, it was your sworn duty to fight off any danger, this was naturally included as you'd run in screaming "may the godly light guide me!" before jumping into the frey.
Thankfully the monster's hides were rather soft.

There was one thing that did worry you though. A small, frankly creepy, cookie who's name was Magosteen.
Unlike the other kids in the village (most of whom fawned over your sword skills), Mangosteen cookie seemed rather odd. They were always at the site of a monster attack, they seemed to have an odd aura about them and no matter what Mangosteen did, nobody ever seemed to care.

A cookie disappeared while near Mangosteen? Eh, it doesn't matter.
Monsters keep appearing near Mangosteen? It's likely just a horrible coincidence.
No matter what, you made sure to stay away from Mangosteen as much as possible.

How! Dare! THEY!
Lychee dragon was livid, they slammed their scythe on the rocky cave floor, causing some of the monsters to flinch and run away.
Their plan was going so well up until this STUPID paladin came out of nowhere and was now ruining all of their plans.

"Who does this cookie. Think. They. ARE!" Lychee dragon cookie hissed, causing their mind controlled servants to glance in their direction.
If they didn't do something soon...
Lychee Dragon shuttered at the thought of disappointing the great Ivory Dragon.
It seems they would have to make the first move and quickly get rid of this paladin before Y/N cookie completely ruined their plans.
The problem was that Y/N cookie avoided them like they were rotten jellies, making their power of suggestion useless (which drove them mad).
Thankfully, Lychee dragon had a plan. A foolproof plan to get closer to the paladin...

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