[!Yan!] [!Monster!] Hydrangea cookie X Reader

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[Hydrangea cookie is incredibly underrated and not written enough. She's so creepy an sarcastic and I love it!]
[In this Au. Hydrangea is a sort of, forest flower monster. And I'll even incorporate the..hydrangea clones (no really, when gingersus and friends get thrown out of the lotus palace they say the workers there "look like hydrangea cookies twins" and it was never further elaborated on how Lotus dragon has all these cookies that look like Hydrangea soo..)]
[Reader will be adventurous and naïve (a dangerous combo). With a family]
[That was a lot of information but I suppose one would need it when dealing with an au]
[Reader uses they/them]
[Second person pov]
[TW: Disturbing topics ig..]

Your town bordered a large forest, a forest full of fog, mystery and monsters. The most popular monster rumor regarded a forest Cookie named Hydrangea. Supposedly she took the form of just an average wandering cookie, preying on travelers that took pity and tried to help her. The specifics of what she'd do once she got her hands on a cookie varied from story to story but they all ended in the cookie's family finding a corpse covered in parasitic flowers.
It was obviously a story meant to scare kids into never exploring the forest, but you were an exception.
Y/N cookie, famous adventurer and slayer of monsters was your made up title.
You had yet to actually see a monster, let alone explore the forest.
But all that was going to change.
Your parents were very upset at how adaminte you were about going into the forest because it would get you into a lot of trouble and possibly bring shame to your family ("why does your child want to go to the monster forest?!") but you wouldn't be swayed.
And tonight would be the night when you'd go to the monster forest.
You wandered around your baby-blue star speckled room, newfound confidence racing through your veins as you looked around at the various objects strewn on your bed.
Flashlight, batteries, bandages, anti crumbling cream, anti rotting spray and sugar bug spray (useful to spray in a monster's eyes perhaps, since you couldn't get your hands on your parents pepper spray). You'd spent the last week studying your parents sleep schedule so you knew the most optimal time to leave.
You glanced at the digital clock next to your cake hound bed.
You heard a click from across the hall, signaling that your parents were in bed and the opportunity you had been waiting for had finally come.
You slid open your window, it was a two story house but you had made a makeshift ladder made of sheets, rope, pipe cleaners and other random junk. You tied it to a nail attached to the side of the house near your window. Making sure it was securely attached you grabbed onto it, sighed, and swung out carefully. Thankfully it supported you, allowing you to crawl down onto the freshly trimmed grass. You grinned happily taking off towards the forest.

The forest was actually rather scary, especially at night. The long untrimmed grass that always seemed to have a thick layer of dew and a light layer of fog seemed to linger around every corner no matter where you went.
Maybe it was all this that contributed to the downright confusing layout of the forest. You found yourself becoming extremely lost, and the loud howls that seemed to range from far away and right next to your ear didn't help.
For once you found yourself truly afraid.
You were quickly regretting this idea, finding all of your courage fleeing by the second. You quickly found yourself running around wildly, weaving through the trees in the direction you thought you had entered but after about two minutes of running you had made zero progress and you had lost all your energy, breathing heavily.
"Hah..Mommy..hah..I should..hah..have listened..hah.." You panted out breathlessly, fear overtaking you.
For a moment you completely forgot about the monsters, you were so terrified that you forgot to quiet down to avoid having monsters hear you and now it was time for you to pay.
Footsteps, coming fast and from behind. You hardly had a chance to react before the footsteps were directly behind you, coming to a stop. Yet you did try to grab your sugar bug spray..
"Oh? Oh! Are you lost traveler?" A melodic voice echoed.
You whirled around with widened eyes to find a cookie behind you. She was wearing a long purple gown that covered her hands along with equally long green pants. Her soft green hair was covered by a sun hat and her eyes were a soft lavender color.
She was enchanting, yet eerie.
"Uhm. Yes ma'am." You nodded, knowing that you were completely lost and needed help, you let go of your bug spray as it would be rude to just spray a cookie in the eyes on the grounds of being a little eerie.
She giggled softly. "Allow me to guide you home then..~" Beckoning you to follow as she turned around walking in the direction you thought led deeper into the forest but you honestly couldn't tell.
"Okay.." You nodded, this being your only chance of escape led to you stifling your common sense for the moment as you rushed after their fleeting visage.

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