[! Yandere !] Red Panna Cotta Cookie X Reader

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| [Ah, nothing like a hot cookie to completely make me put off any requests] |

| [They really do just give their best designs to npc cookie now huh] |

| [Though even if they do become playable Ovenbreaks new gatcha system is complete ass 😅] |

| [I- Don't even know they're pronouns. It's not mentioned in the story and I've heard people use both he and she] |

| [I mean, I could make an educated guess based on their design but it doesn't sit right with me] |

| [Istg if I figure out their gender was mentioned in like the dev teaser video or somethin. Too lazy to check regardless...] |

| [I'll just use they/them for now and change it once they pronouns get mentioned or someone tells me] |

| [This story strays quite a bit from the lore] |

| [Red Panna Cotta Cookie takes on a more, harpy like appearance with bird feet and more defined wings] |

| [Your family are monster catchers and attempt to catch rare creatures] |

| [Lastly dessert paradise is more of a wild forest then some sacred place in this fic] |

| [Reader uses They/Them] |
| [Second person Pov] |
| [! TW: Gore + Slight nsfw + light cussing !] |

{~*Going from helping them out of a trap to being caught in their trap*~}

Monster wrangling is what your parents did.
Catching and selling exotic beasts is how your family afforded such a lavish lifestyle.

You..absolutely hated it.
Watching creatures sadly look up at you through cages and listening to them cry as they got caught in the sharp teeth of bear traps.
It broke your heart, you couldn't bring yourself to follow in their footsteps.

Having a sort of tenuous relationship with your parents allowed for you to not have to help them with monster wrangling.
But it also meant they never listened to you when you would ask them to stop.
Though today, you'd take a more direct approach to the wrangling problem.

You got up from a lawn chair stationed right outside your house.
A loud clanging sound echoed through the woodlands, sounding a lot like the chains attached to one of your parents' traps.
Looking through a window, you saw that your parents hadn't yet noticed the noise so, with slight hesitation, you ran into the forest, following the sound.

Finding the trap was easy, though what had been caught was what truly transfixed you.
They were some sort of harpy cookie.
Their large white wings (which were located where normal cookie hands would be) had light red stripes falling through them, creating a syrup-like effect.
They had deep red leg feathers and sharp bird talons.
On their head they had a bright red crest and a red jewel embedded in their forehead, almost seeming to hold the crest in place.
They also wore regal robes on their body, further confusing you. Weren't they a monster?
Their light and sharp red eyes stared angrily at the bear trap, where their right leg had gotten caught inside.
Their wings flapped uselessly, attempting to gain altitude but the traps chain (which was attached to a tree) made that impossible.

You carefully stepped out of the bushes, trying to appear as timid and passive as to not scare the cookie.
Though that seemed impossible as the second you stepped out, the cookie's head snapped around to look at you.
Their eyes narrowed and darkened as they stopped attempting to fly off and landed, taking a more aggressive stance.
You flinched, trying to think of ways to calm the monster down as trying to rush the trap might get you bit if you weren't careful.

|.~*Crumbs*~.| Yandere CookieRun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now